Lapas attēli

island, but that there were a large number of naturalized citizens who were entitled to the protection of this Government. Both sides, he said, were guilty of atrocities and crimes against humanity.

"After he had submitted his report Mr. Calhoun, at the request of the President, remained several months in Washington advising him as the crisis approached.

"Mr. Calhoun served two years in the Interstate Commerce Commission, and upon his retirement in 1899 he went to Chicago, where he entered the law firm of Pam, Calhoun & Glennon. He became counsel for several important corporations, in some of which he was interested as a stockholder.

"President Roosevelt summoned him to Washington in 1902, and there was a report at that time that he had been asked to enter the Cabinet. If so he declined and returned to the practise of law. Now, after a lapse of eight years, he has been called upon to perform a service which in many respects bears a close

resemblance to the service that he performed in Cuba."



September 9.- Both the Japanese and Russian peace envoys deny that the Czar and Mikado have entered into a secret treaty.

September 10. The claims made by China against Russia and Japan for damages done by the armies in Manchuria may be submitted to The Hague Tribunal. Field Marshal Oyama sends an officer to General Linevitch, asking him to appoint a commissioner to meet one of his own to arrange for an armistice. News of peace is generally welcomed by the Russian army in Manchuria.

September 11.-Advices from Tokyo say that the city is quiet, tho the opposition papers continue their attacks upon the Government.

September 12.-Mr. Witte, the senior Russian peace envoy, leaves New York on his way to St. Petersburg. Before sailing he gives a practical pledge to work for the emancipation of the Jews in Russia.

September 13. - Rioting, in which thirty-seven policemen are injured, follows an anti-peace meeting at Yokohama. By the Russo-Japanese protocol naming an armistice, provision is made for a neutral zone; Russia agrees to send no more troops south of Harbin, and Japan will send none north of Mukden.

September 15.-Generals representing General Line

vitch and Marshal Oyama sign an armistice providing for a neutral zone between the two armies.


September 9.-The situation at Baku is growing worse; firing continues, and starvation prevails. September 10.-The Czar orders the discontinuance of the retaliatory tariff duties levied in Russia against American products.

September 11.-A general strike is ordered at Warsaw; Cossacks and infantry are patrolling the streets. Evidences that war materials are being imported into Finland give rise to the fear that a revolt is imminent.

September 12.-Tartars of the Caucasus declare a holy war; Mussulmans from over the Persian border are joining them for an effort to exterminate Armenian Christians. Villages are wiped out and revolting barbarities mark the warfare being waged by the Tartars.

[blocks in formation]


Carefully selected and systematically arranged for the historical study of Greek and Italian Art. In sets of 500, $4. One cent each or 80 cents per hundred. Address postal for catalogues. ART DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL, 201 Clarendon St., Boston.

Just the Scratch of a Pen


Will Bring Abiding Health.

ITH as little trouble as the mere scratch of a pen you can: find the way to abounding, abiding health. Just a line—a. few words will bring our booklet, "The Battle Creek Idea." We hope to send a copy into every home in America.. It ought to be read by every man who desires to have physical. strength, to do his full share in the world's work. Every woman who wishes to perform her whole duty to herself and family, should. not only read it, but carefully, thoughtfully, study it.

There is nothing pedantic in the booklet-no exploitation of fads or fancies just plain, straightforward talk and practical truths. It tells of a. rational life you can live in your own home, whereby you can secure permanent health. It tells the cause of sickness and weakness. It shows the part that diet plays in making or marring careers. You can follow its. teachings without interference with business or home duties.

There is absolutely no charge-no obligations on your part if you ask for the booklet-now, or in the future. So write to-day-now. Address. BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM CO., Ltd., Dept. B-16, Battle Creek, Mich..



By the Brooks System

YOU can drive a nail and cut out a piece of material from a full-sized pattern-you can build a canoe-rowboat-sail-boat-or launch-in your leisure time-at home, and the building will be a source of profit and pleasure.

All you need are the patterns, costing from $2.50 up, and materials, from $5.00 up. The tools are common in every household. Patterns of over 40 styles and sizes-all lengths from 12 to 55 feet.

The Brooks System consists of exact-size printed paper patterns of every part of the boat-with detailed instructions and working illustrations showing each step of the work-an itemized bill of material required and how to secure it.

Over 6,000 amateurs successfully built boats by the Brooks System last year. Fifty per cent, of them have built their second boat. Many have established themselves in the boatmanufacturing business.

Catalogue and particulars free. For 25 cents
100-page catalogue containing valuable informa-
tion for the amateur yachtsman, showing several
working illustrations of each boat, and a full set
for one boat. Full line of knock-down and com-
pleted boats. When so ordered, patterns are
expressed, charges prepaid, C. O. D., to allow

Originators of the Pattern System
of Boat Building
Bay City, Mich., U. S. A.

2409 Ship Street

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


$25,000.00 made from half acre.. Easily grown in Garden or Farm. Roots and seeds for sale. Send 4c. for postage and get booklet C O, telling all about it MCDOWELL GINSENG GARDEN, JOPLIN, MO

GIFTS 25cts. to $25,000.

Our catalogue (sent free) illustrates over 6000 new and beautiful gifts in diamonds, watches, silverwares, jewelry, china, glass, etc. Invaluable to you when buying holiday, birthday, or wedding gifts.. Goods sent on.pproval. Address:

MERMOD, JACCARD & KING, 401 Broadway, St. Louis, or 400 Fifth Ave., New York..

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers.


Chocolates Confections

[blocks in formation]

est desk value ever offered. This desk is made of selected Oak throughout. It is 48 inches long, and is finished golden. Has pen rucks, extension slides, book stalls, etc. All drawers lock by closing curtain. Nothing to equal it has ever been offered heretofore for less than from $25.00 to $20.00. Write for Desk Catalogue. Address

gle between Raisuli and the rebellious tribes


September 12.-The Japanese battle-ship Mikasa is


[blocks in formation]

you speak sunk by the explosion of a magazine following à a "ten-cent cigar" you Relations between Rumania and Greece are re-mean a cigar that costs


ported severely strained.

Zambesi bridge, at Victoria Falls, East Africa, the highest bridge in the world, is opened in the

presence of the British Association for the A

vancement of Science.

General Corbin, Admiral Train, Miss Roosevelt,
and other members of the American party arrive
at Peking.

September 13-A plot to assassinate the rulers of
Servia and Bulgaria is discovered at Belgrade
and Sofia.

September 14.-The Hungarian Cabinet resigns.
September 15.-Karlstad reports a serious disagree
ment between the commissioners of Norway and
Sweden. Troops are said to be moving to the
Norwegian frontier.

Count de Brazza, the explorer, dies at Dakar,
West Africa.

you ten cents.

The same cigar is to the manufacturer a "$40 per M.," or 4c. cigar; to the jobber a "$50 per M.," or 5c. cigar, and to the retailer a "$60 per M.," or 6c. cigar.

Intrinsically, that cigar is worth as much when the manufacturer appraises it at $40 per M. as it is when the retailer hands it over his counter as a "ten-cent straight." The difference between 4c. and 1oc. is September 9.-Senator Elkins, of West Virginia, what it costs to get the cigar announces that he will call a meeting of a com- from the manufacturer to you mittee to frame a rate-regulation bill to present, along the old fashioned trade turnpike with three toll gates.


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

September 11-It is said at Washington that Con-
gress will be asked to reduce the duty on Rus-
sian sugar in return for the Czar's curtailment,
of the tariff on American goods.

No deaths from yellow fever occur at New Orleans
for the first time since the disease became epi-

Twelve persons are killed and forty injured in a

wreck on the New York elevated road.
President Morton, of the Equitable, declares that
it is his purpose to conduct affairs in the inter-
ests of the policy-holders in a business-like

[blocks in formation]

Now, suppose you go to the maker of your cigars and say to him: "Sell me my cigars at wholesale and I'll take them home myself across lots."

"Oh, no," he will reply, "that wouldn't be fair to the retailer, who has bought my cigars to sell at retail price."

I am a maker of cigars who has never sold a cigar to a jobber or retailer to sell again. Hence I am under no obligations to "the trade." I invite the patronage of the man who objects to paying for the privilege of allowing a retailer to sell him a cigar-who wants to buy his cigars at cost, without the arbitrarily added expenses of the jobber and retailer. To prove that I actually do sell my cigars at wholesale prices I offer them under the following conditions:

Shivers' Panatela EXACT SIZE AND SHAPE

MY OFFER IS:-I will, upon request, send one hundred Shivers' Panatela Cigars on approval to a reader of The Literary Digest, express prepaid. He may smoke ten cigars and return the remaining ninety at my expense, if he is not pleased with them; if he is pleased, and keeps them, he agrees to remit the price, $5.00, within ten days.

The fillers of these cigars are clear Havana of good quality-not only clear, but long clean Havana-no shorts or cuttings are used. They are hand made, by the best of workmen. The making has much to do with the smoking qualities of a cigar The wrappers are genuine Sumatra.

In ordering, please enclose business card or give personal references, and state whether mild, medium or strong cigars are desired.


913 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Daniel Everton. by ISRAEL PUTNAM.-This is a story of love and soldier adventure in the Philippines. $1.20. Funk & Wagnalls Company, Pubs., New York.

in the new grouping of the Powers, 124* TWO DOLLARS


[blocks in formation]

Is what a membership in the "Book Wants" Club does for your book money. Discounts of from 50 to 75% on books. Worth saving, isn't it? Send us Two Dollars and we will send you A Permanent Membership Card, entitling you to all our regular and special catalogues of books at extreme discounts; and, Paid-up Subscription to Book Wants," a Monthly devoted to the purchase and sale of second-hand books. Just the publication for the book lover, who is always hunting for odd books. Central Mantel Co., 1216 Olive St., St. Louis BOOK WANTS CLUB, 515 WEST 178D STREET, NEW YORK Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers..


American historians compared, 143*
laborers deported from Canada, 57*
literature, Mob spirit in, 77*

naval development, Italian view of, 391**
painting and American history, 302*
paintings, Collecting, 142*

president, Powerlessness of the, 941
scholarship, British thrust at, 141*
temperament in painting, 171*

Anesthetic, A new, 47*

Anthropology? What is, 931

Arabian rebellion, The, 941

Arbitration movement, Progress of the, 266*

Architecture, National expression in, 304*
Arctic gas factory, An, 306*

Art, Great religious work of, 182*

How it may aid religion, 280*

Modern, Biblical influences in, 380*

Asphyxiation, Warnings of, 117*

Athletics," Professional amateurs" in, 39*

Bacon appointment, the, Business interests and, 373*

Balfour's plight as the French view it, 314*

Balzac, Notable tribute to, 274*

Barrie, J. M., The fairyland drama of, 43*
Battle won by telephone, 146*

Beef trust indictments, 42*

"Bennington" disaster, The, 138**

Auguries of the, 167*

findings, Dissatisfaction over the, 340*
Negligence on the, 297*

Bible as model of style, Inadequacy of, 79*

Babylonian sources of the, 311*

Biblical criticism, The English manifesto on, 938
Big-game herds, Last of the, 337*

Birth-rate, The declining, 294

Bjoerkoe, The mystery of, 253*

Blue light as an anesthetic, 174*

Books in Russia, Fear and distrust of, 12*
Books reviewed:

Africa from South to North (Gibbons), 944
Autobiography of Andrew D. White, 187*
Beautiful Lady, The (Tarkington), 93*
Belted Seas, The (Colton), 318*

Chatham, Life of (Harrison), 944

Divine Fire, The (Sinclair), 317*
James Watt (Carnegie), 94*

Jörn Uhl (Frenssen), 318*

Life of Thomas Hart Benton (Meigs), 94*
Love Triumphant (Knowles), 188

Miss Bellard's Inspiration (Howells), 187*
My Poor Relations (Maartens), 943

Parisians Out of Doors (Smith), 317*

Sandy (Rice), 943

Shining Ferry (Quiller-Couch), 93*

Short Constitutional History of United States (Thorpe), 93*

Smoke Eaters, The (O'Higgins), 224*

Sunny Side of the Street, The (Wilder), 188
Wild Wings (Job), 943

Bottle-washer, An automatic,

Bouguereau's death, 301*


Bowen-Loomi's case, End of the, 3*

Breed, The American, 275*

British army contract scandals, 88*

British journalism, The revolution in,,379*

Brunetière's, Mr., conversion, An analysis of, 54*
Buddhism as a religion for lapsed Christians, 350*
Butterflies, The migrations of, 933
Byron, The apotheosis of, 928

California, Oil fuel as the salvation of, 275*
Canal commission, Troubles of the, 168*
Canards of the silly season, Foreign, 390
Castro in a warlike mood again, 298*
Chew, How to, and how to swallow, 347*
Chicago teamsters' strike, Losses in, 166*
Chinese boycott, Alarm over, 203*

French justification of the, 285*
Latest aspects of, 293*

Chinese exclusion troubles, 924
physicians, 144*

Results of the, 38*

Chopins, The two, 929

Christ and the sense of justice, 52*

Christian citizenship, 349*

Christianity illustrated by a contrast, 282*

Scotch and English compared, 52*
Should it countenance war? 20*

Church and labor, Recent approaches between, 386* architecture, Two new influences in, 180*

as a brotherhood, The, 123*

as a "school of fine arts," The, 150*

union, A protest against, 939,

Churches in America, New attitude of, 87*

Clergyman, The New Anglican, 18*

Coal miners and President Roosevelt, 238*

Coal strike, Mutterings of a new, 338*

Colleges, Denominational, excluded from Carnegie

benefit, 861

Compass points, Universal symbols for, 176*

Congregational Church, Liturgical unrest in the, 151* Congress, Cutting out work for, 237*

Convict labor, How to employ, 372*

Cotton-crop reports, Leaks in, 923
Scandal of, 103*

Cranes, Magnetic, 83

Critics disagree, Where, 273*

Crops, Promise of record, 264*

Crystal or organism, 84*

Cuba's governing ability, Doubting, 374*

Curzon, Lord, and England's new Indian policy, 354*

Lord, What caused the resignation of, 295*

Czar, offers a stone for bread, 217*

[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]



A 20th-Century evolution in the art of lighting. Entirely new, 100 candle power, 7 hours one cent. Superior to electricity or gas and cheaper than coal oil. No trouble to keep clean, absolutely safe. Sells at siglit. We also manufacture table lamps, wall lamps, chandeliers, store and street lamps. Agents wanted at once. Write for free catalogue and prices. We manufacture all kinds and grades of mantles. If you buy them direct from us we will save you dealers' profits. Prices sent upon request. Chicago Solar Light Co., Dept. B. Chicago.


We have 25 Kinds of Instruments to Assist Hearing.
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All the family derive a lasting benefit from a well seasoned dish. The perfection cf seasoning for most dishes is

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Money Wanted We sell 6% First

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Water Supply for Country Homes

Deliver water from spring or stream to house, stable, lawn, storage tank, etc., by the automatic working


Always going without attention. Raise 30 feet for every foot fall. 80% efficiency. Large
plants for irrigation, equipping towns, railroad tanks, etc. Over 5,000 in use.
Catalogue and estimates free.
126 Liberty Street, New York

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers,


Diamonds, The making of paste,.82*

Disease, Animal forms as breeders of, 384*

Dodge, Mary Mapes, and juvenile literature, 341*
Dramatic art and the masses, 142*

problem, An interesting, 114*

salon suggested, A, 380*

Dunne's, Mayor, change of base, 105*

Dynamite transportation, The problem of, 934

Education, A plea for the scientific basis in, 378*

Egoism as a basis for Christian ethics, 936

Electric transformer, The, 935

Electrical industries, Progress in, 935-
Engine, rotary, Problem of the, 17*

England and Germany, As to war between, 353*
French navy's invasion of, 313*
Religious equality growing in, 312*

Englishman and his emotions, The, 377*
Equitable management, Weighing the new, 921
methods of finance, 1*

Evolution and temperature, 307*

A new law of, 382*

Express train, The coming, 48*

Faith, A returning age of, 105*

Farming in the desert, 210*

Fast trains, Are they dangerous? 81*

Safety of, 2

Fat men should swim, Why, 177*

Federation, Protestant, Catholic view of, 54*
Feminism in modern music, 303*

Fevers, Imitation, 212*

Fiction, The coming thing in, 206*

FitzGerald classed as an amateur, 45*

Flame as an electrical conductor, 17*

Flying machines, An exhibition of, 82*

Folk, Governor, and Sunday-closing laws, 110*

Food, Queer things as, 16*

Foods, fake, Plain talk about, 81*

'Fourth," How to live through the, 13*

Frame house, The passing of the, 119

France, Irish attack upon disestablishment in, 121*
not irreligious, 386*

Progress of disestablishment in, 89*
Protestant uneasiness in, 18*

French novel and the American woman, The, 77*
virtue and American virtue, 90*

Future life, Changing ideas of the, 309*
Garbage disposal and city politics, 51*
Gas, illuminating, Dangers of, 14*
German efforts to revise Christianity, 87*

army, A French arraignment of the, 254*
Baltic scare, The, 283*

press on Morocco dispute, 88* Gold-extraction, Chemistry in, 385* "Gold Ship" and its work, The, 211* Gomez, the liberator, 4*

Gorky's symbolic drama, 304*

Grain rates, New, 337*,

Guns, great, with rapid fire, 932

"Hamlet," A religious interpretation of, 249* Hankow railroad, Sale of the, 336*

Hardy, Thomas, as an optimist, 170*

Hardy's novels, Nature and man ín, 341*

Hay, Secretary, Death of, 35*

as a man of letters, 111*

Hay's literary possibilities, Howells on, 378*
Hindu influence on Christianity, 279*

Hooker, W. B., and the New York legislature, 6*

Acquittal of, 139*

Hot weather reflections, Some, 138*

Hungary, Possibilities of the crisis in, 156*

Will it follow Norway's example? 219*

Ibsen, A new estimate of, 927

Immigration, Improvement in, 316* "Immortal," Death of an, 177*

Immortality as a doctrine of the Septuagint, 252*

Prof. Hyslop's book on, 179*

Imperialism, How France will check our, 153*

Inauguration day, Plans to change, 336*

India, Ravages of plague in, 220*

Insects, Losses due to, 176*

Instinct in insects, Origin of, 51*

International conventions, Three, 152*

Invention as a department of business, 47*

Ireland, Justice for, 184*

Iron and copper, Exhaustion of our supply of, 115*

Islands as weather stations, 14*

Italy, Economic progress of, 126*

James, Henry, on American men and women, 929

Japan, Christian missions in, A Japanese view of, 252*
has taught England and Italy, What, 255*
Imperial verse-writers of, 209*
Influence of missions in, 309*

New Anglo-Japanese alliance, A, 370*
Japanese ambition, The menace of, 352*
art, Ukiyo-ye, the popular school of, 240*
press agent, The, 204*

success, Menace of, 920


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For copies of THE LITERARY DIGEST-whole numbers 343, 450, 581, 592, 595, 601, 702, 711, 734, 737, 763, 764, 774, 776, and semi-annual Indexes for Vols. 16, 18, 20 and 24-we will pay ten cents per copy upon return to us at once in good condition. Funk & Wagnalls

E. J. WORST, Ashland, Ohio. | Company, 44-60 East 23d Street, New York.

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers,


The Only Food She Could Eat


Miss ANNIE B. OROXTON, Winchester, Ky., writes:

I have lived wholly on Taro-ena for four months, having used over $30.00 worth already. It is the only thing I can eat. I have been very ill for two years and under the care of noted specialists for the stomach, and I find that Taro-ena is the best thing I have used."

After a thorough comparison of Taro-ena and 60 other foods, Dr. H. P. McKnight, Superintendent Camp Health Sanitarium, Southern Pines, N. O., invites any practitioner to produce a case of indigestion in which Taro-ena cannot be taken, retained, digested and assimilated with perfect comfort.

Taro-ena is cooked, unsweetened Hawaiian taro meal-nothing added, nothing taken away. Regular size, 60c.; large size, $1.00; hos pital size, $3.00; at drug stores. If your druggist doesn't have it in stock order by mail of us. We pay the postage.

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Whitman Saddle

The one saddle always preferred by discriminating riders. It is the highest type of the saddler's art. Correct in every line always comfortable for the horse and rider. Complete catalogue sent free, showing the Whitman for men and women, and everything from Saddle to Spur.' Address


Jerome's defiance of the "bosses," 199*
Tesus and the Oriental mind, 388*
Jingoism rebuked in Germany, 942
Judaism in New York, Condition of, 936
Proposed synod of, 19*
possible? Is a revived, 349*

Kansas, No State oil-refinery in, 108*


Lakes, Great, Is the level of, falling? 84*
Law-case, The first, 387*.
Lawn-mowers, Automobile, 175*
Laziness as a brain disease, 175*.
Lead-boring insects, 146*
Libraries, public, Enormous growth of, 78*
Life insurance president who died poor, A, 299*
Lightning rods up to date, 348*
Literature as a profession, 271*

as an aid to industry, 173*

Locomotive, steam, and car, Combination, 247*
of exposure, Protest against the, 207*
Loeb, Professor, and his discoveries, 116*
Lynching, Georgia, Southern press on, 71*

Massenet's new
Mozartian "
opera, 172*
Maternal affection, Origin of, 244*
Mental phenomena, New method of measuring, 117*
Music, religious ideas, 214*
Milton as a religious radical, 123*
Milwaukee, Campaign against graft in, 165*
Miniature painting, 9*

Missions, Foreign, as affected by outcome of the war,


Effect of, upon Christianity, 120*
Mitchell, Senator, Conviction of, 75*
Moon, Active volcanoes on the, 15*
Moral in literature, The insincere, 170*
"Mormon menace, The," 388*
Morocco, A new ferment in, 392*

imbroglio, Possibilities of, 23*

L'Allegro, Il Penseroso and, 185*

Morton's, Mr., exoneration, 5*
Music, program verses absolute, 208*
Musical parasite, The, 140*

Name, What is in a, 148*
Nature study in the Sunday-school, 149*
Natural bridge, The making of a, 276*

selection in the inorganic world, 346* Negro as a business man, The, 266*

disfranchisement in Maryland, 235*
Religious life of the, 152*

Negroes, Southern, as property-holders, 926
Newspaper, English, 113*,

Niagara, Another way to save, 148*
New York's Smart Set," Fads and Fancies" of, 200*
Norway, The fate of, 940
Norway's quandary, 256*

Oratory, After-dinner, in America, 10*
Oscar II. and the throne of Norway, 55*

Painting, Labor and result in, 241*
Patenting worthless inventions, 177*
Patriotism of Christ, 121*

Paul Jones, Foreign comment on return of, 153*
Is it the body of? 133*

Pauline controversy, Tendency of, 182*
Peary's new dash for the Pole, 109*
Philadelphia choosing a new leader, 74*
Photography, A new process in artistic, 385*
on fruits, 381*

Pictures? Why do we paint, 927
Pipe, A smoke-cooling, 933
Plants that give light, 118*

that hide from animals, 49* Poland, Russian, Uprising in, 8*

Polish press on risings in, 218*
Pope and Italian politics, The, 91*
Porto Rico's demand for self-government, 169*
Hurting, with our kindness, 374*
Printing scandal, The government, 371*
Public library, Is it feminized? 10*

Race riots in New York, Lessons of the, 136*
Races, Study of vanishing, 248*

$12 Radioactive animals and plants, 383*



The Mehlbach Saddle Co., 104 Chambers St., New York Successors to THE WHITMAN SADDLE CO.


"Radiobes" and their discoverer, 147* before Burke, 348*

More remarks on, 246*

Railroads, American, Secret of success in, 24* Railway, Speed war between New York Central and

Pennsylvania, 922,

Rain storm, Feeling the pulse of a, 212*
Rapid transit, The sociology of, 15*

Send for this Religion, Blurred outlines in, 122*

Print your own cards, circulars, &c.
Press $5. Small newspaper press $18.
Money saver. Print for others, big profits.
Typesetting easy, printed rules sent.
Write to makers for catalog, presses, type,

Imagination in, 86*

Is it a dangerous topic? 215*
Religions, Wealth of new, 250**
Religious controversy, Decay of, 149*
emphasis, The new, 279*
Rockefeller's gift, and business ethics, 37*
Roman Catholic Church, Radical forces in the, 53*
Reform in the, 120

ARK FRUIT BOOK Roman Catholicism, Human element in, 216%

in NATURAL COLORS and accurately describes 216 varieties of fruit. Send for our liberal terms of distribution to planters-Stark Bro's. Louisiana, Mo.


[blocks in formation]

Romance, The veering weathercock of popular, 272*
Roosevelt as a reviewer of verse, 271*
Submarine trip, 339*

works with the envoys, 300*
Root, Elihu, as Secretary of State, 70*
Russia appeals for diplomatic support, 22*
autocracy and party spirit, 315*
Drama and censorship in, 172*
Fear and distrust of books in, 12*
Foreign books in, 44*

100 for $3.50 Announcements, etc. Latest styles, best quality 100 High Grade Visiting Carde, 50c. Samples free The Estabrook Press, 133 W. Tremont St., Boston Readers of THE LITERARY

Future of, 940

Is there any hope for? 183*

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All passenger trains of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad to and from New York City now have direct ferry connection with 23d Street Terminal, in addition to Liberty Street; the South Ferry Terminal having been discontinued.

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