Legislative Branch Appropriations, 1961: Hearings, Eighty-sixth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 12232U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960 - 150 lappuses |
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additional administrative Admiral CHEW air defense Air Force Base Air Station aircraft amount appropriation approved armory Army Army National Guard asking authorized aviation bill BOMARC BRENKWORTH budget Capehart Capehart housing Capitol Captain CORRADI Chairman Colonel EVANS Colonel JACKSON Colonel PARKHILL Command committee construction program Corps Department DREYER engine equipment estimated cost existing fiscal year 1960 Fort Bliss Fort Huachuca Fort Shafter Fort Sill funds going hangar hospital included increase installation JOHN STENNIS land Library of Congress line item maintenance ment mess military construction million missile mission MUMFORD National Guard Naval Navy Norad operations percent personnel present proposed Public Law quarters radar record request Reserve runway SEEMAN Senator HAYDEN Senator SALTONSTALL Senator STENNIS space square feet statement STEWART storage tion Training facilities U.S. Army U.S. Senate units utilities
Populāri fragmenti
22. lappuse - Envelopes and Document Franks. Franked envelopes for mailing speeches and documents are furnished to Senators and Representatives, who are also furnished with franks for mailing documents, printed singly or in sheets with perforations at the option of the Member. The expenditures for franked envelopes and document franks in the fiscal year 1968 amounted to $546,434 for 121,542,800 envelopes and 4,165,500 franks.
222. lappuse - California in accomplishing its mission to maintain and operate facilities and provide services and material to support operations of aviation activities and units of the Operating Forces of the Navy and other activities and units, as designated by the Chief of Naval Operations.
143. lappuse - GROUNDS .STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL CARE For necessary expenditures for mechanical and structural maintenance, including improvements, equipment, supplies, waterproof wearing apparel, and personal and other services, $879,000, of which not to exceed $20,000 shall be available for expenditure without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended.
211. lappuse - ... research, development, and test work as assigned ; and to provide services and material to other activities and units as directed by competent authority.
191. lappuse - US SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, Washington, DC The subcommittee met at 10 am, pursuant to recess, in room 1114, New Senate Office Building, Hon. Spessard L. Holland, chairman of the subcommittee, presiding.
236. lappuse - The final project in this group is at the Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Station, Yuma, Ariz., for seven line items at a cost of $4,121,000. The mission of this station is similar to that of the other Marine Corps air stations mentioned previously, and its major task is to support Air Fleet Marine Force Pacific units. It supports one Marine aircraft group (reinforced) ; one rotational Marine aircraft squadron ; and one Air Force aircraft control and warning squadron. The first line item in this project...
11. lappuse - A publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely.
134. lappuse - Competitive bid sales include the following: (a) Sealed bid sales. In sealed bid sales, bidders shall be required to submit, to the office designated for receipt and opening of bids, sealed written bids on authorized bid forms for public opening at a time and place designated.
131. lappuse - Administrator may authorize the abandonment, destruction, or donation to public bodies of property which has no commercial value or of which the estimated cost of continued care and handling would exceed the estimated proceeds from its sale.
134. lappuse - Advertising. Adequate public notice shall be given to each offering for sale of property to be disposed of after advertising. Except where the nature or condition of the property does not permit, advertising shall be made in sufficient time previous to sale to permit full and free competition. The extent of solicitation shall have due regard to the quantity and type of property to be sold, the logical market of disposal, the type of sale contemplated, and the public interest. (a) Advertising media...