TO BE CONTINUED QUARTERLY AND ANNUALLY. BUTTERWORTHS' WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CASES [NEW SERIES] Vols. I. and II. EDITED BY HIS HONOUR JUDGE RUEGG, K.C. AND DOUGLAS KNOCKER, ESQ. BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. Price 7/6 net per vol. Postage 5d. each extra. Particulars of the volumes in the old seriesMinton-Senhouse, " Workmen's Compensation Cases," Vols. I.-IX.-post free on application. BUTTERWORTH & CO. 11 & 12, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR, W.C. THE 1880, AND THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT, 1906. WITH THE STATUTES RELATING TO AND CASES DECIDED ON THE COUNTY COURT RULES OF PROCEDURE THE HOME OFFICE REGULATIONS AND FORMS; TOGETHER WITH NOTES AND CASES DECIDED IN THE BY HIS HONOUR JUDGE RUEGG, K.C. WITH THE CANADIAN NOTES BY F. A. C. REDDEN, Of the Ontario Bar. Solicitor of the Supreme Court, England. Eighth Edition. LONDON: BUTTERWORTH & CO., 11 & 12, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. CANADA LAW BOOK COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA. PHILADELPHIA. WH PREFACE TO EIGHTH EDITION. HEN the last edition of this book was published in July, 1906, the Workmen's Compensation Act of 1906 had just come into force. Consequently the book contained no decisions of the Courts upon either the scope or the wording of this very important statute. Since this time a very large number of decisions have been pronounced, some of them being of the first importance. An acquaintance with these decisions is essential to the practitioner who may be required to advise upon, or conduct cases under, the Act. The present edition contains not only all the cases of importance which have been considered in the Superior Courts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, but in many instances a comparison of these cases, and an enunciation of the principles upon which they are founded, or which are deducible from them. As in previous editions, cases in the County Courts, which have not been appealed, have, except in exceptionable circumstances, been omitted. The decisions upon the Employers' Liability Statutes in force in Canada have been added in the form of footnotes, and the Statutes themselves appear in the Appendix. It is hoped that these additions may increase the utility of the book. TEMPLE, February, 1910. ALFRED HENRY RUEGG. |