Pamphlets on Forestry. Fish and Game, 10. sējums1924 |
No grāmatas satura
2. lappuse
... shall be construed to incla the first and last days thereof . Close season ... if such a foreign - born person shall not have been admitted to citizenshi ... any clause , sentence , paragraph , or part of this act shall for an ...
... shall be construed to incla the first and last days thereof . Close season ... if such a foreign - born person shall not have been admitted to citizenshi ... any clause , sentence , paragraph , or part of this act shall for an ...
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Bieži izmantoti vārdi un frāzes
abundant Agriculture Alaska areas bear beaver Biological Survey brant breeding burrows California cent close season commission commissioner conservation coot County crops Dates inclusive deer Devils Lake ducks eggs farmers feet Fish and Game Fisheries forest Fort Clark fur animals gallinules game and fish game animals game birds game warden geese ground habits hatching Hungarian partridge hunters hunting license inches issued jacksnipe killed Lake land laws magpie Mandan mice mink Missouri River moose mouse muskrat nest nonresident North Dakota open season otter partridge Pembina permit pheasant Possession and sale prairie Prohibited methods Propagation protection rabbits raccoon range reported resident restrictions on skins ring-necked pheasant ruffed grouse Sept Shipment and export shooting skins legally taken skunk snipe species specimens sportsmen squirrels tail tion trap trappers trees Turtle Mountains Unlawful valley quail weasel wild Wilson snipe winter wood duck woodcock young
Populāri fragmenti
25. lappuse - ... transported into any State or Territory, or remaining therein for use, consumption, sale or storage therein, shall, upon arrival in such State or Territory, be subject to the operation and effect of the laws of such State or Territory enacted in the exercise of its police powers, to the same extent and in the same manner as though such animals or birds had been produced in such State or Territory, and shall not be exempt therefrom by reason of being introduced therein in original packages or...
134. lappuse - This species infests a great variety of plants, and is to be found throughout our country from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
6. lappuse - The secretary of the treasury is hereby authorized to make regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of this section. Sec. 242. It shall be unlawful for any person to deliver to any common carrier for transportation, or for any common carrier to transport from any state, territory, or district of the United States, to any other state, territory, or district thereof...
16. lappuse - Indians may take at any season auks, auklets, guillemots, murres and puffins, and their eggs for food and their skins for clothing, but the birds and eggs so taken shall not be sold or offered for sale.
24. lappuse - Provided, That nothing herein shall prevent the transportation of any dead birds or animals killed during the season when the same may be lawfully captured, and the export of which is not prohibited by law in the state, territory, or district in which the same are captured or killed: Provided further, That nothing herein shall prevent the importation, transportation, or sale of birds or bird plumage manufactured from the feathers of barnyard fowls.
26. lappuse - That if on investigation by the collector before seizure, or before trial for forfeiture, or if at such trial if such seizure has been made, it shall be made to appear to the collector, or the prosecuting officer of the Government, as the case may be, that no illegal importation of such feathers has been made, but that the possession, acquisition or purchase of such feathers is or has been made in violation of the provisions of the Act of March 4, 1913, chapter 145 (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large,...
24. lappuse - Territory, or district thereof, any foreign animals or birds, the importation of which is prohibited, or the dead bodies or parts thereof of any wild animals or birds, where such animals or birds have been killed or shipped in violation of the laws of the State, Territory, or district in which the same were killed...
28. lappuse - ... adopted at the Sixteenth Legislative Session of this state. Section 13. Any person who violates any of the foregoing provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than three months or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
150. lappuse - The great success he made and his excellent qualifications to fill the higher position of assistant to Dr. T. Gilbert Pearson, president of the National Association of Audubon Societies, led to his accepting an offer to come to New York at a far larger salary.
24. lappuse - The importation into the United States, or any Territory or District thereof, of the mongoose, the so-called " flying foxes," or fruit bats, the English sparrow, the starling, and such other birds and animals as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time declare...