THE GOLDEN AGE RESTORED. IN A MASQUE AT COURT, 1615. BY THE LORDS AND GENTLEMEN, THE KING'S SERVANTS. THE GOLDEN AGE RESTORED.] From the first folio. This Masque is written with great care: the conclusion of it is highly poetical. It must have been a splendid and interesting perform ance. THE GOLDEN AGE RESTORED. The Court being seated, and in expectation, Loud music: PALLAS in her chariot descending, to a softer music. OOK, look! rejoice and wonder That you, offending mortals, are care Of him that bears the thunder. Jove can endure no longer, Your great ones should your less invade; Or that your weak, though bad, be made A prey unto the stronger, And therefore means to settle Astræa in her seat again; And let down in his golden chain The Age of better metal. Which deed he doth the rather, That even Envy may behold Time not enjoy'd his head of gold Alone beneath his father. But that his care conserveth, As time, so all time's honours too, Regarding still what heav'n should do, And not what earth deserveth. [A tumult, and clashing of arms heard within. But hark! what tumult from yond' cave is heard? What noise, what strife, what earthquake and alarms, As troubled Nature for her maker fear'd ; And all the Iron Age were up in arms! Hide me, soft cloud, from their profaner eyes, [She retires behind a cloud. The IRON AGE presents itself, calling forth the Evils. I. Age. Come forth, come forth, do we not hear What purpose, and how worth our fear, The king of gods hath on us? He is not of the Iron breed, That would, though Fate did help the deed, Rise, rise then up, thou grandame Vice Bring with thee Fraud and Slander, To be a more commander. Thy boys, Ambition, Pride, and Scorn, |