Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Industrial statistics. Pt. III, 16. sējumsDepartment of Internal Affairs, Bureau of Industrial Statistics, 1889 |
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10ΤΗ ΜΑΝ 4ΓΗ ΜΑΝ 9ΤΗ ΜΑΝ Age of association assist Average daily wage Average Earnings Average monthly earnings Blacksmiths blowers board of directors boys building and loan building associations building society Carpenters Cash expenditures Cash receipts cent chimney collieries committee convention coöperative days Earnings DAYS IN OPERATION delphia Earnings per day employés Engineers factories fiber Firemen flint glass Fort Pitt free shares glass workers ground rent Heaters helpers Highest Individual Earnings industrial interest Knights of Labor loan associations Lowest Individual Earnings machine Machinists manufacturers matured stock meeting miners month mortgage Noble comb Number of days number of shares Office number organization Paid withdrawals payments phia Phila Philadel Philadelphia Pittsburgh premiums president profits real estate Rollers savings banks secretary shares borrowed sliver stockholders strike Teamsters tion Total gains Total number trade unions Watchmen withdrawals and matured wool workingmen workmen yarn