covenant not to assign is not broken by an involun tary alienation by operation of law, or by deposit of the lease as security for money received, because this is not a parting with the lessee's interest.45 require that the premises be put and left in better repair than they were at the date of the covenant.48 A covenant to deliver up in good repair sometimes includes a stipulation to surrender all improvements made upon the premises by the lessee during the term; in such case every addition, alteration, annexation, or erection made by the lessee during the term, to render the premises more available, comfortable, profitable, or useful will be included. 49 In covenants to repair there is generally an excep § 10. Same Same - Covenant to deliver in good repair. As a general thing a lease contains a covenant on the part of the lessee to deliver up the premises at the end of the term, in as good repair and condition as they are in at the date of the lease, natural wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted. Under such a covenant the lessee will ❘tion made as to "damages by the elements or acts not be bound to put up new buildings in the place of those which have been destroyed by fire, and the like, unless there is a special covenant to repair and rebuild. Thus it is said by the Supreme Court of Mississippi in the case of Levy v. Dyess, 46 that a covenant to "re-deliver or restore the property in the same condition or plight," or other words of like import, does not bind the tenant to rebuild in case of casual consumption by fire; that such covenant amounts to an agreement simply to take ordinary reasonable care of the property, according to its nature, and to surrender possession at the expiration of the term." Such a covenant does not in any manner not inconsistent with the terms of the lease. Crommelin v. Thiess, 31 Ala. 412; S.C., 70 Am. Dec. 499. Compare McBurney v. McIntyre, 38 Ga. 261. Smith v. Putnam, 20 Mass. 221; Jackson, ex d Schuyler, v. Corliss, 7 Johns. 531; Doe, d. Mitchinson, v. Carter, 8 Durnf. & E. 57; S. C., 4 Rev. Rep. 586; Croft v. Lumley, 6 H. L. Cas. 672; S. C., 27 L. J. Q. B. 321. 45 Doe, ex d. Pitt, v. Hogg, 4 Dow. & Ry. 226; S. C., 16 Eng. C. L. 196. 46 Levy v. Dyess, 51 Miss. 501; S. C., 3 Cent. L. J. 221. 47 "To repair and deliver up" has been said to bind the lessee to rebuild in case of loss by fire during the term. (Nave v. Berry, 22 Ala. 382.) “Το deliver up" simply imposes an obligation against holding over. (Nave v. Berry, 22 Ala. 382.) "To surrender in good condition" renders the tenant liable for waste, through resulting from accident, occurring without his fault. (Parrott v. Barney, 2 Abb. 197.) "To keep the premises in a good state of repair" obligates the lessee to restore buildings destroyed by fire. (David v. Ryan, 47 Iowa, 642.) "To repair" obligates the lessee to rebuild in case of the destruction by fire or other casualty. (Levy v. Dyess, 51 Miss. 501; S. C., 3 Cent. L. J. 221.) "To uphold and repair" imposes loss by fire or other casualty upon the tenant. (Levy v. Dyess, 51 Miss. 501; S. C., 3 Cent. L. J. 221.) "To keep up all repairs" has reference only to doing ordinary repairs, and does not bind the lessee to insure against natural wear and decay. (Polack v. Pioche, 35 Cal. 416; S. C., 95 Am. Dec. 115. Same of Providence;" but such exceptions extend only 48 West v. Hart, 7 J. J. Marsh. 258. It is said in the case of Thorndike v. Burrage (111 Mass. 531), that the leaving of a cart-load of ashes, brickbats and rubbish by a tenant on quitting the demised premises is not a breach of his agreement to peaceably yield up the premises in good, tenantable repair. 49 French v. Mayor, 16 How. Pr. 220. 50 Polack v. Pioche, 35 Cal. 416; S. C., 95 Am. Dec. 115. 51 Nave v. Berry, 22 Ala. 382; Thorndike v. Burrage, 111 Mass. 531, 532. 52 Estep v. Estep, 22 Ind. 114; Gill v. Middleton, 105 Mass. 477, 478; S. C., 7 Am. Rep. 548; Leavitt v. Fletcher, 92 Mass. 121; Elliott v. Aiken, 45 N. H. 30, 36; Doupe v. Genin, 45 N. Y. 119; S. C., 6 Am. Rep. 47; Post v. Vetter, 2 E. D. Smith, 148; Sheets v. Selden, 74 U. S. 423; bk. 19 (L. ed.), 166; Gott v. Gaudy, 22 Eng. L. & Eq. 173. 58 Gibson v. Eller, 13 Ind. 124, 128; Leavitt v. Fletcher, 92 Mass. 121; Phillips v. Stevens, 16 id. 228; Abby v. Billups, 35 Miss. 618; Walton v. Waterhouse, 2 Saund. 422. 5+ Gibson v. Eller, 13 Ind. 124, 128; Leavitt v. Fletcher, 92 Mass. 121; Wells v. Castles, 69 id. 323; tion to restrain the lessee from committing any kind made, 1 particularly where the assignment is made by of waste. 55 § 12. Same-On part of assignee and sub-lessee. Unless restrained by the terms of the lease a lessee may sub-lease the whole or any portion of the premises, or assign the whole or any portion of the term. 56 In the case of a sub-lease there is no privity of estate between the the lessor and the sub-lessee, consequently there is no liability on the part of the sub-lessee to pay to the lessor the rent reserved in the lease; his only liability is to the lessee, who in turn is responsible to the lessor. 57 But where there is a right on the part of the lessor to re-enter on the part of the lessor for non-payment of rent, a sublessee may pay his rent to the original lessor, in order to protect his possession. 58 But where there is an assignment of a portion or the whole of a term, a certain privity of estate subsists between the original lessor and the assignee, and the latter is liable on and for the covenants of the lease, which run with the land pro tanto.59 This liability of the assignee of the lessee to pay to the lessor the rent reserved during the time the term remains vested in him, does not depend upon actual entry and possession, he being held liable before entry Elliott v. Aiken, 45 N. H. 30, 36; Warner v. Hitchins, 5 Barb. 666; Post v. Vetter, 2 E. D. Smith, 148. 55 Steward v. Winters, 4 Sandf. 587. See Maddox v. White, 4 Md. 79; S. C., 59 Am. Dec. 67, 70; Douglass v. Wiggins, 1 John. Ch. 435; Barrett v. Blagrave, 5 Ves. 555. 56 See Den v. Post, 25 N. J. L. 285; Roberts v. Geis, 2 Daly, 535; Jackson ex d. Weldon v. Harrison, 17 Johns. 66, 70; Pike v. Eyre, 9 Barn. & C. 909; S. C., 17 Eng. C. L. 401; King v. Aldborough 1 East, 597. 51 See Dartmouth College v. Clough, 8 N. H. 22; McFarlan v. Watson, 3 N. Y. 286; Jennings v. Alexander, 1 Hilt. 154; Harvey v. McGraw, 44 Tex. 412; Amsby v. Woodward, 9 Dowl. & R. 536. 58 He may do this even though there be no demand, nor threat of legal proceedings. Peck v. Ingersoll, 7 N. Y. 528. 59 Woodhull v. Rosenthal, 61 N. Y. 382, 391; Davis v. Morris, 36 id. 569; Doe v. Bateman, 2 Barn, & Ald. 168; Doe, d. Wyatt, v. Byron, 1 Man. Gr. & S. 623, 626; S. C., 50 Eng. C. L. 623, 626. 60 There is some disagreement among the authorities upon this point, but the better rule is thought to be the one stated in the text. See Johnson v. Sherman, 15 Cal. 287; S. C., 76 Am. Dec. 481; Babcock v. Scoville, 56 Ill. 461; Simonds v. Turner, 120 Mass. 329; Sanders v. Partridge, 108 id. 556; Wall v. Hinds, 70 id. 256; S. C., 64 Am. Dec. 64; Felch v. Taylor, 30 id. 133, 139; Willi v. Dryden, an instrument under seal;62 but before such assignee will be liable to the lessor for the rent reserved he must, by virtue of the assignment, have either actual possession or an immediate right to the possession of the premises. 63 The purchaser at an execution sale of a lessee's interest in a lease is liable for the rent reserved to the lessor the same as one taking an assignment of the term from the lessee, and this whether he had possession or not. 64 Such assignee or purchaser of the term of a lease may discharge himself from all liability thereunder by assigning to a stranger, even though such stranger be a beggar, a married woman, a prisoner, or a person leaving the State, where the assignment is executed before his actual departure; and this is true even though made for the express purpose of avoiding the responsibility." The fact that a sub-lessee is not liable to the lessor for breach of covenants and rent, and that an assignee is, renders the distinction between a subleasing and an assignment an important one. The essential distinction between an assignment and a sub-leasing is simply this: If a lessee, by any instrument whatever, whether reserving conditions or not, parts with his entire interest he has made a complete assignment; if he has transferred his entire interest in a part of the premises he has made 52 Mo. 319, 322; Smith v. Brinker, 17 id. 148; S. C., 57 Am. Dec. 265; Damainville v. Mann, 32 N. Y. 197; S. C., 88 Am. Dec. 324; Van Schaick v. Third Avenue R. Co., 8 Abb. Pr. 381; S. C., 30 Barb. 189; Tyler v. Heidorn, 46 Barb. 439, 452; Van Rensselaer v. Smith, 27 id. 154; Childs v. Clark, 3 Barb. Ch. 52; S. C., 49 Am. Dec. 164; Jackson v. Harsen, 7 Cow. 323; S. C., 17 Am. Dec. 517; Jackson, ex d. Van Schaick, v. Davis, 5 Cow. 123; S. C., 15 Am. Dec. 451; Journeay v. Brackley, 1 Hilt. 477; Bagley v. Freeman, id. 196; Wright v. Kelly, 4 Lans. 57, 60; Jackson, ex d. Williams, v. Miller, 6 Wend. 228; S. C., 21 Am. Dec. 316. 61 Babcock v. Scoville, 56 Ill. 461. See Damainville v. Mann, 32 N. Y. 197; S. C., 88 Am. Dec. 324. 62 See Sanders v. Partridge, 108 Mass. 556. 63 See Hannen v. Ewalt, 18 Penn. St. 9; Wickersham v. Irwin, 14 id. 108; Thomas v. Connell, 5 id. 13. 64 Smith v. Brinker, 17 Mo. 148; S. C., 57 Am. Dec. 265. 65 Johnson v. Sherman, 15 Cal. 287; S. C., 76 Am. Dec. 481. See Van Schaick v. Third Avenue R. Co., 8 Abb. Pr. 381; S. C., 30 Barb. 189; Childs v. Clark, 3 Barb. Ch. 52; S. C., 49 Am. Dec. 164. an assignment pro tanto. If he retains a reservation | protection, but until completed further details can in himself, however small it may be, he has made a sub-lease.66 NEW YORK. JAMES M. KERR. ANTI-TOXIC SERUM A SUBJECT-MATTER FOR A PATENT. THE new treatment of diphtheria has been the occasion of such interest that it may be useful to deal with the matter from a legal point of view. There is good ground for saying that the process for obtaining this substance in its improved form is the subject of protection under our patent law. The protection applied for relates to methods for the production of the anti-toxic serum - the isolation of the essential elements, its purification, and probably concentration. The process of obtaining the anti-toxic serum seems to be: (1) Obtaining the micro-organism known as the diphtheria bacillus; (2) obtaining the toxin of diphtheria; (3) injection of the latter into, say, a horse; (4) after about three months a certain amount of blood is taken from the horse; (5) the serum is separated; (6) and further treated. With reference to step No. 1 the latest papers from Germany rather point to some doubt as to the particular bacillus which gives rise to diphtheria. Steps Nos. 2, 3 and 4 are explained by Dr. Roose in the Fortnightly of December in the following words: "The method of preparing antitoxin is as follows: The animals which are to furnish the anti-toxic serum are rendered immune by the subcutaneous injection of the toxin of diphtheria. This toxin is formed when the virulent bacillus is grown in broth; after three or four weeks the culture is sufficiently rich in toxin to be used. The animals employed are horses in good health, previously shown to be free from glanders. The culture, filtered through a porcelain filter, yields a clear liquid with which the horse is inoculated by injection under the skin. Gradually by repeated injections, extending over two or three months, the horse is brought into a condition in which its serum possesses very high anti-toxic properties" (p. 881). Steps Nos. 5 and 6 form the subject of provisional 66 Woodhull v. Rosenthal, 61 N. Y. 382, 391; Bedford v. Terhune, 30 id. 453, 454, 457; S. C., 86 Am. Dec. 394. See Collins v. Hasbrouck, 56 N. Y. 157, 163; S. C., 15 Am. Rep. 407; Constantine v. Wake, 1 Sweeney, 239, 251; Lloyd v. Cozens, 2 Ashm. 131, 138; Doe v. Bateman, 2 Barn. & Ald. 168; Pluck v. Digges, 5 Bligh. (N. S.) 31, 65; Palmer v. Edwards, 1 Doug. 187; Langford v. Selmes, 3 Kay & J. 226, 229; Hicks v. Dowling, 1 Ld. Raym. 99; Parmenter v. Webber, 8 Taunt. 593; S. C., 4 Eng. C. L. 293. not be given. On December 8, Dr. Sims Woodhead gave an interesting lecture at the College of Physicians on the subject of the anti-toxic serum treatment. The audience was informed how the toxin was prepared, and that the horse was the animal usually used; but the manner in which the ultimate product was obtained was left to imagination. Perhaps Dr. Sims Woodhead took it for granted that what ought to be used is the blood serum, such as is served out by Dr. Roux. In Germany there are two firms which supply the article to the hospitals - namely, Farbwerke vormals Meister & Brüning and also Chemische Fabrik aus Actien vormals E. Schering. So long as the discovery is made by physicians, and the invention lies in the hands of eminent men of medical science, there would, of course, be little probability of their discoveries being patented in England so as to exclude the public from the possible benefits to be derived from the product. It will be found, however, that patents are being applied for by manufacturers, and sooner or later the question of the validity of the patent will come before the courts. In some European countries medicines and the like are not allowed to be patented. Take, by way of example, France, where pharmaceutical compounds and medicines of any kind cannot be patented. Rules of the same kind prevail in Sweden, Switzerland and other countries, while in Germany and Austria neither medicines nor foods can be patented. In the case of Germany and Austria they seem to allow fractional processes for obtaining either medicines or food stuffs. In Germany a patent may be sustained where the subject-matter is very fine by proving a "new technical effect," and possibly this principle will be applied when the inventors are applying for a German patent for their present discoveries. In England, however, there is no reservation in favour of the public of medicines and the like; in fact, many substances used by the medical profession form the subject-matter of a valid patent. For example, the preparation of salicylic acid from the carbolate of soda, and, coming to more recent times, anti-pyrine, salol and many other preparations, not only form the subject of patents, but the patentee's rights are respected. None of those patents have been discussed on the question of subject-matter; and perhaps the nearest case is the preparation of lanolin, decided during the present year to be the The Statute of subject of valid letters patent. Monopolies does not help us in the consideration of this question. The words "Any manner of new manufacture" have been held to include electrical and chemical inventions, whereas at the date of that statute there was practically no such thing as an electrical invention, and chemistry was practically T IRISH CHIEF BARON. A JUDICIAL HUMOURIST. unknown in its industrial application. The present AN IRISH LORD CHIEF JUSTICE ON AN invention differs from all these, as the product is not so much the result of mechanical or chemical action, but is principally due to bacteriological action. Where, however, a new product is obtained it is certain that a new process has been invented. The serum is a complex body, and its composition is by no means simple. The extent of the new treatment is still under discussion, but there is no doubt that there are contained in the serum some act ive principles which are useful for the treatment of diphtheria. It is, at the same time, certain that the serum also contains matter which is detrimental and liable to cause trouble to the patient. Any process, therefore, which enables the good part to be retained and the injurious part to be rejected constitutes subject-matter for letters patent. Another important point of the invention lies in the concentration reducing the serum to one-tenth of its bulk. Assuming that the improved product possessed but a small part of the qualities attributed to it, there can be no doubt that letters patent would be sustained. Supposing that valid letters patent are eventually granted, there may be some curious cases of infringment. The patent grants the sole right to "make, use, exercise and vend." The person, therefore, who has been cured by infringing material is liable for the consequences of infringement. This question of infringement may bring into play a section of the Patent Act, 1883, hitherto neglected. Section 22 provides for a compulsory license in the event of the patentee refusing to grant licenses on reasonable terms, and "if the reasonable demands of the public cannot be supplied." This section of the act has been very little used, but the section has by no means been a dead letter, as there are instances where foreign manufacturers have taken measures to create works in England for the purpose of controlling the manufacture in their own hands, and of obviating the necessity of granting licenses under the section. Law Journal. CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS DAMAGES. Where plaintiff, a traveling salesman, received as compensation a certain salary, his railroad expenses, and a certain percentage of the amount of his sales, such percentage is not profits" in the sense of that word as used in the decisions discussing the right to recover profits as such in actions for breach of contract; and, in an action for damages sustained from having received personal injuries, plaintiff may recover such percentage, and, in order to lay a foundation for such recovery, may show the extent and amount of his ordinary business. (Rio Grande Western Ry. Co. v. Rubenstein [Colo.], 38 Pac. Rep. 76.) HE Right Hon. James Whiteside, who was lord chief justice of Ireland from 1866 till 1876, in an article written in 1830, and entitled "The Irish Exchequer as it was in 1829," gives the following description of the Irish Lord Chief Baron O'Grady of that time, who was afterward created Viscount Gauillamore. A person, says Mr. Whiteside, but indifferently skilled in the art of physiognomy might from his countenance form a tolerably accurate judgment as to the temper and character of Chief Baron O'Grady. Cynicism, it may be fairly concluded, forms the most prominent feature of his character. He seems to have laid it down as a rule, from which it would be criminal in the extreme to deviate, never to suffer the opportunity of saying a severe thing to escape, no matter how galling it may be to the feelings of the person against whom it is aimed. This cruel propensity renders him no great favorite with the junior bar, toward whom his manner is not unfrequently discouraging and repulsive. Thus, when a young barrister had resumed his seat, after having zealously labored for two hours to convince the court, Mr. Whiteside records that he heard the chief baron observe, in his customary drawling and uncourteous style, “Well, sir, all that may be very fine, but I confess I cannot understand it." In this point of view he was no respecter of persons, as the following anecdotes will sufficiently demonstrate. Mr. Crampton, an eminent King's counsel, who was afterward a judge, having in a law argument cited Palgrave's case with confidence, and relied upon it with great emphasis, the chief baron observed with his usual politeness: "Mr. Crampton, you have taken that case from some abridgment. Palgrave was neither the plaintiff nor the defendant, but the lawyer who conducted the cause, and who was remarkable for nothing but his ignorance, hence it was called Palgrave's case; and I dare say that, if ever this case should be cited hereafter as a precedent, it will be known by the appellation of Crampton's case." A scene which occurred with a different sort of person deserves to be commemorated. Sir William Stamer, a portly, consequential alderman of the venerated corporation of Dublin, a magistrate and terror of all evil-doers, when sitting as a foreman of a jury, interrupted the chief baron at a critical moment by vehemently protesting he could no longer endure the intensity of the cold, and begging permission to wear his hat. His lordship, casting an affectedly sympathizing glance on the half-frozen baronet, dryly replied, "Sir William, it is not usual for gentlemen to wear their hats in courts of justice, but if a wig would answer I am sure the members of the bar will kindly accommodate you with a good fit." The alderman sat down confounded and abashed. There is, says Mr. Whiteside, a class of shabby lawyers in Dublin whose practice is exclusively confined to the defense of criminals at Green street, the Irish Old Bailey. These gentlemen are sometimes clamorous and contumacious; the chief baron, however, had the happy knack of bringing them to a proper sense of their situation. One of these barristers having, on the trial of a pickpocket, been employed as counsel for the prosecution for lack of any other, assumed on this occasion an imperious air, and took special care to reiterate loudly and frequently for the information of his lordship that he was counsel for the Crown. The chief baron bore this patiently for a time, till at last, provoked by his pertinacity, when the pompous little gentleman, elated with the unwonted honor, again exclaimed he was counsel for the Crown, his lordship kindly remarked, "Yes, sir, and I believe sometimes for the half-crown, too." When presiding in the town of Mullingar, in the criminal court, two culprits were put on their trial for an atrocious burglary; a flaw being discovered in the indictment, an acquittal was directed, when counsel for the defense, proud of his display of forensic skill, confidently demanded of his lordship to discharge his injured clients from the dock. "Oh, thank you," said the sagacious chief baron, "you will allow me, if you please, to get half an hour's start of your clients out of the town." Mr. Whiteside gives some curious instances of the brevity of Chief Baron O'Grady's charges to juries. On the trial of a criminal for stealing stockings several witnesses deposed to his good character, after which his lordship charged the jury in this concise, or rather comic, strain: "Gentlemen of the jury, here is a most respectable young man, with an excellent character, who has stolen twelve pair of stockings, and you will find accordingly." Upon the trial of an action for debt to which the Abstracts of Recent Decisions. CONTRACT BY WIFE-SEPARATE ESTATE. - Where a married man makes application for life insurance, and his wife, in the absence of the husband, agrees to take the policy on condition that it be made payable to her, and gives her note in payment of the first premium, her separate estate is charged with its payment. (Mitchell v. Richmond [Pa.], 30 Atl. Rep. 486.) CORPORATION FRANCHISE TAX - RECEIVER. Where a receiver has been appointed for an insolvent corporation, and has taken possession of its assets, and exercises its franchises, he is a necessary party to a petition by the State for an injunction to restrain the further exercise of any franchise or transaction of any business of the company by him because of non-payment of the State franchise tax. (In re George Mather's Sons Co. [N. J.], 30 Atl. Rep. 321.) CRIMINAL LAW-BAIL-RECOGNIZANCE. - It is no defense to a recognizance that it was taken and acknowledged before the clerk of the district court, where this was done by order of the district judge, made at the request of the accused, and to secure his speedy discharge. (Hunt v. United States, U. S. C. C. of App., 63 Fed. Rep. 568.) DECEIT DAMAGES. - Where defendant sold plaintiff a stallion by means of false representations as to his breeding abilities, plaintiff, on recovering a verdict in an action for damages, can recover the cost of keeping the stallion a reasonable time for the purpose of testing him. (Peak v. Frost [Mass.], 38 Pac. Rep. 518.) DEED - CONSTRUCTION. - Where land is conveyed to a trustee for the sole and separate use of a married woman, giving her full power to sell and convey the property, and it is provided that, in case she dies without disposing of the property by deed or will, the trust shall cease and determine, and the property shall revert to and vest in her husband, held that, on the death of the wife, the property defendant had pleaded as a set-off a promissory being undisposed of, an equitable fee-simple title to note of somewhat long standing and an old brokendown gig which he had furnished the plaintiff, the following charge was spoken with infinite gravity by the learned chief baron: "Gentlemen of the jury, this is an action for debt to which the defend ant has pleaded as a set-off two things a promissory note, which has a long time to run, and a gig, which has but a short time to run. The case seems clear. You may find for the plaintiff. "- Law Times. Rent accruing after an assignment is not a debt entitled to share in the assets of the assigned estate. (In re Wiman's Estate [Penn.], 30 Atl. Rep. 389.) the land vested in the husband. (Yore v. Yore [U. S. C. C., Mo.], 63 Fed. Rep. 645.) EASEMENT-DRAINAGE. -A deed to part of a tract of land, reserving to the grantor, his heirs and assigns, the right to use a certain drain across the premises, creates an easement of drainage over the land conveyed. (Jones v. Adams [Mass.], 38 N. E. Rep. 437.) EQUITY-JURISDICTION. - Equity will not take jurisdiction of an action to recover a simple debt on the ground that a pretended payment thereof was fraudulent. (Cary & Moen Co. v. Moen [Mass.], 38 N. E. Rep. 505.) : |