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The Greatest Health University in the World

HE Battle Creek Sanitarium has long been known throughout the United States, and to a considerable extent in foreign lands, as the foremost exponent and most complete representative among medical institutions of the physiological method, not as an exclusive system, but as the true curative method. The physiological method makes use of all the natural agents which are essential to the maintenance of vigorous life. An intelligent and experienced physician-patient recently remarked: "I note that the forces of nature are here utilized as the chief means of treatment, and more fully than I ever before witnessed; and what more powerful agencies can be imag

ined than the forces of nature?


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Open-Air Treatment, Health
Culture, Cold-Air Gymnastics,
Swedish Gymnastics, Cross-
Country Walks, Out-door
Sports, Attractive Menu

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NVALIDS Recover Health at Battle Creek who have sought relief élsewhere without success. It is the most thoroughly equipped and comfortable place for sick and tired people. Special provisions are made for the Medical expert care of sick folks. Expenses are moderate. attention, baths, services of bath attendants, together with required medical treatment, with room and board, all are included at no more than first-class hotel rates for only room and board elsewhere. The Battle Creek Sanitarium is a place where people eat for health, exercise for health, sleep, dress, take baths, learn to swim, get sunburned and tanned in the sun in summer, and by the electric light in winterdo everything for health; where they find the way out from invalidism and inefficiency into joyous, enduring, strenuous health.


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Battle Creek,


Please mail to my address below your

illustrated booklet "D" advertised in THE LITERARY DIGEST 8-5.


UILDING thoroughly fireproof, of steel, stone, cement and brick throughout. All rooms open to the outer air and well ventilated. Kitchen and diningroom on top of the house. No odors. Big gymnasium and outdoor and indoor baths. Climate delightful, average summer temperature 69.6°.

like, unconventional life.




Write at once and learn about the Battle Creek Idea. Ask for our handsome illustrated Booklet D. Address :


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Cambridge, England,


There is a city growing very old,

Yet always full of voices very young,
A city whose gray glories are wide-flung,
Against a sky all silver, blue, and gold.

Not half this city's history is told,

Not half her pride and beauty have been sung-
The river, by its silver spans o'erhung,
Knows more than speech or writing can unfold.

The noisy clamors beat against her peace,
But can not break it; it is held too dear
By hearts across the desert and the deep;
nd when the careless voices lightly cease,
Beneath the Gate of Honor one can hear
The dusty centuries whisper in their sleep.
-From Town and Country.

From Tokio
to Capetown
and the

Witt's Can-the sanitary garbage holder is used; at the American Embassies, at army posts and by medical missionaries.

So trim, (water-tight,) simple, strong and easily cleaned that Uncle Sam's soldiers in the Philippines use the cans to make coffee and soup in. The U.S. Government has bought a great many of Witt's Cans most of which are in use at army posts for holding garbage, waste, etc.

Every home and business establishment where neatness and health are valued needs



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("Witt's Can" stamped in lid and bottom.) THREE SIZES: No. 1-154x25 in., No. 2-18x25 in., No. 3-20x25. If not on sale in your town, rite us stating size and how many you want and tell us your dealer's name. We will see that you are supplied either direct from us or through dealer. Our dealers tell us that while Witt's Cans and Pails are sold on approval, not one has ever been returned by the purchaser. This is certainly a guarantee of satisfaction.

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FOR MEN WHO THINK AND ACT written on any subject at short notice. Satis "The Affirmative Intellect," by Chas. Ferguson. 90c. LECTURES fidential. Davis Page, 1773 Broadway, N. Y. faction guaranteed. All transactions conFunk & Wagnalls Company, Publishers, New York. etc., etc.

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention to publication when writing to advertisers.




Little Stories of John Hay.-Much of the suffering of the late John Hay, it is said, was due to a morbidness that at times took the form of deep mental depression, and manifested itself in frequent spells of what is generally termed the "blues." The acute cause of his morbidness in recent years, says the Milwaukee Free Press, was the knowledge that he had become an old man. Mr. Hay was sixty-seven when he died.

"In all, or nearly all, of his public addresses delivered in the past four or five years this note of sadness over his age was sounded, but it was apparent only to those who knew him well. 'We who are of another generation,' was one way in which he sounded it; and a perusal of his speeches in the period men-. tioned will show that in nearly all of them he made some reference to his advancing years. It did not, however, prevent him from having his little joke on the subject. He had been ailing one time, and a friend made bold to ask what the trouble was.

I am suffering from an incurable disease,' answered Mr. Hay, bravely.

"A sense of delicacy prevented the friend from making further inquiry; but he told the story to many of his associates, nearly all of whom were acquainted with Mr. Hay, and-the report soon spread around Washington that a deadly disease held the Secretary of State within its grasp. One intimate acquaintance of Mr. Hay determined to find out the nature of the secretary's ailment and addressed him one day with the remark:


'I have been told that you are suffering from an incurable disease. Is it true?'

"It is,' said Mr. Hay, in a sad tone.

"What is the incurable disease?' then asked the insistent acquaintance.


'Old age,' exclaimed Mr. Hay, with a chuckle,

A little incident will serve to indicate his goodness of heart, and how it pained him if he inadvertently caused distress to the feelings of an acquaintance. One day Mr. Hay told to some newspaper men a story with so much point and cleverness in it that one of his callers regarded it as too good to be lost. So he sent it to his newspaper, and on the following day told Mr. Hay that he had printed it. Mr. Hay had an understanding with the newspaper men, with whom he frequently talked in a confidential way, that he was not to be quoted in the public prints, and he coldly reproved the correspondent, who left the secretary's office feeling very much hurt. This occurred on a Saturday. On the following Monday the correspondent received this note, written by Mr. Hay:

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A Monument to Adam.-Márk Twain, writing in Harper's Weekly, tells how he suggested a monument to Adam. This was thirty years ago, and tho the matter started as a joke, Mr. Clemens says it came pretty near to materializing. He writes:

"Mr. Darwin's' Descent of Man' had been in print five or six years, and the storm of indignation raised by it was still, raging in pulpits and periodicals. In tracing the genesis of the human race back to its sources Mr. Darwin had left Adam out altogether. We had monkeys, and missing links,' and plenty of other kinds of ancestors, but no Adam. Jesting with Mr. Beecher and other friends in Elmira, I said there seemed to be a likelihood that the world would discard Adam and accept the monkey, and that in the course of time Adam's very name would be forgotten in the earth; therefore this calamity ought to be averted a monument would accomplish this, and Elmira ought not to waste this honorable opportunity to do Adam a favor and herself a credit.

"Then the unexpected happened: Two bankers came forward and took hold of the matter not for fun. not for sentiment, but because they saw in the monument certain commercial advantages for the town.

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805 Tremont Street, Boston


MONEY received in sums of

$25.00 and upward from small investors throughout the United States is loaned by this Company under New York Banking Department supervision on homebuilders' real estate. It is withdrawable at pleasure. It earns 5 per cent. per annum, which we remit at regular intervals throughout the year; and earnings are paid for every day the money is in our possession. Assets $1,750,000 Surplus and Profits. $150,000 INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS AND LOAN CO.

No. 9 Times Bldg., B'way, N. Y. City

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Established 1823

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Send us your MS,;, if worthy of a cloth binding we will publish it. TO PUBLISHERS-Facilities for handling large editions. Pleased-to quote you. Bank references. MAYHEW PUBLISHING CO., 50-102 Ruggles St., Boston, Mass.

Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers.

of Operation

A Cadillac may safely be stopped,
and can easily be started, while
climbing the steepest grade-one
of the many performances which
show the safety of operation and
demonstrate the unusual
power of the Cadillac.
Chief among the
notable fea-
tures of


is its remark. ably low cost

of maintenance. This economy is manifest

not only in the cost of fuel and lubrication, but in repairs; for the Cadillac comes near to being actually trouble-proof. Never-failing serviceableness makes it the most satisfactory car to own; thorough excellence of workmanship and time-tried principles of construction make it the most economical.

Model F-Side Entrance
Touring Car, shown
above, $950.
Model B-Touring Car
with detachable
Tonneau, $900.
Model E-Light, stylish,
powerful Runabout,
divided seat, $750.
Model D-Four-Cylinder,
30 h. p. Touring Car,

All prices f.o.b. Detroit.

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The project had seemed gently humorous before-it was more than that now, with this stern business gravity injected into it. The bankers discussed the monument with me. We met several times. They proposed an indestructible memorial, to cost twenty-five thousand dollars. The insane oddity of a monument set up in a village to preserve a name that would outlast the hills and the rocks without any such help, would advertise Elmira to the ends of the earth-and draw custom. It would be the only monument on the planet to Adam, and in the matter of interest and impressiveness could never have a rival until somebody should set up a monument to the Milky Way..

"In the beginning-as a detail of the project when it was as yet a joke-I had framed a humble and beseeching and perfervid petition to Congress begging the Government to build the monument, as a testimony of the Great Republic's gratitude to the Father of the Human Race and as a token of her loyalty to him in this dark day of his humiliation when his older children were doubting him and deserting him. It seemed to me that this petition ought to be presented, now-it would be widely and feelingly abused and ridiculed and cursed, and would advertise our scheme and make our ground-floor stock go off briskly. So I sent it to Gen. Joseph R. Hawley, who was then in the House, and he said he would present it. But he did not do it. I think he explained that when he came to read it he was afraid of it: it was too serious, too gushy, too sentimental-the House might take it for

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Readers of THE LITERARY DIGEST are asked to mention the publication when writing to advertisers,

Should be Patented.-DINAH: Mandy, wha' foh you give dat baby a big piece of pohk ter chaw on ? Don' you-all know the poh child 'll choke on it?"

MANDY: "Dinah, don' you see de string tied to dat piece er fat pohk? De udder end's tied to de chile's toe. Ef he chokes he'll kick, an' if he kicks he'll jerk de pohk out. Ah reckon you all don't learn me nothin' 'bout bringin' up chillun!" Cleveland Leader.

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Strange.-THE REV. ALEXANDER TORREY: "IS it not a strange thing, Mr. McStiffins? Last night, at my reading of Coriolanus,' the hall was empty in a quarter of an hour; while at the vicar's lantern lecture on Palestine, the young people sat in the dark for over three hours and quite seemed to enjoy it." - Judy (London).

Buncoed. In a certain home where the stork recently visited there is a 6-year-old son of inquiring mind. When he was first taken in to see the new arrival he explained: "Oh, mamma, it hasn't any teeth! Oh, mamma, it hasn't any hair!" Then, clasping his hands in despair, he cried: "Somebody has done us! It's an old baby."- Chicago News.

Degrees of Mourning. - IRISHMAN (to shopman): "I want somethin' for mournin' wear, but I don't know exactly what the coostom is. What do they be wearin' now for mournin'?"

SHOPMAN: "It depends a little on how near the relative is for whom you wish to show this mark of respect. For a very near relative you should have a black suit, a black band on your hat, and black gloves. For some one not so near and dear you may have a broad band of black on your left arm, or a somewhat narrower one for somebody more distant." IRISHMAN: " Och, is that it? Well, then, gimme a shoestring. It's me woife's mother!"-Tit-Bits.

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July 22.-According to Russian advices Oyama's lines extend from Liao Yang to Possiet Bay, the total strength of the Japanese being estimated at 550,000 men. M. Witte is received by President Loubet and Premier Rouvier in Paris. July 23.-The Czar and Emperor William sail on imperial yachts to hold a conference in the Baltic Sea.

July 24.-The Czar returns to St. Petersburg after his conference with Emperor William; it is said that the Kaiser advised the making of peace with Japan and the restoration of order at home. July 25.-Baron Komura, Japanese peace envoy, arrives in New York, and announces that Russia must pay an indemnity, but that the amount would not be excessive.

July 26.-A Japanese battalion lands at De Castries, on the Siberian coast. M. Takahira, Japanese Minister to the United States visits Oyster Bay and is reported as having sounded the President as to the United States's attitude toward interference with a "durable peace" alliance by German influence over the Czar.

July 27.-With the landing of a Japanese force on Siberian soil and the seizure of a point near the mouth of the Amur, it is believed that Japan intends to cut off Russian communications on the north. Baron Komura and Minister Takahira, the Japanese peace envoys, visit President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay.

July 28.-The Russians on Saghalien Island are isolated, and their surrender or capture is expected soon. M. Sato, of the peace delegation, says that an armistice is probable as soon as the peace negotiations begin.


July 22.-Twenty-four persons are killed and fiftyseven injured by a bomb which is thrown at the Sultan of Turkey.

Gillette Safety



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Every blade will shave from 20 to 40 times before
dulling when dull throw away.

12 new wafer blades for $1.00. Less
than 4 cent a shave

Ask Your Dealer for the Gillette Safety Razor

Accept no substitute; he can procure it for you.
Write for our interesting booklet which explains
our thirty-day free trial offer. Most dealers
make this offer; if yours don't, we will.

Gillette Sales Company
1140 Times Bldg., 42d Street and Broadway, New York




The Perfect Perpetual Calendar Simplest, most reliable: 50 cents. Post-free. Funk & Wagnalls Company, 44-60 East 23d Street, New York.

I have a hook to hang on and am sold in a yellow box. Sold Only in a Yellow Box-for your protection. Curved handle and face to fit the mouth. Bristles in irregular tufts-cleans between the teeth. Hole in handle and hook to hold it.

This means much to cleanly persons-the only ones who

like our brush.


OCT. 21 1884

The Prophylactics

Youths' 25c

Adults' 85c. Children's 25c.

By mail or at dealers. Send for our free

booklet, "Tooth Truths." FLORENCE MFG. CO., 14 Pine St., Florence, Mass.

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July 24.-Premier Balfour announces to the British

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