Lapas attēli

"He recognized me." He was then asked if plaintiff had ever seen him before and replied in the negative, whereupon he was asked what plaintiff said to him that caused him to think that plaintiff recognized him. His answer quoted plaintiff's language to him given above, his reply being, "He called me a 'lunk-headed old fool."" It is needless to say that it took some time to restore solemnity in the courtroom.- The Green Bag (Boston).

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The Veteran of Bull Run.- One day not long ago I met a soldier who had been wounded in the face. He was a Union man, and I asked him in which battle he had been injured.

"In the last battle of Bull Run," he replied.

"But how could you get hit in the face at Bull Run?" I asked.

"Well, sir," said the man, self-apologetically, "after I had run a mile or two I got careless and looked back."-New York World.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Gillette Razor

[blocks in formation]




Exact size of a Gillette blade



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Each Razor Set has 12 thin, flexible, highly-tempered and keen double-edged blades. These blades are sharpened and ground by a secret process.


He can procure

24 Sharp Edges. Each Blade
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Ask your dealer for the Gillette." Accept no substitute.
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WARNING! The Gillette Patent No. 775,134 covers all razors having a thin
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Beware of Infringements.
Write to-day for our interesting booklet, which explains our 30-day FREE TRIAL
OFFER. Most dealers make this offer; if yours does not, we will.

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DAY'S White Paste 3 Months Free

with wonder and admiration for the plea of the plain-DAY'S White Paste


"Defendant need not speak," he said. wins."

66 Plaintiff

But, your Honor," said the attorney for the defendent," at least let me present my case." "Well, go ahead, then," said the judge wearily. The lawyer went ahead. When he had finished the

judge gasped in even greater astonishment.

66 Don't it beat all!" he exclaimed. "Now defendant wins."-The Green Bag (Boston).

Much below Zero.- We have heard some exciting Yankee stories, but never remember to have come across a more truly blood-curdling narrative than the following. You may not believe it, of course:

It's the paste that
but doesn't leave a sticky
look. It's always ready in
our Handy Paste Jar, for

Office or Home
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Sample Sent Free
Have your dealer get Day's.
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DIAMOND PASTE CO., 80 Hamilton St., Albany, N. Y.

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"When I was out on the Platte in 1882," said the
Restores Gray, Streaked or Bleached
Major, "I had an experience that I wonder didn't turn
Hair, or Mustache instantaneously.
Gives any shade from Light Brown
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to Black. Does not wash or rub
that historic stream, and had occasion to go for some
off. Contains no poisons, and is not
sticky nor greasy. Sold by all
water to boil my beans in. First thing I knew I druggists, or we will send you a Trial size for
stepped plump into a quicksand. I knew what was Postpaid; large size (eight times as much) 60 cents.
218 Nichols Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when


If you are interested in any kind of investment, Oil, Mining, Plantation, Industrial, Lands, Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages, etc., send us your name and address and we will send you The Investor's Review for three months free of charge. A journal of advice for investors. Gives latest and most reliable information concerning new enterprises. Knowl edge is power. Great opportunities come and go. Great fakes likewise. Get posted before investing. Write to-day INVESTOR'S REVIEW, 1300 Gaff Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL.

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Hair Culture

You can tell by a few minutes' use of the Evans Vacuum Cap whether it is possible for you to cultivate a growth of hair by our process, and we will send you the apparatus to make the experiment without expense on your part. If the Evans Vacuum Cap gives the scalp a pleasant, tingling sensation and produces a healthy glow, then the normal condition of the scalp can be restored, and a three or four minutes' use of the Cap each day thereafter will, within a reasonable time, develop a natural and permanent growth of hair. If, however, the scalp remains white and lifeless after the Cap is removed, there would be no use to give the appliance a further trial. The hair cannot be made to grow in such cases. The Appliance is placed on trial and under a guarantee issued by the Jefferson Bank, of St. Louis, and any bank or banker who has made investigation will testify to the validity of this guarantee.

The Bank Guarantee

We will send you an Evans Vacuum Cap by prepaid express and will allow you ample time to prove its virtue, and the Jefferson Bank of St. Louis will give you a certificate agreeing to return to you the price of the Cap if you do not cultivate a sufficient growth of hair within the trial period to convince you of the effectiveness of this method. The Bank will also specify that you are to be the judge as to benefits derived. The deposit is made with the Bank subject to your own order, and simply implies that the invention is not being ordered through curiosity, but that it will be used, and that is all we ask. We have no agents, and no one is authorized to sell, offer for sale or receive money for the Evans Vacuum Cap. The Cap is sold under the Bank's Guarantee and all money is sent direct to the Jefferson Bank.

A 16-page illustrated book will be sent free on request, and we prepay postage in full..

Evans Vacuum Cap Co.,
1105 Fullerton Bldg, St. Louis.



Is the


and so acknowledged by more than a million housekeepers throughout the civilized world. It keeps new silver always new-in brilliancy-and makes old silver look like new. It's unlike all others.

Trial quantity-to prove its peculiar meritsfor the asking. At grocers, druggists and postpaid 15 cts. (stamps).

Electro-Silicon Silver Soap for washing and polishing Gold and Silver has equal merits, 15 cts. "SILICON," 32 Cliff Street, New York.

up at once, and felt that I was gone. And I am willing to admit that I was scared. In fact, that is how I came to escape. As I stood there, with that horrible sand dragging, dragging, dragging at me like some living monster, I turned colder and colder. Do what I could, my teeth would keep on chattering, tho I knew that every vibration of my jaw was shaking me farther down into that ready-made grave. And I grew colder and colder. Suddenly I noticed that I had stopped sinking."

[blocks in formation]

October 22.-Moscow is isolated by a great railroad strike.

October 23.-The Czar is reported to have appointed Count Witte Premier of Russia.

October 24. The strike movement is assuming great proportions; hardly a train is being run in any province of the empire. Employees in many industries join the strikers.

October 25-All Russia is apparently in revolt. Three bloody actions were reported from Ekaterinoslav, and Moscow is practically in a state of siege.

October 27.-Throughout Russia orders are given to shoot to kill on the slightest show of hostility. In St. Petersburg the strike extends to government bureaus and employees of banks.


October 21.-The centennial of Trafalgar Day is celebrated throughout the British Empire. October 22.-President Loubet leaves Paris on his way to Madrid to return the visit of King Alfonso.

Admiral Togo arrives at Tokyo to report to the
Emperor the return of his fleet from the war.

The two British naval officers, captured by Mo-
roccan tribesmen, are liberated by the exchange
for them of a brigand.

Turkey demands that the Powers cease their interferences with Macedonian finances.

Florent Willems, the Belgian genre-painter, dies at Neuilly, France.

October 23.-It is reported from Porto Rico that arms for revolutionists in Santo Domingo had been seized by United States officers at Monte Cristi.

Three hundred and eight warships, including the captured Russian vessels, are received by the Mikado in Tokyo Bay.

President Loubet is enthusiastically received on his arrival in Madrid.

[ocr errors]

Fifty are killed and two hundred wounded in riots at Santiago, Chili, caused by the opposition to 'the import tax on Argentine cattle.

October 24.- The United States is attempting to arrange a settlement of the dispute between President Castro, of Venezuela, and the French Government.

October 26.-Elliott F. Shepard, of New York, grandson of William H. Vanderbilt, is sentenced, in Paris, to three months' imprisonment and to pay $4,000 damages for the death of the child run over by his automobile in April.

A statue of von Moltke, a gift of the army to the German people, is unveiled in Berlin.

The freedom of the city of London is conferred on General Booth in recognition of his SalvationArmy work.

October 27.-A despatch from Paris reports that all plans are complete for the election of Prince Charles of Denmark to the Norwegian throne. Spain's Cabinet resigns.

[blocks in formation]
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You Waste Steam and Consequently Fuel

if the pressure is a bit higher than you require.

Mason Reducing Valves

reduce and maintain an even pressure of steam, air or water, regardless of changes in the initial pressure. Can be set for any pressure by turning a key, and do not have to be locked-the engineer re

tains the key.

They are absolutely



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Uniform Temperature

It makes no difference whether you have furnace, steam or hot water apparatus ; or whether it is new or old. All you need is the



Minneapolis Heat Regulator Automatically controls the drafts. A change of one degree at the thermostat is sufficient to operate the dampers. As simple and no more expensive than a good clock. Has proven its merit for 25 years.

Sent on 30 Days' Free Trial

If not satisfactory in every way, return at our expense. Write to-day. Booklet free. Sold by the heating trade everywhere. W. R. SWEATT, Secretary 1st Ave. and D St. Minneapolis, Minn. New England Office: 108 Pleasant St., Holyoke, Mass.

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers.

It's automatic

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University Travel

Spring Tours of 1906

Germany, Italy, and Greece, under the leadership of Dr. C. L. Babcock, sailing from New York February 17th. Italy and Switzerland, under the leadership of Mr. Rossiter Howard of Paris, sailing from New York February 17th.

Greece, Italy, Bernese Oberland, the Rhine, Belgium, England, and Scotland, under the leadership of Dr. H. F. Willard of Chicago, sailing from New York March 24th.

Intellectual leadership of University men. BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL 201 Clarendon Street, Boston, Mass.

THE TRUE FLAVOR OF THE FOREST Fascinating stories of the woods, animals and Indians are provided in the book of Indian legends and folklore entitled:


Dan Beard says: "It is the American Indians' 'King Arthur's Round Table,' 'Robin Hood' and 'The Arabian Nights.""" Cloth 370 pp. Illustrated $2.00 FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, Pubs. NEW YORK

dent advises the negroes to stick to manual labor

for a livelihood, and says that the negro ques. The retail price of a

tion solved the South. He also makes speeches at Montgomery and Birmingham.

October 25.-At Little Rock the President denounces lynching.

October 26.-The President is greeted by such vast crowds in New Orleans that his outdoor speech and a review of the parade are omitted.

October 27-The lighthouse tender carrying the President down the Mississippi on his way to the cruiser West Virginia, collides with a fruitsteamer; both vessels are run aground. The President, after being transferred to another vessel, continues his trip to the cruiser. OTHER DOMESTIC NEWS.


October 21.-Secretary Taft, at Akron, Ohio, exexplains and defends the railroad-rate legislation proposed by the President, and assails" Boss" Cox and the Republican machine of Cincinnati. October 22.-El Hadji Abdullahi Pacha, King Menelek's special envoy to the United States, arrives in New York.

October 23-Miss Alice Roosevelt arrives at Oakland, Cal., from Yokohama.

Counsel for the meat-packers in Chicage file a special plea, contending that testimony given by them in the government beef inquiry had been used in obtaining their indictment, and that therefore they could not be prosecuted on that finding.

An association of Mutual Life policy-holders is formed in Minnesota to oust the McCurdys from

the company.

Former Representative Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, dies at Wichita.

October 24.-The methods of the Mutual's press agent in paying, newspapers throughout the country to publish as news "doctored" reports of the insurance investigation are brought out before the committee in New York.

October 25.-The Controller of the Currency orders a Federal investigation of the failure of the Enterprise National Bank, of Allegheny, Pa., as a result of a letter to the President from Governor Pennypacker, of Pennsylvania.

Reports from New Orleans indicate that the fever is about stamped out.

The Mutual Life Insurance Company's directors appoint a committee of three to investigate its own affairs.

Secretary Taft announces that he has no intention whatever of making a campaign for the Presidency.

October 26.-The convention called in Chicago to indorse President Roosevelt's plan of rate regulation splits, and two conventions are held. October 27.- Miss Alice Roosevelt returns to Washington from her trip to the Orient. The rival freight-rate conventions in Chicago adjourn after passing resolutions praising President Roosevelt.


cigar is made up

of what?

Cost of the goods and cost of selling. So long as there is cost of selling, the consumer must pay it-just as he pays duties and taxes-hidden in the price. If you can cut off the cost of selling and pay only the cost of the goods, you can buy your cigars cheaper. But the retailer cannot do it for you. I can.

I sell you my cigars at about half retail prices because I cut off practically all the selling cost, and sell at the cost of the goods.

It costs me, to be sure, a little to sell a man his first hundred cigars-nothing to sell him the second and succeeding hundreds. In the average, selling cost is a minute percentage on my business-it is more than 50 per cent. of the retailers' prices.

Shivers' Panatela at $5.00 per 100 is equal to cigars reideal business and betweentailed at 10c. each. It is the times smoke, and good at all. times for those who never want a really heavy cigar. The filler is all clean, long, clear selected Havana and the wrapper genuine selected Sumatra. Strictly hand made. Full 5 in. long.

MY OFFER IS: I will, upon request, send one hundred Shivers' Panatela Cigars on approval to a reader of The Literary Digest, express prepaid. He may smoke ten cigars and return the remaining ninety at my expense if he is not pleased with them; if he is pleased, and keeps them, he agrees to remit the price, $5.00, within ten days.

Shivers' Panatela

Exact Size
and Shape


Enclose business card or give personal references, and state whether mild, medium or strong cigars are wanted.


Below will be found an index covering the issues of THE LITERARY DIGEST for the last three months. Each week the subjects for the week previous will be 913 Filbert St. added, and the subjects for the issue fourteen weeks previous will be eliminated, so that the reader will always be able to turn readily to any topic considered in our columns during the preceding three months.

Absent-minded man, The, 573
Acting, art of, A dramatist on the, 243
Addicks, The passing of, 296
Agnostic's refusal to be miserable, 180
Agriculture, Department of, Scandals in, 20
Air-ship in New York, A successful, 296
Alcohol and the medical profession, 175
America, Danger from cholera in, 404

French view of corruption in, 220

American imperialism, French encouragement to, 542
naval development, Italian view of, 391
painting and American history, 302
popular magazine, Superiority of the, 529
science through German eyes, 454
temperament in painting, 171'
Angels, Men or women, 565
Animal in art, The wild, 483
Animals sleep, How, 577
Apostles, Ignoring the teachings of the, 619
Arbitration movement, Progress of the, 266
Architecture, National expression in, 304
Arctic as a health resort, The, 419
gas factory, An, 306

Art, Great religious work of, 182

How it may aid religion, 280
Modern, Bíblical influences in, 380
Atmospheres of two different planets, The, 488
Automobile dust, To reduce, 616

Bacon appointment, the, Business interests and, 373
Balfour's plight as the French view it, 314

Balzac, Notable tribute to, 274

Baptist apologetic, Suggestions toward a new, 537 "Bennington" disaster, Auguries of the, 167

findings, Dissatisfaction over the, 340

Negligence on the, 297


Nothing like it ever before

seen or heard of: : : The Humanatone is made on a new principle, which has never been applied to any other musical instrument.

Philadelphia, Pa.

It is a handsomely made article, beautifully nickel-plated.

No musical instrument ever produced sweeter strains. Whether it be the joy.

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ous notes of a quickstep or the solemn strains of a church hymn, a soul-stirring march or the plaintive melody of the old home tunes, the Humanatone brings out the music with a power and beauty, which, one moment, inspires the soul with rapture-the next, fills the eyes with tears.

When played with a piano accompaniment, or any other musical instrument, the effect is magnificent. For concerts and entertainments the novelty of the instrument, and its sweet music, make it the feature of the evening.

It is easily played, needs hardly any instructions or training. Packed in a nice box. PRICE, 25 CENTS. HUMANATONE CO., 15 Ann St., New York

DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers.


Earn from $25 to $100 a week, in the Advertising Business. Taught by mail. Prospectus will tell how. PAGE-DAVIS COMPANY Address 93 Wabash Av., Chie. either office 152 Nassau St., N. Y.


Bible, Babylonian sources of the, 311
Big-game herds, Last of the, 337

Birth-rate, The declining, 294

Bjoerkoe, The mystery of, 253
Blue light as an anesthetic, 174

Body as a source of electric light, The, 453
Books reviewed:

Alaska and the Klondike (McLain), 428
Antarctica; or, Two Years amongst the Ice of
the South Pole (Andersson), 427
Autobiography of Andrew D. White, 187
Belted Seas, The (Colton), 318

Boss of Little Arcady, The (Wilson), 586
Celibates' Club, The (Zangwill), 498

Combats (Adam) 585

Divine Fire, The (Sinclair), 317

Glenanaar (Sheehan), 585

Italy (Deecke), 498

Jörn Uhl (Frenssen), 318

Journal of the House of Burgesses of Virginia

(Kennedy), 585

Law and Public Opinion during the Nineteenth

Century (Dicey), 626

L'Isolée (Bazin), 585

Love Triumphant (Knowles), 188

Mirabeau and the French Revolution (War

[blocks in formation]

tions? Is, 578

Caucasus, A new outbreak in the, 409.

Chew, How to, and how to swallow, 347
Chicago teamsters' strike, Losses in, 166
traction troubles, 604

Child's capacity for religion, The, 458
Chinese boycott, Alarm over, 203

French justification of the, 285

Latest aspects of, 293

Christian citizenship, 349

creeds, Provisional character of, 490

tenets the Jews may adopt, 420

Christianity and Buddhism, An attempt to reconcile, 580

illustrated by a contrast, 282

the most inclusive of all religions, 460

Church and labor, Recent approaches between, 386
architecture, Two new influences in, 180

Churches from the modern spirit, Aloofness of, 491
Clergymen, Honor among, 421

Coal miners and President Roosevelt, 238

strike, Mutterings of a new, 338

Compass points, Universal symbols for, 176
Congregational Church, Liturgical unrest in the,
Congress, Cutting out work for, 237

Convict labor, How to employ, 372

Cooking without fire, 532

Coolie plague in South Africa, The, 582.

Crowding, Excessive, 488

Critics disagree, Where, 273

Crops, Promise of record, 264

Cuba, Opposing the British treaty with, 568

Cuba's governing ability, Doubting, 374

Cuban hostility against America, 522

Curzon, Lord, and England's new Indian policy, 354

Lord, What caused the resignation of, 295

Custom and racial differences, 487


Czar, offers a stone for bread, 217

reappears as a peace advocate, 443

[blocks in formation]

Iver Johnson
Safety Automatic

Hammer, $5.00 Hammerless, $6.00

Extra length Barrels,

50c. per inch. Pearl Stocks, $1.25 extra.

No Fear of



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Safety Automatic Revolver

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This safety principle, found only in the Iver Johnson is due
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Catalogue explains everything.
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You can stop forgetting bya littleprnotice and a few simple rules. You can study my course anywhere, any time, in spare moments. You are no greater intellectually than your memory. Simple, inexpensive. Increases business capacity, social standing by giving an alert, ready memory for names, faces, business details, study. Develops will, concentration, conversation, public speaking, writing, Write to-day for free copy of my interesting booklet, "How to Remember." Address





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THE BLACK FLAG on the high

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East upon Western literature. The glamour of the, 450 DICKSON SCHOOL OF MEMORY,754 Kimball Hall, Chicago THE MARQUISE'S MILLIONS

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


we will send you, upon receipt of $1.00, 5 lbs. of our famous "Little Pig" sausage, express prepaid, and with the privilege of having your money back if you are not satisfied.

This is a special offer the $1.00 barely pays for the sausage, the packing and the express charges.

Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage is entirely home made from the choicest selections of home-raised little pig pork. It is absolutely pure and unadulterated, and is made in the good old-fashioned way. It makes a breakfast that will bring back to many the life of years ago on the farm, and will dispel the idea of those who have long since thought that the delicate flavor of the old-time sausages and buckwheat cakes was due to childhood's appetite.,

Among our regular customers are: Hon: Lyman J. Gage, Mr. George W. Perkins, Mr. John W. Gates, Mrs. H. N. Higginbotham, and many others. Send your order or write for booklet to-day. JONES' DAIRY FARM, Box 610, FORT ATKINSON, WIS.. Pure Country Food Products.



NO. 1


Faces and occupations, 419

Farming in the desert, 210

Fat men should swim, Why, 177

Feminism in modern music, 303

Fevers, Imitation, 212,

Fiction, The coming thing in, 206
Finland's national art, A loss to, 528
Fire-fighters, Fresh air for, 457
Fish, More tame, 577

The taming of, 456

Football, The " square deal" in, 566 France Anatole, The irony of, 617 France, Cold water for, 539

not irreligious, 386

Future life, Changing ideas of the, 309

Galveston's great sea-wall, 575
German army, A French arraignment of the, 254
Baltic scare, The, 283

objections to the Czar's Polish reformers, 426 peril, British fright at the, 584 press, Mentality in the, 612 Germany, The meat-famine in, 623 Gold-extraction, Chemistry in, 385 "Gold Ship" and its work, The, 211 Gorky's symbolic drama, 304 Grain rates, New, 337

Grand army and its new commander, 407
Greek for the scientific student, 572

"Hamlet," A religious interpretation of, 249
Handwriting as an indication of disease, 617
Hankow railroad, Sale of the, 336

Hardy, Thomas, as an optimist, 170
Hardy's novels, Nature and man in, 341

Hay, John, as a member of the "church without the church," 459,

Hay's literary possibilities, Howells on, 378
Hindu influence on Christianity, 279
Holmes the " American Sterne," 413
"Home-work," Evils of excessive, 535
Hungarian wolf by the ears, Taking, 581
Hungary, Universal suffrage in, 492

Will it follow Norway's example? 219

Immigration, Improvement in, 316
"Immortal," Death of an, 177.

Immortality as a doctrine of the Septuagint, 252.
Prof. Hyslop's book on, 179
Impressionism, what? After, 414

Inauguration day, Plans to change, 336

India, Ravages of plague in, 220
Insects, Losses due to, 176

Insurance companies under searchlight, More, 404 presidents are corrupted, How, 525

scandals, What the country thinks about, 606 Irving, Sir Henry, 561

Five Per Cent is a very liberal rate of interest-Ireland, Justice for, 184
Especially when it is paid for every day your Italian operas on Oriental-American themes, 610
money is on deposit-

And when-at the same time your money is
entirely under your control-may be with-
drawn at any moment, without notice-
This company is enabled to make such a
liberal offer for several reasons:

It does business in the rapidly developing
south where money brings large returns-

It invests its capital only in first mortgages on improved real estate

Japan, Christian missions in, A Japanese view of, 252
has taught England and Italy, What, 255
How civilization is killing art in, 449.

Imperial verse-writers of, 209,
Influence of missions in, 309
Longing for religious independence, 490
Loss of most famous ship of, 409
New Anglo-Japanese alliance, A, 370
Revolutionary results of victory upon, 424
Useful books on, 625

Japanese ambition, The menace of, 352

art, Ukiyo-ye, the popular school of, 240 press agent, The, 204 riots, Meaning of the, 408 Jerome issue in New York The, 601

It has been in business 11 years and has had Jerome's defiance of the "bosses," 1990 large experience in these lines

It has never lost a dollar for any depositor Has never failed to pay at once every demand made upon it.

It has a great many depositors living in all parts of the country-YOUR MONEY might just as well be earning 5% as notWrite to-day for booklet


1045 Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md.

Dan's Tip Tof Daplicator

What Is Daus' Tip-Top? TO PROVE that Daus' "Tip-top" is the best and simplest device for making 100 Copies from penwritten and 50 Copies from typewritten original, we will ship complete duplicator, cap size, without deposit, on ten (10) days' trial,

Jesus and the Oriental mind. 388
Jewish race prejudice in politics, 448.
Judaism possible? Is a revived, 349
Jim-Crowism" in Nashville, Fighting, 474
Judges trained in science, Wanted: 535

Kalich, Bertha, on Yiddish stage training, 528
Kansas, No State oil-refinery in, 108
Kongos, Administrative scandals in the two, 622

Lake-Erie Fisheries war, The, 492
Laughing in church, 421
Law-case. The first, 387
Lawn-mowers, Automobile, 175
Laziness as a brain disease, 175
Lead-boring insects, 146

Legs to literature, The relation of, 484
Life insurance, Cheaper, 477

Eleemosynary character of, 567
president who died poor, A, 299.

Lightning rods up to date, 348
Literature as a profession, 271

as an aid to industry, 173

of exposure, Protest against the, 207 Locomotive, steam, and car, Combination, 247 Lunar landscapes on the earth, 614

Mariner's compass, A substitute for the, 454

Price $7.50 less trade $5 net Massenet's new "Mozartian" opera, 172

discount of 88% or

THE FELIX A. DAUS DUPLICATOR CO. Daus Building, 111 John St., New York City

[merged small][ocr errors]

Maternal affection, Origin of, 244.
Meat packers fined under the Elkins law, 444.
Methodist tendencies seen in the new hymnal, 489
Milwaukee, Campaign against graft in, 165

Montaigne, The self-revelation of, 450

Moral in literature, The insincere, 170
Moon and planets on weather, Influence of, 532
"Mormon menace, The," 388
Morocco, A new ferment in, 392

L'Allegro, Il Penseroso and, 185
negotiations, A tangle in the, 541



You can be as generous as you like at Christmas, and all it will cost you will be a little systematic work between now and then.

Write to THE LADIES'. HOME JOURNAL and THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, and find out all about it.

After Christmas you can work some more; $500 a month is not too much to expect.

No luck about it. It depends upon you, and the work is easy.

The Curtis Publishing Company E 82 Arch St., Philadelphia

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers,


While You Sleep

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