Lapas attēli


Bryce, James, revisits America, 499
Bullet, Japan's "humanitarian," 779.
Butterflies, The migrations of, 933
Byron, Thé apotheosis of, 928

Cabinet changes, Rumored, 806
Cactus made useful, 586
Canadian crisis precipitated, 597

school conflict, $17


Carnegie pension fund for teachers, 648
Cassini, Count, replaced, 733
Castro's defiance, 457

Europe's impressions of, 553

vindicated by South America, 713 Caucasians, Failing birth-rate of, 546 Chateaubriand and Madame Récamier, 741 Chicago strikers, Roosevelt to, 731

claimed by Tom Watson, 579

Chinese boycott of American trade, 772
exclusion troubles, 924

Choate's, Mr., home-coming, 737
Chopins, The two, 929

Christian Science, Psychologist on, 590
Christianity impugned by Confucianism, 859
Should it countenance war? 20*

Christians? Are we, 629

Church and the public school, 747

hold on American men, 511

impeached by Frederic Harrison, 512
Ought radical thinkers to leave the ? 549
The, and social problems, 551

union in the May conventions, 822
union, A bishop on, 783.

union, A protest against, 939

Cigarette, Outlawing the, 615

Clergyman, The New Anglican, 18*

Cleveland, G., arraigns club-women, 651

on rabbit hunting, 883

Club-women's replies to, 735

Coal-tar colors, Poisonous, 509

Collars, High, and the pneumogastric nerve, 782

College athletics, Commercialism in, 807

Colleges, Denominational, excluded from Carnegie

benefit, 861

Collision exhibition, Mr. Westinghouse's, 857

Comedy, Zangwill's indictment of modern, 816

Composite Madonna, The first, 749

Cotton-crop reports, Leaks in, 923

Cripples by defective education, 628
Croton reservoir, Opening new, 626
Crucifixion, New light on the, 821
Czar's escape from assassination, 714
gift of religious liberty, 707

Daguerreotype, How to copy an old, 509

Dalrymple, Mr., on municipal ownership, 925
Degeneracy in America, 696

Delcassé's defeat in Morocco, 902

Diaz on Monroe doctrine, 578

Disarmament scheme, New, 614

Divorce, Felix Adler on, 896.

The Roman Catholic theory of, 821

Drama as an aid to sedition, The, 891
Dramatic season, End of the, 851

Dust and patent medicines, 508

Dynamite transportation, The problem of, 934

Earth has solidified, How the, 745

Easter in Jerusalem, 591

Eclipse expeditions pay? Do, 705

Egoism as a basis for Christian ethics, 936
Electric motors, New uses for, 627

transformer, The, 935

Electrical industries, Progress in, 935
Electricity in railroading, 858

to transmit music, 506

Electroplated lace, 545

"Elga," Hauptmann's new play, 624.

Emperor William as Czar's evil genius, 594 attitude to France, 669

Engine, rotary, Problem of the, 17*

England's buffer state for North India, 904
"Equitable" broil, The, 534

management, Weighing the new, 921
methods of finance, 1*

Regeneration of the, 849

settlement, The, 886'

upheaval, Newspapers on the, 577

European pressure on United States, 754

Evangelization of New York, 859

Explosive, Safe, wanted, 660

Explosives, Railroad transportation of, 774

Fast trains, Safety of, 2*

Fiction as an art, 776

Tendencies in American, 740

Financial corruption charged against Loomis, 650

Fire proof scenery, Real, 744

Fire protection, 706

Fishery disputes with Newfoundland, 714


the COST



Pastor's Study, Robinson's Run, United Presbyterian Church, McDonald, Pa., May 5, 1905. THE PECK-WILLIAMSON COMPANY.

Dear Sirs:-The severe winter just passed afforded ample opportunity to test the inerits of the UNDERFEED FURNACE you installed in our parsonage last October. It fully met every demand made upon it. We are ready to affirm that it surpassed all claims you advanced for it, and I would emphasize the following points of excellence:

1. There are ten registers in our home, one in each room, half on the second floor. The house was heated effectively at all times, even in the coldest weather.

2. Only a few times during below-zero weather did I have to feed the furnace more than twice in 24 hours. In mild weather I frequently did not touch it in 36 to 40 hours, except to regulate draught.

3. I had no difficulty in operating the furnace.

4. We burned last winter not quite 375 bushels slack, costing us 4 cents per bushel, delivered, total $15.00.

Needless to add, it is my belief that you have solved the problem of providing a furnace that will give abundance of steady heat, at minimum cost for fuel. Yours very sincerely,

(Signed) J. W. ENGLISH, Pastor. Compare the above cost with your coal bills for last winter. It is none too early to begin planning for next winter. Heating Plans and Services of our Engineering Dept. absolutely free. Let us send you FREE our UNDERFEED Book and fac-simile voluntary letters proving every claim we make.


Cincinnati, 0. Dealers are invited to write for our very attractive proposition.



A Powerful Nerve Tonic and Restorative. Does it Contain Hypophosphites

of Lime and Soda?

Ex-President American

Hunter McGuire, M.D., LL.D., Medical Association,

and of the Medical Society of Virginia; late President and Professor of Clinical Surgery, University College of Medicine, Richmond, Va.: "It has never failed me as a powerful NERVE TONIC when I have prescribed it as such. I sometimes think it must contain Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. It acts as that compound does-as a tonic and alterative. I know from its constant use, personally and in practice, that the results obtained are far beyond those which the analysis given would warrant."

Charles C. Hill, M.D., Professor of Nervous and Mental Dis

eases, Baltimore Medical College, etc.: "In many forms of Nervous Exhaustion, accompanying an excess of urates and phosphates, it is invaluable." Voluminous medical testimony mailed. For sale by the general drug and mineral water trade.

Hotel at Springs now Open.


Fishing with drugs, 857

Flame as an electrical conductor, 17*

Fogs, To clear, with electricity, 817

Food, Queer things as, 16*

Fourth," How to live through the, 13*

France and the German Crown Prince, 901

German Emperor unfriendly to, 669
Protestant uneasiness in, 18*
Separation of church and state, 516
Wrangle with Japan, 827

Franchise-tax law, New York, sustained, 848
French disarmament scheme, 614

neutrality, American views of, 733 republic, Plot to overthrow, 668 suspicion of German policy, 554 Frenchman's comment on our language, 505

Gas, illuminating, Dangers of, 14*

monopolists vs. the people, 691 German fear of Japan's growing power, 633


at Claverack, near Hudson, N. Y.,

The property known as HUDSON RIVER INSTITUTE. It consists of 20 acres of land and two large buildings, containing about 300 rooms. Suitable for Summer Boarding House, School, Sanitarium; or might be used for light manufacturing. Very healthy; good spring water, small lake and large gymnasium on premises. Original cost over $75,000; offered for less than $18,000. Terms reasonable. Address John C. Havemeyer, Yonkers, N. Y., or J. F. Havemeyer, 100 Broadway, New York City.

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that the main cause of unhappiness, ill-health, sickly children and divorce is admitted by physicians and shown by court records to be ignorance of the laws of self and sex?



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Rich Cloth Binding, Full Gold Stamp, Illustrated, $2.00
Write for "Other People's Opinions" and Table of Contents.


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[ocr errors]


Germany affected by Russian situation, 712 and English admirals, 828

Crown Prince wedding, 901

would wage war with U.S., How, 635

"Girl, Unpleasant," in literature, The. 890 Gomez, the liberator, 4*

Gospels, Credibility of, 511

Great Britain open to invasion? Is, 789

Ground, Temperature of the, 547

Guns, great, with rapid fire, 932

Hara-kiri defended by Japanese, 617
Higher-criticism defended, 552

"Historico-religious" Bible interpretation, 632 Hooker, W. B., and the New York legislature, 6* Horses, Wild, on Sable Island, 858

House-plants, Some irritant, 545

Hugo, Victor, and Juliette Druet, 622

Ibsen, A new estimate of, 927

Immigration frauds, 810

Immortality, Münsterberg on, 549

Incandescent lamps, Fire from, 818

India, North, England's buffer state for, 904

Insurance jugglery, Lawson on, 458

Ireland's literary revival, 816

Irish akin to ancient Romans, 703
Islands as weather stations, 14*
James, Henry, Critical study of, 621

on American men and women, 929
Japan as the "Scourge of God," 785
may become too powerful, 633
Missionary situation in, 708
Japanese civilization, Seamy side of, 888
menace to colonists in the East, 788
naval victory, The, 812
success, Menace of, 920
Trafalgar, A, 863

Jefferson, Joseph, Some estimates of, 655
Jesus, The lynching of, 664

Jewish problem" in America, 630
Jingoism rebuked in Germany, 942
Judaism in New York, Condition of, 936
Proposed synod of, 19*

Jury system a failure? Is the, 696

Kaiser's Cup, Capture of the, 812
Knox, John, influence in America, 708

Korin, the Japanese artist, 890

Language, A peril to our, 854

Lantern for opaque objects, 705

Laurier's compromise of school conflict, 517


Lee, Fitzhugh, 649

Lewis and Clark Exposition, 882
Life, A chemical definition of, 856

insurance, Wall Street methods in, 619 Literary woman? Does it pay to be a, 621 Liturgic trend in Presbyterianisın, The, 862 Loomis, Financial corruption charged to, 650 Lycidas" rejected by the Royal Academy, 853

Mackay, Dr. D. S., charged with heresy, 550
Magnetism by mixture, 703

Manchuria, War balloons used in, 706
Marking-system, Scientific, possible, 589

Matter only two states? Has, 506

Medicine, Modern, in antiquity, 743

Medicines, Some pernicious, 894

Mental disease, Responsibility in, 781

Meredith's literary style, The penalty of, 891

Methodism as alternative to Romanism, 592

Milk-bottles, Paper, 820

Mine, Finding a lost, 819

Miniature painting, 9*

Ministerial irresponsibility, 785

training, Specialism in, 437,

Missions, Christían, The greatest problem before, 861

Foreign, as affected by outcome of the war, 19*

Modjeska testimonial, The, 701

Mohammedanism, A missionary spirit in, 786

Molière comedy revived, 585

Monistic basis for theology and ethics, 399

Moon, Active volcanoes on the, 15*

Morales, The shrewdness of, 495

Morality, Machine-made, 587

Morocco, Delcassé's defeat ín, 902

German Emperor's action in, 636
German policy in, 554

imbroglio, Possibilities of, 23*

Morton's, Mr., exoneration, 5*
Music at a distance, 506

and religion as rivals, 822

Nan Patterson case, Verdict in the, 696
Naval training, English views of our, 866
Navy, Deserters from, 578

Negroes, Southern, as property-holders, 926
Nerve-current, Nature of a, 704
Neutrality and French neutrality, 751

laws enforced, 884

Newfoundland strikes back, 579

Newspaper woman, Struggles of a, 544 Niagara, Commercializing, 737

How to save, 893

The destruction of, 507

Norway preparing for war, 825
The fate of, 940

Norway's secession, Causes of, 900

North pole, Ownership of the, 894
Novel, Future of the American, 657

Popularity of, explained, 502

"Novel with a Purpose," One, that succeeded, 814 Novelist, Woman of to-day as, 465

Ocean depths, Vision in, 625,

Odor, Loss of substance with, 857


Ogden movement " criticised, 652

Oratory, After-dinner, in America, 10*

From Tokio
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Witt's Can-the sanitary garbage holder-is used; at the American Embassies, at army posts and by medical missionaries.

So trim, (water-tight,) simple, strong and easily cleaned that Uncle Sam's soldiers in the Philippines use the cans to make coffee and soup in. The U.S. Government has bought a great many of Witt's Cans most of which are in use at army posts for holding garbage, waste, etc.

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ELECTRIC Necktie and Cap Lights, 75c. to

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Upon receipt of $2 (stamps, draft or money order) we will send by mail, prepaid, The Gibson Monograph " Charles Dana Gibson, A Study of the Man, with Some Recent Examples of His Best Work." This is a beautifully printed volume measuring 15 x 10 inches. In addition to the thirteen choice illustrations printed in the text there are six full-page drawings in his very best manner that are separately mounted on heavy matboard, ready for framing. The results are particularly dainty and pleasing. We have never sold these proofs for framing at less than $1 each-the demand for them is constant. The price of these six alone without the text or accompanying illustrations would be $6 This is the only book on the foremost American artist. For a two-cent stamp we will send a catalogue showing small facsimiles of the six pictures and the cover.


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Panama canal commission, The new,
canal supplies abroad, Buying, 771
mismanagement at, 497

railway rates, Furor over, 618
Parliamentary office, Comedy of, 751
Paul Jones's body found, 617
Peace, The butcheries of, 698
Peary's new Arctic ship, 780
Personality, Multiple, 626
Persuasion and suggestion, 588
Philadelphia's gas fight, 770
Results of 847

Philippines an element of weakness, 698

Census returns from, 580

Pictures? Why do we paint, 927
Pipe, A smoke-cooling, 933.
Plants grown by acetylene light, 895
Poetry, Consolations of, 778

National note in American, 584
Poland, Russian, Uprising in, 8*
Polishing, Mechanical effects of, 744
Pope and Emperor of Germany, 865
Pessimism of the 860

Population and rainfall, 706

Protestant and Roman Catholic Bibles, 710
Public library, Is it feminized? 10*
Pure food bill, Enemies of the, 736

Rabelais, Rehabilitation of, 543
Races of Europe, Mixed, 746
Racing for Kaiser's Cup, 768
Railroad authorities on rate control, 767

control, Administration differences on, 734 Railroads, High-speed, 659

Américan, Secret of success in, 24* Railway congress, International, 693

rate issue, Spencer on, 653

Speed war between New York Central and
Pennsylvania, 922

Raines-law hotels, Fight on the, 885
Rapid Transit, The sociology of, 15*
Religion, Losing one's, 550
Religions of New York, 747
Renan as an artistic trifler, 823

Resistance, passive, Dr. Clifford on, 629
Resurrection, Origin of belief in the, 590
Reverence and ritual, 899

Revivals, Fear and hypnotism in, 750

Revolutionary spirit in French literature and art, 742 Rockefeller's gift, Religious views of, 513

Further reflections on, 631

Rodin's artistic ideals, 777

Roosevelt and the third term, 773
Rotary engine, A new, 547

Rouvier on separation of church and state, 516
Rozhdestvensky investigation, London papers on, 667
Russia, Agrarian revolt in, 790

appeals for diplomatic support, 22*

anarchy versus anarchy, 902

End of autocracy in, S26,

Fear and distrust of books in, 12*
Future of, 940

Hope of revenge in, 788
Reaction in, 553

reluctant to conclude peace, 514 Russian bureaucracy satirized, 582 church demands independence, 665 losses, The, 496

navy and Mr. Schwab, 695

"Outlawed" organs on revolt, 668
press on prospects of revolt, 668
realism, 852

refusal of humiliation, 596

situation, Importance of the, to Germany, 712

stage during a critical year, 889

treatment of artists and authors, 701

American views of French neutrality, 733

Russo-Japanese War:

Lessons of the naval battle, 881

Linevitch's task, 598

Peace proposals of President Roosevelt, 887




"Never Wear Brassy"

You can always depend upon shoes that have them. A small diamond mark slightly raised on the surface of each eyelet is the distinguishing mark of Fast Color Eyelets. Always look for it carefully. Only the Genuine Fast Color have it. It is a guarantee of wear.


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[blocks in formation]

Visible Writing;

Perfect Construction; Great Speed

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Paris on continuation of, 554

Plans of battle of Mukden, 539

Roosevelt's intervention, 21*

Rozhdestvensky and French neutrality, 633 Russia refuses to be humiliated, 596

Russian losses, 496

Russian admirals and lost battle-ships, 844

St. Petersburg's hope of victory, 556
Togo-Rozhdestvensky duel, 580

Togo's strategy, 594

Togo's victory, comments on, 843

Washington chosen for peace conference, 919

St. Louis Exposition, scandal rejoinders, 500
St. Petersburg's hope of victory, 556

Santo Domingo, Roosevelt and the Senate, 515

Shrewdness of president of, 495

Scandinavian Peninsula, Prospect of war in the, 786 Schiller centenary, The, 583

Religion of, 937

School-children, Underfed, 738

Scientists, Hasty, 931

Scottish church controversy, S98

"Sea-habit" dying out? Is our, 7*

Sensation last? How long does a, 779

Sense, Still another, 820,

"Sex drama" vindicated by a Frenchman, 658

Shakespeare as an imitator, 504

impeached by Shaw, 739

Sin, Modern, 666

Singing in English, Nordica on, 656

Smoke-cooling pipe, A, 933

Snapshots by lamplight, 895

Socialism as a menace to Christianity, 510

next great political issue? 647

A trend toward, SoS

Soil, Disappearance of the, 743

South America saved from Europe by U. S., 636

Speed, Higher railroad, 933

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers.

[blocks in formation]

Spencer's philosophy, Fatal gap in, 824
Spider-silk from Madagascar, 745
Staircase, Moving, for vehicles, 587
Standard Oil's defense, 540
"Star-spangled Banner" mutilated, 582
Stevenson's background of gloom, 700
Strike, in Chicago raises problems, 692
Labor press on New York, 498
Teamsters' side of, 732
Strikers, Chicago, Roosevelt to, 731
Student of apprentice? 858
Swinburne, Present position-of, 542
Taft's Presidential prospects, 811
Talking-machines, Some ancient, 855
Tea, Substitutes for, 934

Tears as a test of literature, 813.

Telegraphy, Obstacles utilized in wireless, 507
Temperature used to develop new species, 508
Ten hour law, Labor press on, 654

Supreme Court on the, 614
Theatrical trust, More light on the, 669
Theological students, Coddling of, 709
Theology, Advanced, made popular, 784
Radical, combated in Germany, 898
Thoreau's religion, 593.
Tooth-brush, The deadly, 659
Tourgée, Albion W., 930
Transvaal constitution, The new, 752
Trolley or automobile ?'660
Tropics, Blonds and brunettes in the, 662
Turkey, Origin of the, 819
Turner, most whimsical of painters, 854
Unemployed in England, The, 864
United States, European pressure on the, 754
Unrighteousness, The newer, 666
Vegetable combat, A, 782
Vehicles, Moving staircase for, 587
Venezuela, Diplomatic shake-up in, 694
Present régime in, 457

Verne, J., and other scientific prophets, 628
Death of, 502

Wall Street and tax dodgers, 538

methods in life insurance, 619
War-balloons in Manchuria, 706

War, How waged between U. S. and Germany, 635
Warm weather, Virtuous influence of, 16*
Warsaw, Massacre at, 697

Washington, chosen for peace ccnference, 919
Water: pure and adulterated, 588

Water-supply, Prehistoric, 818

Wealth-getting, Drama of, 813

Weaver's defiance, Mayor, 805

Wheat crop, Bumper, 614

Whistler exhibition in London, 553

White race hold its own? Will, 5.16

William II., France, and England, 825

Wireless possibilities, 548

telegraphy, Obstacles utilized in, 507
Wisconsin's rate legislation, 809
Witte, Mr., Truth about, 593
World's loftiest points, 13*

Zionism, New phases of, 748

*Articles are in Vol. 31, others in Vol. 30.


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[merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]

Possibly from the Standard Dictionary, page 1915. The words have been in use in a colloquial or humorous sense since 1728 by such writers as Fielding and Jortin, the latter of whom, in his Ecclesiastical History," writes: Augustine seems to have had a small doubt whether Apuleius was really transmogrified into an ass." " The words have also been used by Foote, Scott, and Barham. (See 'Ingoldsby.")


"A. R.," New York.-"Among the absurd words coined by some nomenclator who can not speak Greek are two especially remarkable: 'optometer,' 'optometry. In reality the latter means the measurement of something that is broiled or roasted."



While it is true that the Greek optos, "seen," is very rare, it is a legitimate formation froin the root op-, to see," and is an entirely different word in origin from optos, cooked." Optos, seen," is not a mere modern formation, but occurs in Lucian's "Lexiphanes," ix. The word " optometer" has formed a part of the English vocabulary since 1738, and in view of the words "optogram," optostriate,' optotype," etc., it would be difficult to change it now.

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With pleasure. We give the definitions below: "banausic, a. Merely mechanical or of mechanics. ephebic, a. Of or pertaining to the training or exercise of ephebe. haptic, a. Relating to the sense of touch. meristic, a. Of or pertaining to a metamere; being a metamere." The words are all to be found in the Standard Dictionary.

"A. H.." Chicago, Ill.-"What is the difference between the words 'big' and 'large'? Is there a rule by which one can determine the correct use of these words?"

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Big" is often used colloquially and in bad taste for "great"; as, "He is a big man instead of "" . a great man." A " big man may be very far from being a great" man. Washington was mentally and spiritually a "great" man, physically a large" man, but no one should speak of the father of his country as a "big" man. Large" denotes extension in more than one direction, and beyond the average of the class to which the object belongs; we speak of a large" surface or a "large' solid, a "large" field, a "large" room, "large" apple, etc. A "large" man is a man of more than ordinary size; a "great" man is a man of remarkable mental power. 'Big" is a more emphatic word than "large," but ordinarily less elegant; therefore, "large" should be preferred.

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Two Ideal Books for Summer Reading By F. Berkeley Smith

How Paris Amuses Itself

This jolly, handsome book is the very incarnation of that spirit of amusement which reigns supreme in the capital of the world's fun. The author unites the graphic skill of the artist, the infectious enthusiasm of the lover of fun and gaiety, and the intimate personal knowledge of the long-time resident in this great playground of the world. In spirit the reader can visit with a delightful comrade all the nooks of jollity known only to the initiated, and enjoy all the sparkle and glitter of that evermoving panorama of gaiety.

135 illustrations, six in colors, 16 full-page halftone inserts, 58 full-page text drawings, 55 half-page and smaller text drawings by the author and several French artists.

"If you wish to thoroughly soak yourself with the concentrated essence of enjoyment, read this book quickly. It is too good to miss."-Philadelphia Item. 12mo, Cloth. $1.50.

The Real Latin Quarter

Racy sketches of the life and characters of the famous Bohemia of Paris. So real are its descriptions that the reader feels that he has taken an actual trip through the Quarter, enjoyed the good cheer at Lavenues, listened to the chansons at Marcel Legay's, looked down upon the giddy whirl of the Bal Bullier, peeped into studios, chatted with models, and seen every nook and corner of this celebrated community.

With 100 drawings and camera snapshots by the author, two caricatures in color by the French caricaturist Sancha, and w..ter-color frontispiece by F. Hopkinson Smith.

"It is like a trip to Paris."-Charles D. Gibson. "You have left nothing undone."-Frederio Remington. 12mo, Cloth, 205 Pages, $1.20. FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, Pubs., NEW YORK





Mauch Chunk, within easy excursion distance of New York, is one of the most strikingly picturesque resorts in the country. Lying among the hills twelve miles within the Lehigh Gap, it appears so be so completely walled in, that it is only when the traveler has attained one of the commanding summits, and descried the wonderful horseshoe bend of the narrow valley, that he can conceive how such a cul de sac can be approached from any direction by a railroad. The houses rise above each other as they back up against the rising hillside. On the opposite side of the river the precipitous bluffs of Bear Mountain, from the Indian of which the town derives its name, form the front of the horseshoe round which the current sweeps.

Trout fishing may be indulged in at the preserve of the Penn Forest Brook Trout Company, which comprises about sixty-five ponds and dams and is fed by four mountain streams. Nearer at hand, however, are the great scenic attractions of the resort. A trolley line attains the "Flag Staff" on the mountain at the southern end of the city, and westward lies the old Switch-back or Gravity Railroad, which historically and physically is of the most unique interest.

On Mount Pisgah, behind the site of the town, coal was discoverd by a hunter in 1791. The earliest anthracite mines of the country were opened in this vicinity, and the Gravity Railroad was constructed to bring the output down to the river. The length of the line was nine miles, and it was constructed at an even grade for the whole distance. Mules were used for years to haul the empty cars back to the mines. These sagacious beasts were wont to toil patiently up the long road, but they refused flatly to be driven down, having once become accustomed to the exhilaration of coasting with the coal and enjoying the beauties of the natural scenery. In 1844 a return track was laid. Machinery was installed to draw the cars up Mount Pisgah and Sharp Mountain, but the cars ran the remainder of the way by their own gravity. Of late years the railroad has been used exclusively for recreation.

As we ascend Mount Pisgah the earth seems to sink away from us, and the vast amphitheatre of the hills falls into perspective. It is a thrilling sight. The summit reached, we slowly cross a trestle over a wild ravine.. To the north lies Broad Mountain, and we catch a glimpse of Glen Onoko through a distant ravine. Behind us the Lehigh Gap is outlined in blue. The river winds below like a silver serpent, banded by a bridge where it is crossed by the Central Railroad of New Jersey. The towns cuddled in the valley sides look like toy houses from a Noah's Ark. Now we gather speed as we roll along; on the right rises a ridge buried in forest, and below, on the other hand, we pass the old tunnel and hamlet of Hackelbernie. From Bloomingdale Valley the second ascent is made, this time to a slightly higher altitude, and again we scan a wide panorama bounded by mountain ranges. From here we scarcely travel a mile before we come to the turning point, the quaint old mining village of Summit Hill Here there is much of interest to be seen. The mines may be visited, and the burning mine, a vein which has been smouldering since 1832, and is now on fire at a great depth, should be seen. The return ride over the nine miles of continuous descending grade is perhaps the pleasantest part of the trip. Starting gradually as before, great speed is soon attained, and we whistle through the greenwood on the wings of the wind. Under the shadow of great crags, through forests of rhododendron and laurel, by purling mountain streams, and out again across open pasture land the car leaps like a thing alive. Finally we descry the roofs and spires of Mauch Chunk, and all too quickly the ride comes to an end. Whoever is thrilled by the scenic railways indoors at Coney Island, should try this indescribable coast of eighteen miles around the everlasting hills.

The New Jersey Central runs fortnightly excursions to Mauch Chunk at popular prices, and if you are interested send for circulars to C. M. Burt, General Passenger Agent, New York City.


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The new edition of Dr. Samuel Warren's immortal "Ten Thousand a Year." Cloth, illustrated, $1.50. FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, Pubs., NEW YORK



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