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WHERE every housewife,

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The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa.

Readers of THE Literary DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers,


Dodd, Mead & Company,


(Continued from page 358.)

publishers of the New "Somebody's put soft-soap in the boiler,"

International Encyclopæ

explained Lanigan. "We'll have to shut down
for the day, at least. Maybe longer."

He started for the engine-room, followed
by Tremont and Underwood. Red Coleman

dia, the most useful and limped in just before them and sat down, still

practical Encyclopædia in

English, invite correspondence with energetic, educated men capable of presenting this work to business and professional


holding his stomach.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

"Well, by whom?" angrily urged Wells.
"Well, by-by Lanigan," Red admitted with
apparent reluctance. "He finished the day's
trick and locked up, while I rested from that
car ride. He can be a witness for me for this
morning, too, for he was there when I opened
up, and I had to leave him in charge when I
got these cramps."

Wells turned to Lanigan, pale with passion.
"Is this true?" he jerked out.

"Yes, sir," answered Lanigan, dazed,
"but- ""

Previous experience not necessary. We train and fit each man for the work assigned him. The New International Encyclopædia is new, is well and favorably known. Solicitors receive material help from the extensive advertising of the encyclopædia during the past two years in such magazines as Harper's, Century, Scribner's, McClure's, Munsey's, Everybody's, Atlantic Monthly, World's Work, Outlook, Review of Reviews, Booklovers, Literary Digest, Public Opinion, Ladies' Home Journal, pected you from the first. You came in here Delineator, Saturday Evening Post, Country to do this trick, and for that purpose only. Life in America, and many others, as well as in Go get your time and get out. Hurry up, the daily newspapers of New York, Philadelphia, you cur, or I'll have you thrown out!" Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, San Francisco, Atlanta, San Antonio, Portland, and

other cities.

If interested, fill out and mail us this applica

tion blank.

[blocks in formation]


"That will do!" roared Wells. "I sus

Lanigan was dumb. To go among the mob outside the stockade meant nothing short of death in the present humor of the strikers. He was tired of it all, anyhow, and Maggie and Oh, well, suppose it did, he wearily reflected. Danny would be better off. He had the insurance policy safely in his pocket.


While Lanigan was being accused of a double treachery, Tremont had been narrowly watching Red Coleman, and, as Wells furiously ordered the engineer off the company's property, he saw Red's eyes light up with a gleam of satisfaction.

"Wait a moment," suddenly interposed Tremont. "There's something queer here."

"Queer?" snorted Wells. "I should say there was! After Lanigan goes we'll investigate this thing to the bottom."

Wilks, the Wilks whom Lanigan had thrashed,
all at once displayed a new and surprising side
of his character.

"If Lanigan goes I go, too!" he declared,
smacking his big fist in his hand.
"He no
more soaped that boiler than Mr. Wells did.
If he's got to face that mob he'll find me right
with him. I guess we can wade through!"
"I don't think it will be necessary,
" said
Tremont. "Lanigan, have you had soft-soap
about the place for any purpose?"

Lanigan had not. Wilks had not. The old
fireman, called over from the foundry, had not.
Underwood could remember no such item in
the expense account, "unless," he added,

this Every one should spare a small amount, at least, from

Send for this



[blocks in formation]





The information in these books will insure marital happiness and save mankind untold suffering. The Sex Series

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The question can best be answered by each one ask-
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Typesetting easy, printed rules sent,
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it grown into a snug fortune in the near future. See
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"Young Man."
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"Young Girl."

"Young Woman." "Young Wife."

"Woman of Forty-Ave."

$1 a copy each, post free. Table of contents free. Vir Publishing Co 862 Land Title Bldg Phila Pa

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

"More likely it came there through the overalls being wrapped around the can that brought the soap into the place," Tremont coolly charged.

"I don't see why you are trying to lay it on me," Red indignantly replied, springing to his feet and forgetting his cramps. "How would I get in, in the first place? Why, I had to go to Lanigan for the key this morning. He had it all right, and he's got it now."

Tremont looked nonplussed. Underwood whispered to Wilks, unobserved, and the big fellow slipped along the wall back of Red.

"You might have had a key of your own, drawled Underwood. "Come, you know,"

[merged small][ocr errors]

"It's a lie!" shrieked Red, and at the same moment Wilks sprang on him from behind and dragged him sprawling to the floor. Underwood jumped to help him, and in a moment he arose, breathless, but triumphant, from a search of Red's pockets, holding a key in his hands.

"Shake, Sherlock Holmes, we are brother detectives!" he gasped to Tremont. "Behold the fatal key!"

Red saw Lanigan searching vainly in his pockets and brightened.






ROBERT J. HILLAS, Vice-President and Secretary

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The growth of a company's business tells the story of its success in giving satisfaction to policy holders. Its circle of clients grows through the good words spoken by satisfied customers. Our premium income in 1895 was $2,500,958, in 1900 it was $3,572,502, and in 1904 it was $5,210,828. The volume of premiums doubled in less than a decade. We have increased steadily ever since and will do so in the future. People like to believe that they are buying sound insurance and like to tell others where they can buy

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Principal Offices, Nos. 97-103 Cedar Street, New York

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"It's the one Lanigan gave me," he pro- The luxuriousness of the Franklin Runabout is real, true, and deep

tested. "I forgot."

Lanigan raced down and brought up the padlock with the key still sticking in it.

"I can't help it if Lanigan had two keys," said Red, shrugging his shoulders. He had the better of it so far.

Wilks allowed him to clamber to his feet. In the tussle, the bib of Red's overalls had been torn loose. His flannel shirt had been torn open, and a bent red card protruded from an improvised inside pocket. Wilks and Red saw it at the same time, and there was a fierce struggle in which Wilks secured the card, though it was crumpled and torn in two. He hastily passed it to Underwood' while still holding Red, who was now snarling like a wild beast. Underwood pieced the card together, read it, and with a significant smile handed it to Mr. Wells.

"Do not molest bearer, no matter where found," slowly read Wells, pausing to adjust his glasses. "He is acting for the good of the order-Evans."

Mr. Wells pondered on the matter with his habitual caution, and acknowledged himself

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Ini MERMOD, JACCARD KING, 401 Broadway, St. Louis, or 400 Fifth Ave., New York.

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The antiseptic effect of




lasts for several hours after use and is of permanent benefit to the teeth. Unlike any other liquid antiseptic, it impregnates the teeth, the mouth and the gums. Two sizes: 25c. and 50c. The most economical of dentifrices.

[blocks in formation]

beaten by curtly ordering Lanigan back to work, and Red off the premises.

Released, Red hurried to the door, but there he turned and shook his fist at Lanigan. "I was sent in here to do you up, you rat!" he frothed. "I'll get you yet."



The Tremont, Wells & Tremont plant settled down into a distressing rut. The plant was short-handed, and the men they had were miserable substitutes for the intelligent workmen who had grown up in the place. They were falling behind hopelessly in their contracts. Wells wanted to give up, but Tremont held on with dogged determination, though even he had moments of wavering.

"It's suicidal to give up," he urged. "If we let these fellows get the whip-hand we shall never again be our own masters. The more we give them the more they will want.'

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There was wavering without as well as within the stockade. The winter dragged on, hard and pitiless. The relief fund was kept drained, and there was untold suffering in households that had a right to good food and warm clothing. The organization. began to show signs of disintegration. A few of the men slipped inside the stockade and went to work. More left the city to search in other fields. The balance, as time wore on, grew desperate.

Down in the engine-room Lanigan was happy. Frequent letters from the country told that the wife and boy were getting along splendidly. Danny was playing outdoors, now, warmly clad and enjoying the snow like any other boy. Maggie herself had not believed it possible that she would ever be so well. If they only had him with them

That was the black cloud on his horizon. When should he ever see them again? Obviously not so long as the strike held.

An epidemic of intestinal grippe broke out in the city. The men in the stockade, wellfed, well-housed, leading necessarily regular lives, suffered but slightly from it, but there was terrible havoc in the homes where want. dwelt. Enthusiasm was dead. Men wanted work, and they would have it.

The strike was broken. In mass-meeting the men voted to concede every point except a minor one "that the company would be glad to grant them." Desperate as they were, the men were united on making the ousting of the traitors a condition.

Tremont, Wells & Tremont agreed to a conference. The committee, when they came, agreed to accept the old hours and rate of wages and explained their one condition.

"But there are a few of our own deserters among the lot," Evans went on. "We must insist on those men being discharged." Tremont studied gravely over the matter. "Look here, Evans, what you really mean is Lanigan, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, it's Lanigan, I suppose," Evans finally confessed.

"You can't have him," curtly replied Tre"He shall have a job here as long as


The Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company the plant runs, if he wants it."

St. Louis, Mo.

[blocks in formation]
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There was more than merely Lanigan behind this contention. Tremont was bound to achieve a complete mastery, Evans bound to gain some concession, no matter how slight.

"Then we can't come to an agreement," declared Evans.

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Good-day, gentlemen," suavely remarked Tremont, and they filed from the office.


Out in the front a throng had gathered, impatient for the report, and as the committee emerged from the office, glum and disconcerted, a sullen roar went up. Their faces had told


[ocr errors]

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Rich Cloth Binding, Full Gold Stamp, Illustrated, $2.00
Write for "Other People's Opinions" and Table of Contents.

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FRAGRANT FIR BALSAM SPILLS ica are finished and will be put in service October 1st, loans, Booklet "We're Right on the Ground" infor-
The five new, largest and fastest ferryboats in Amer- Loans to investors. Pay 5% on small sums. List of
Mortgage Farm
2 lb. pillow. Postpaid $1.00. BILL DAVEY-GUIDE, 1905. They are marvels of beauty and comfort. See mation, etc., sent free. E. J. LANDER & CO., Box
No. Sebago. Me.
SPECIAL CLUB, facing first page of reading matter. 8, Grand Forks, N. D.
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The roar began again, hoarse and angry, rising and falling in gusts like the misty drifts of a wind-tossed rain-storm, ominous, reckless, savage. These men were despairing and desperate.

The roar penetrated to the office, found Tremont with hard-set jaws, and Underwood idly drumming on the window-pane.

"Looks as though we might have a scrimmage,

" observed Underwood. "I've got six lines of hose ready, and I'll bet I could clear the street in five minutes. Wonder if they'll do anything?"

"No!" said Tremont, shortly. "I'm looking for the committee back in half an hour."

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

"Right you are, agreed the chief. "I'll

mass them at the Oak Street station. there if you want them."


The roar echoed back to where Lanigan sat with his head bowed in his hands. It had come at last, this thing that he had been expecting. When Underwood had told him, the day before, that the men offered to yield every point, "with one minor exception," he knew what the exception was as well as if he had heard the words. He knew what the roar meant, too. The "minor concession" had been refused, and he felt a thrill of gratitude toward Tremont, toward all of them-they had been very kind to him.

What was to be the end of it? He looked the thing squarely in the face. He, only, stood in the way. Perhaps there were half a dozen others, but he was the chief offender. What could he do for Maggie and Danny, or they for themselves? They were neither one of them strong enough to do anything but beg, and he suddenly remembered, with grim irony, that

Paper Blankets


[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]

of the body. If you want the hair to grow on every other part of the body. the scalp the blood must be made to circulate there. It is exercise which makes the blood circulate. Lack of exercise makes

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You can tell whether it is possible to cultivate a growth of hair on your head by ten minutes' use of the Evans Vacuum Cap. We will send you the Cap with which to make the experiment without any expense to you. If the Evans Vacuum Cap gives the scalp a healthy glow, the normal condition of the scalp can be restored. A three or four minutes' use of the Cap each morning and evening thereafter will produce a natural growth of hair. If, however, the scalp remains white and lifeless after applying the Vacuum, there is no use in trying further-the hair will not grow.


We will send you, by prepaid express, an Evans Vacuum Cap, and will allow you ample time to prove its virtue. All we ask of you is to deposit the price of the Cap in the Jefferson Bank of St. Louis, where it will remain during the trial period, subject to your own order. If you do not cultivate a sufficient growth of hair to convince you that the method is effective, simply notify the bank and they will return your deposit in full. We have no agents, and no one is authorized to sell, offer for sale or receive money for an Evans Vacuum Cap. All Caps are sold under the bank's guarantee, and all money is sent direct to the bank.

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THE "A.C." PIPE CO., 807 Times Bldg., Broadway & 42d St., New York Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers.

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