do and then your son, master Sharles his, how do you caull him? is Charles Stuart, Calls tru hearts, that is us, he calls us, the Welse nation to be ever at your service, and love you, and honour you, which we pray you understand it his meaning. And that the musicians yonder are so many Brittis bards that sing o'pen the hills to let out the prince of Wales, and his Welse friends to you, and all is done. Grif. Very homely done it is I am well assured, if not very rudely: but it is hoped your majesty will not interpret the honour, merits, love and affection of so noble a portion of your people, by the poverty of these who have so imperfectly utter'd it: you will rather for their sakes, who are to come in the name of Wales, my lord the prince, and the others, pardon what is past, and remember the country has always been fruitful of loyal hearts to your majesty, a very garden and seed-plot of honest minds and men: what lights of learning hath Wales sent forth for your schools? what industrious students of your laws? what able ministers of your justice? whence hath the crown in all times better servitors, more liberal of their lives and fortunes? where hath your court or council, for the present, more noble ornaments or better aids? I am glad to see it, and to speak it, and though the nation be said to be unconquered, and most loving liberty, yet it was never mutinous, and please your majesty, but stout, valiant, courteous, hospitable, temperate, ingenious, capable of all good arts, most lovingly constant, charitable, great antiquaries, religious preservers of their gentry and genealogy, as they are zealous and knowing in religion. In a word, it is a nation bettered by prosperity so far, as to the present happiness it enjoys under your most sacred majesty, it wishes nothing to be added but to see it perpetual in you and your issue. God of his great goodness grant it, and shew he is an arrant knave, and no true Briton, does not say Amen too with his heart. PLEASURE RECONCILED TO VIRTUE followed: AND SO IT ENDED. NEWS FROM THE NEW WORLD DISCOVERED IN THE MOON. A MASQUE. AS IT WAS PRESENTED AT COURT BEFORE KING JAMES, 1620. Nascitur è tenebris: et se sibi vindicat orbis. NEWS FROM THE NEW WORLD, &c.] This was the Author's first Masque after his return from Scotland, where he had been on a visit to his "friend" Drummond. A masque had been composed for the court during his absence, (I know not by whom,) and ill received; so that the wish for Jonson's return was pretty generally expressed. "I have heard," says this second Pylades,* (putting aside for a moment the atrocious string of calumnies which he was industriously fabricating against his unsuspecting correspondent,) "I have heard from court, that the late Mask was not so approved of the king, as in former times, and that your absence was regretted. Such applause hath true worth! even of those who are otherwise not for it. Your loving friend." Jan. 17, 1619. Jonson did not disappoint his admirers, for the World in the Moon is written with all the elegance and ease of the best days of queen Ann. The satire too is of the most delicate kind, and the wit is perpetual and abundant. * Drummond's Letters "to his worthy friend, B. Jonson." fol. P. 233. THE WORLD IN THE MOON. Enter two Heralds, a Printer, Chronicler, I Herald. EWS, news, news! 2 Her. Bold and brave news! I Her. New as the night they are born in. 2 Her. Or the phant'sie that begot I Her. Excellent news! 2 Her. Will you hear any news? Print. Yes, and thank you too, sir: what's the price of them? 1 Her. Price, coxcomb! what price, but the price of your ears? As if any man used to pay for any thing here. 2 Her. Come forward; you should be some dull tradesman by your pig-headed sconce now, that think there's nothing good any where, but what's to be sold. Print. Indeed I am all for sale, gentlemen; you say true, I am a printer, and a printer of news; and I do hearken after them, wherever they be, at any rates; I'll give any thing for a good copy now, be it true or false, so it be news. 1 Her. A fine youth! |