Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

Bouguereau's death, 301

Breed, The American, 275

British army contract scandals, 88

British journalism, The revolution in,,379

Brunetière's, Mr., conversion, An analysis of, 54
Buddhism as a religion for lapsed Christians, 350

California, Oil fuel as the salvation of, 275
Canal commission, Troubles of the, 168
Canada's growth and American immigration, 464
Canards of the silly season, Foreign, 390
Carelessness, Our National, 415

Castro in a warlike mood again, 298
Caucasus, A new outbreak in the, 409
Chew, How to, and how to swallow, 347
Chicago teamsters' strike, Losses in, 166.
Child's capacity for religion, The, 458
Chinese boycott, Alarm over, 203

French justification of the, 285
Latest aspects of, 293

Chinese physicians, 144

Results of the, 38

Christ and the sense of justice, 52
Christian citizenship, 349

tenets the Jews may adopt, 420 Christianity illustrated by a contrast, 282

Scotch and English, compared, 52
the most inclusive of all religions, 460

Church and labor, Recent approaches between, 386 architecture, Two new influences in, 180

as a brotherhood, The, 123

as a school of fine arts," The, 150

Churches in America, New attitude of, 87
Clergymen, Honor among, 421

Coal miners and President Roosevelt, 238

Coal strike, Mutterings of a new, 338

Compass points, Universal symbols for, 176

Congregational Church, Liturgical unrest in the, 151 Congress, Cutting out work for, 237

Convict labor, How to employ, 372

Cranes, Magnetic, 83

Cotton-crop reports, Scandal of, 103

Critics disagree, Where, 273

Crops, Promise of record, 264

Crystal or organism, 84

Cuba's governing ability, Doubting, 374

Curzon, Lord, and England's new Indian policy, 354 Lord, What caused the resignation of, 295

Czar, offers a stone for bread, 217

reappears as a peace advocate, 443

D'Annunzio's unsuccessful tragedy, 46

Decadent revival, A, 343

Deficit, Government, 76

Department graft scandal, Another, 299

Depew, Senator, and " Equitable" Finance, 106

Diamonds, The making of paste, 82

Disease, Animal forms as breeders of, 384

Disestablishment, Combes in defense of, 463

Dodge, Mary Mapes, and juvenile literature, 341

Dramatic art and the masses, 142

problem, An interesting, 114

salon suggested, A, 380

Dunne's, Mayor, change of base, 105

East upon Western literature, The glamour of the, 450
Education, A plea for the scientific basis in, 378
"Elevated," First big wreck on New York, 405
England and Germany, As to war between, 353
French navy's invasion of, 313
Religious equality growing in, 312
English literature, Three styles in, 452
Englishman and his emotions, The, 377,
Erotic novel, Increasing popularity of the, 451
Esperantists, The first congress of, 412
Ether, Theories of the universal, 418
Evolution and temperature, 307

A new law of, 382

Express train, The coming, 48

Faces and occupations, 419

Faith, A returning age of, 105

Farming in the desert, 210

Fast trains, Are they dangerous? 81

Fat men should swim, Why, 177

Federation, Protestant, Catholic view of, 54

Feminism in modern music, 303

Fevers, Imitation, 212

Fiction, The coming thing in, 206

Fire-fighters, Fresh air for, 457

Fish, The taming of, 456.

FitzGerald classed as an amateur, 45

Flame as an electrical conductor, 17

Flying machines, An exhibition of, 82

Folk, Governor, and Sunday-closing laws, 110
Foods, fake, Plain talk about, Sr

Frame house, The passing of the, 119

France, Irish attack upon disestablishment in, 121

not irreligious, 386

Progress of disestablishment in, 89 'French novel and the American woman, The, 77 virtue and American virtue, 90

Future life, Changing ideas of the, 309

Garbage disposal and city politics, 51
German efforts to revise Christianity, 87

army, A French arraignment of the, 254
Baltic scare, The, 283

objections to the Czar's Polish reformers, 426
press on Morocco dispute, 88

Gold-extraction, Chemistry in, 385

[merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]


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Jones' Dairy Farm

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-this Modern Soap

The Chest


"Gold Ship" and its work, The, 211 Gorky's symbolic drama, 304

Grain rates, New, 337

Grand army and its new commander, 407

[ocr errors]

"Hamlet," A religious interpretation of, 249
Hankow railroad, Sale of the, 336

Hardy, Thomas, as an optimist, 170
Hardy's novels, Nature and man ín, 341
Hay, John, as a man of letters, 111

as a member of the "church without the
church," 459,.

Hay's literary possibilities, Howells on, 378
Hindu influence on Christianity, 279

Holmes the "American Sterne," 413

Hooker, W. B., and the New York legislature, 6
Acquittal of, 139

Hot weather reflections, Some, 138
Hungary, Possibilities of the crisis in, 156

Will it follow Norway's example? 219

Immigration, Improvement in, 316
"Immortal," Death of an, 177,
Immortality as a doctrine of the Septuagint, 252
Prof. Hyslop's book on, 179
Imperialism, How France will check our, 153
Impressionism, what? After, 414
Inauguration day, Plans to change, 336
India, Ravages of plague in, 220
Insects, Losses due to, 176
Instinct in insects, Origin of, 51

Insurance companies under searchlight, More, 404
International conventions, Three, 152
Invention as a department of business, 47
Ireland, Justice for, 184

Iron and copper, Exhaustion of our supply of, 115
Italy, Economic progress of, 126

Japan, Christian missions in, A Japanese view of, 252
has taught England and Italy, What, 255
How civilization is killing art in, 449.
Imperial verse-writers of, 209
Influence of missions in, 309

My new Book will teach you how to breathe
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Loss of most famous ship of, 409

New Anglo-Japanese alliance, A, 370
Revolutionary results of victory upon, 424'
Japanese ambition, The menace of, 352

art, Ukiyo-ye, the popular school of, 240
press agent, The, 204

riots, Meaning of the, 408
Jerome's defiance of the "bosses," 199
Jesus and the Oriental mind, 388
Jewish race prejudice in politics, 448
Judaism possible? Is a revived, 349
Kansas, No State oil-refinery in, 108

Lakes, Great, Is the level of, falling? 84
Laughing in church, 421

Law-case, The first, 387,

Lawn-mowers, Automobile, 175
Laziness as a brain disease, 175

Lead-boring insects, 146

Libraries, public, Enormous growth of, 78

Life insurance president who died poor, A, 299
Lightning rods up to date, 348

Literature as a profession, 271

as an aid to industry, 173

of exposure, Protest against the, 207

Locomotive, steam, and car, Combination, 247
Loeb, Professor, and his discoveries, 116
Lynching, Georgia, Southern press on, 71

Mariner's compass, A substitute for the, 454
Massenet's new" Mozartian" opera, 172
Maternal affection, Origin of, 244.

Meat packers fined under the Elkins law, 444
Mental phenomena, New method of measuring, 117
Music, religious ideas, 214

Milton as a religious radical, 123
Milwaukee, Campaign against graft in, 165
Effect of, upon Christianity, 120

Mitchell, Senator, Conviction of, 75
Montaigne, The self-revelation of, 450
Moral in literature, The insincere, 170
"Mormon menace, The," 388
Morocco, A new ferment in, 392

L'Allegro, Il Penseroso and, 185
Music, program verses absolute, 208
Musical parasite, The, 140

Name, What is in a, 148
Nature study in the Sunday-school, 149
Natural bridge, The making of a, 276

selection in the inorganic world, 346 Negro, A Republican thrust at the, 407 as a business man, The, 266 disfranchisement in Maryland, 235 Religious life of the, 152 Newspaper, English, 113 New York Life's campaign contributions, 441 New York's Smart Set, "Fads and Fancies" of, 200. Niagara, Another way to save, 148 Norway's quandary, 256

Oscar II. and the throne of Norway, 55

Painting, Labor and result in, 241
Panama-canal troubles, 445
Patent medicines, Alcoholic, 446

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

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Real Coffee Flavor

The very best coffee may be spoiled in the making. When it is boiled with the grounds much of the aroma goes out of the spout, and it acquires a bitter taste, that disguises whatever real coffee flavor may be left.

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[blocks in formation]


Patenting worthless inventions, 177
Patriotism of Christ, 121

Paul Jones, Foreign comment on return of, 153

Is it the body of? 133

Pauline controversy, Tendency of, 182
Peary's new dash for the Pole, 109
Philadelphia choosing a new leader, 74
What reform has done for, 447
Phonographic postal card, A, 416

Photography, A new process in artistic, 385 in America, Artistic, 411

on fruits, 381

Plants that give light, 118

that hide from animals, 49

Poland, Polish press on risings in, 218
Pope and Italian politics, The, 91

Porto Rico's demand for self-government, 169
Hurting, with our kindness, 374

Prayer, Therapeutic value of, 456'
Printing scandal, The government, 371

Race riots in New York, Lessons of the, 136
Races, Study of vanishing, 248
Radioactive animals and plants, 383
"Radiobes" and their discoverer, 147

a possible explanation of Burke's, 453
before Burke, 348

More remarks on, 246

Rain-storm, Feeling the pulse of a, 212
Ray-cures, 115

Religion, Blurred outlines in, 122

Imagination in, 86

Is it a dangerous topic? 215 Religions, Wealth of new, 250

Religious controversy, Decay of, 149

cooperation, A great conference for, 458
emphasis, The new, 279

Revivals, The influence of, 461

Rockefeller's gift, and business ethics, 37.
Roman Catholic Church, Radical forces in the, 53
Reform in the, 120

Roman Catholicism, Human element in, 216
Romance, The veering weathercock of popular, 272
Roosevelt as a reviewer of verse, 271

Submarine trip, 339

works with the envoys, 300 Root, Elihu, as Secretary of State, 70 Russia autocracy and party spirit, 315 Boycotting the new douma" in, 426 Drama and censorship in, 172 End of tariff war with, 405 Foreign books in, 44

Is there any hope for? 183


Domestic condition, Trepoff on, 462 Need of new allies, 218

Revolution in? 72

Tolstoy, Henry George and "Russia's great iniquity," 285.

Tolstoy on Jewish question in, 186

What the new "Douma" means for Russians, 268

Useful books on, 344

Zemstvo congress and the Russian police, 137 Russian diplomacy, 423

Jews in America, 375
naval mutiny, 42

naval rank before and after, 265

officers, Expert criticism of, 389

press on peace prospects, 124

press on the peace, 462

reformers again baffled by the Czar, 355 religious reformation, Beginnings of, 86

Russo-Japanese War:

Effects of the Portsmouth treaty of peace, 369
Naval authorities on naval battle, 40
Peace and one of its sequels, 125
Peace outlook at Portsmouth, 233,

Peace plenipotentiaries and reporters, 164

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Russo-Japanese War:

Peace, The terms of, 333.

Predictions of a deadlock at Portsmouth, 253
Roosevelt, President, as peace referee, 270

Saghalien, Seizure of, 104
Scandinavia's future, 154
Schism, Benefits of, 123
Science, Frenzied, 244

in the library, 247


Scotland, Literary decadence in, 302
"Seedless man?" Can we breed a, 305
"Separation" in France, Views of the, 249
Sepulture, A new method of, 308
Sermon reporter, As it strikes a, 216
Sewerage six thousand years ago, 306
Sex in education, A Platonist on, 245
Shaw, Bernard, Attempts to "place," 140
Short Story. A Political Tip (Andrews), 221
in America, Beginning of the, 240
The Strike Breaker (Chester), 356
Sky-scraper, Stability of the, 118
Sleep, The cause of, 248

Smollett, Tobias, a neglected humorist, 80
Society versus art, 112

South America by wireless, Across, 415

South Carolina's dispensary scandal, 406
Spain, Prosperity of, 92

Spider as an engineer, The, 346

Spider's web, Photograph of a, 246
Spiritualism and electricity, 174
Squaw-Talk," 207

Steel-making by electricity, 308

Stories? short, Is there no standard for, 45
Storm movement, Foretelling, 145

Street-railway traffic shown in curves, 307
Submarines, Detection of, 144

The electrical, 211

Subway tavern, End of the, 338
Sun and the weather, The, 213.
Sun's eclipse, Studying the, 340
lifting power, The, 456

Swinburne's novel, 449

Taft Philippine trip, Some fruits of the, 263

"Tainted money," Acceptance of the famous, 446

problem for the Pope, A, 391

Tariff-war, Preparing for a, 269

Telegraphy, space, International aspects of, 178
Temporal power, A Catholic indictment of, 310

Theological reconstruction, Suggestions toward a method of, 351

Theology and art, 249

A godless, 151

Widening breach between conservative and ad

vanced, 350

Third rail made innocuous, The deadly, 417

Thirst? Will the human race die of, 381

Thought-forms, Theosophical theory of, 422

Tibet, The Buddhism of, 311

Tide in a bowl, A, 278

Time transmission by telephone, 278

Tolstoy on the sin of holding office, 425
literary plans, 46

Trade, Doubts about our foreign, 134
Trees, The transplanting of large, 277,

Tshushima and "Nelson's Year," Echoes of, 284
Typewriter, A new shorthand, 119

Unfit, The survival of the, 305

Union examined, A barrier to, 215

Vagabond as a literary type, The, 342
Vegetable juices and tuberculosis, 418
Verse, A physiological theory of, 141

Wagner's idea of art, 413

Wallace, Chief-Engineer, Why he resigned, 36

Wandering from the subject recommended, 173
War, A good word for, 286

Weather-proof stone and metal, To, 146

Whisky, Decreasing use of, 410

Whistler and Watts contrasted, 44

Whitman, Walt, Puritan objection to, 242

William II., Predicted failure of policy of, 57

Wireless message, Trying to aim a, 245

Woman in modern Italian fiction, 112

Women, Industrial supremacy of, 299

X-Ray device, A new, 455

Yellow fever in New Orleans, 163

Federal control over, 236

Young Men's Christian Association under criticism, 85

Zebra, Domestication of the African, 416

Zionism, The split in, 281

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[blocks in formation]

In this column, to decide questions concerning the correct use of words, the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary is consulted as arbiter.

[ocr errors]

W. A. W.." Nebraska. City, Nebr.-"Is the phrase He is in business for himself grammatically correct? The sentence is grammatically correct, the idiomatic expression "for himself" meaning 44 not associated with others as partners."

"F. T. H.," Brooklyn, N. Y.-"As the owner of several dictionaries I am sometimes greatly perplexed on account of the manner in which they separate certain words, especially when these words are composed of more than one element, as in bath-house,' 'newsstand,' schoolroom.' They seem to make no distinction between the hyphen when used to divide words for pronunciation and when used to denote a hyphenated compound word. Does the 'Standard Dictionary' do the same thing?"

The Standard Dictionary does not do the same thing. In order to overcome the very difficulty which perplexes "F. T. H.," its editors used the so-called German double hyphen to designate all hyphenated compound words. The following remarks on the Standard's system of compounding words, from the American Journal of Education (St. Louis and Milwaukee, Sept., 1905), will no doubt prove of general interest:

About Compound Words.

H. H. Moe.

Here is a distinction that must be readily noticed: "A man who wears a blue coat is called a bluecoat, and redhead is the common form of the name of a



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duck with a red head." Notice when the words are Send for free treatise, Winchester & Co., Chemists, 609 Beekman Bldg., N.Y. 1958. written together and when they are written separately. Again, take brick house and brick-yard. In brick house the words are written separately because the word brick is a simple adjective modifler, telling something about the word house. In brick-yard, however, brick does not modify (like a simple adjective) yard, but the two words mean a certain place. Notice that this distinction is based on the grammatical relation of the word or words. The Standard Dictionary Company, after a consultation on the part of its writers, and also after a careful examination of all other great dictionaries, decided upon a system of compounding words. Then they placed at the head of this particular department an able and eminent specialist. It is the first dictionary that has attempted anything like systematic treatment of compound words.

"A Dainty Story, Quite out of the Common

"It is a dainty little story, and quite out of the common. It furnishes an hour's enjoyable reading, and can not fail to move tender feelings as well as to cause smiles."-Daily Evening Telegraph, Phila.

As indicated above, the distinction is based upon grammatical relation. To-day is a compound word because to does not modify, like an adjective, the word day. Man servant is not written as a compound word because, strictly speaking, man modifies, or tells something about servant. The dictionary gives manservant, however, in the regular vocabulary place, and in speaking of some exceptions, the authors say: Some names that are unquestionably compounds in their nature have never been so written, and it would be pedantic to insist that they should be." But they give us an excellent and simple system to follow.

[ocr errors]

Here are three simple rules laid down and followed by the Standard Dictionary:

1. All words should be separate when used in regular grammatical relation and construction, unless they are jointly applied in some arbitrary way.

2. Abnormal association of words generally indicates unification in sense, and hence compounding in form.

8. No expression in the language should ever be changed from two or more words into one (either hyphened or solid) without change of sense.

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