The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, 245-246. sējumiWest Publishing Company, 1918 |
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acre-feet affirmed alleged amount appellee application assessment assignment attorney bank bankrupt bankruptcy Bettendorf bill cause of action cent charge Circuit Court Circuit Judge City claim Clallam county Comp complainant contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals court of equity creditors decree defendant defendant's Digests & Indexes directors District Court District Judge ditch duty Elliott Bay employé entitled equity evidence execution fact federal court fendant filed fly paper held indictment infringement involved irrigation issued judgment jurisdiction jury Key-Numbered Digests land lease lien ment mortgage motion negligence Ohio owner paid parties patent payment person petition plaintiff in error ports possession prior proceedings purchase purpose question railroad reason receiver reference rule Stat statute stockholders suit testimony thereof tion topic & KEY-NUMBER trial trustee United Washington Company writ