That thus art left here to enlarge, Thy neighbours at thy fortune long have gaz'd; O'ercome, or governed by thee! Safety itself so sides thee where thou go'st, Here the Revels. After which, APOLLO went up to the King, and sung. Apol. Do not expect to hear of all Cho. Your good at once, lest it forestal A sweetness would be new: Some things the Fates would have conceal'd, Our powers shall envy you. It is enough your people learn The reverence of your peace, As well as strangers do discern The glories, by th' increase; And that the princely augur here, your son, Him shall you see triumphing over all, 1 * Romulus augur fuit, et Numa, et reliqui reges Romani, sicut ante eos Turnus, Rhamnetes, et alii. Lacedæmonii suis regibus augurem assessorem dabant. Cilices, Lycii, Cares, Arabes, in summa veneratione habuerunt auguria. 9 And that the princely augur here.] It appears from p. 422, that Charles led the Dance, at the head of the Augurs. 1 Your young and tall nephews, his sons,] i. e. Nepotes, grandchildren. WHAL. It appears a little singular that the learned Prideaux should be Here the heaven opened, and Jove, with the Senate of the Gods, was discovered, while APOLLO returned to his seat, and ascending, sung. Apol. See, heaven expecteth my return, Jove. Though Phoebus be the god of arts, Apol. My arts are only to obey. Jove. And mine to sway.' Jove is that one, whom first, midst, last, you call, It is no augury, Though utter'd by the mouth of Destiny. Apol. Dear father, give the sign, and seal it then. The EARTH riseth. It is the suit of Earth and men. Jove. What do these mortals crave without our wrong? Earth, with the rest. That Jove will lend us this our sovereign long; unacquainted with this acceptation of the word, which is common to all our old writers. He apologizes for reading" son and grandson,” (Isaiah xiv. 22,) instead of "son and nephew," with the translators of the Bible; who, as he afterwards shews, elsewhere translate the same word (neked) "grandson." There is no doubt of it: the only difficulty lay in the commentator's not observing that with them nephew and grandson were perfectly synonymous ; though the former term was used also for a brother or sister's son. Connec. vol. i. p. 125. y Vide Orpheum in hym. de omnip. Jovis. Jove. Let our grand-children, and not we Your wish is blest, Jove knocks his chin against his breast," Full Cho. Sing then his fame, through all the orbs; in even Proportions, rising still, from earth to heaven: The power of time shall never put that out. This done, the whole Scene shut, and the Masquers danced their last Dance. AND THUS IT ENDED. z Mos Jovis, annuendo votis et firmandis ominibus. Apud Homer. &c. |