interposed, (but varied with voices, only keeping the same chorus), they danced their second dance. So after, their third and fourth dances, which were all full of elegancy and curious device. And thus it ended." "The two latter dances were made by master Thomas Giles, the two first by master Hier. Herne: who, in the persons of the two Cyclopes, beat a time to them with their hammers. The tunes were master Alphonso Ferrabosco's. The device and act of the scene master Inigo Jones's, with addition of the trophies. For the invention of the whole, and the verses, Assertor qui dicat esse meos, imponet plagiario pudorem. The attire of the masquers throughout was most graceful and noble; partaking of the best both ancient and later figure. The colours carnation and silver, enriched both with embroidery and lace. The dressing of their heads, feathers and jewels; and so excellently ordered to the rest of the habit, as all would suffer under any description, after the shew. Their performance of all, so magnificent and illustrious, that nothing can add to the seal of it, but the subscription of their names: The Duke of LENOX,4 Earl of ARUNDELL,5 Earl of PEMBROKE,6 Earl of MONTGOMERY,7 Lord D'AUBIGNY,8 Lord SANKRE,2 The Duke of Lenox.] Lodowic Stuart, duke of Lenox, and afterwards of Richmond. For the three succeeding names, see p. 50. 8 Lord D'Aubigny.] Esme, younger brother of the duke of Lenox, who succeeded him in 1623. He married Catherine, the only daughter of sir Gervase Clifton. He was warmly attached to our poet, who has an Epigram (127) addressed to him, full of respect and gratitude. 9 1 See p. 50. 2 Lord Sankre.] Robert Crichton, lord Sanquhar. This nobleman, in an angry trial of skill with one Turner, a fencing master, was deprived of an eye. The loss, which he confessedly brought upon himself, seems to have rankled in his mind; and about four years after the date of this Masque, he hired two Scotchmen, Gray and Carlisle, to murder the unfortunate swordsman. For this atrocious act he was seized, and, in spite of all the interest made to save his life, (which appears from Wilson to have been very great,) hanged, with his two accomplices, at Tyburn. EPITHALAMION. Up, youths and virgins, up, and praise Two of your troop, that with the morn were free, And what they are, Yourselves must be. Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star! What joy or honours can compare With holy nuptials, when they are Made out of equal parts Of years, of states, of hands, of hearts! When in the happy choice, The spouse and spoused have the foremost voice! Such, glad of Hymen's war, Live what they are, And long perfection see: And such ours be. Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star! The solemn state of this one night Were fit to last an age's light; Sir Ro. RICHE,3 Sir Jo. KENNETHIE, 4 Master ERSKINE.5 3 Sir Robert Rich.] Third son of Robert, lord Rich. He succeeded to the barony, and, in 1618, was created earl of Warwick. Jonson has some verses on this nobleman. 4 Sir J. Kennethie.] David Kennedy, created earl of Cassilis, in 1609 Master Erskine.] Called young Erskine, by the earl of Shrewsbury's correspondent; but whether son of the earl of Mar, or of sir Thomas Erskine, afterwards earl of Kelly, I cannot determine. But there are rites behind Have less of state, but more of kind: And fruitful harvest of his mother's blisses. That what these are, Who will perfection see, Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star! Love's commonwealth consists of toys; For now their reign begins, and lasts till day. And, in that jar, Make all, that married be, Perfection see. Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star! Why stays the bridegroom to invade To-morrow rise the same Your mother is,* and use a nobler name. That, what you are, By your perfection, we And all may see. Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star! * A wife or matron: which is a name of more dignity than Virgin. D. Heins. in Nup. Ottonis Heurnii. Cras matri similis tuæ redibis. To-night is Venus' vigil kept. This night no bridegroom ever slept; The married say, 'tis his fault, too. Wake too; for they'll tell nothing of your nights. You perfect are. And such perfection, we Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star! That, ere the rosy-finger'd morn Behold nine moons, there may be born Of Ratcliffe's blood, and Ramsey's name: Wear the long honours of his father's deed. Shine, Hesperus, shine forth, thou wished star!" 6 However desirable it may be to leave the recognition of the poet's merits to the taste and discrimination of the reader, it seems almost impossible to pass, in silence, over such pre-eminent marks of genius and study as those before us. Not many pages are numbered since we had the most beautiful little piece of its kind in the English language; and here we have another of the same species, replete with every excellence. The learning of Jonson is prodigious, and the grace, delicacy, and judgment with which he applies it to the embellishment of his subject, cannot be too highly estimated. The dull cold criticism of Hurd, the wanton malignity of Steevens, the blind hatred of Malone, (to say nothing of a train of followers,) are all directed to the same point, namely, to establish the persuasion that Jonson is, at his best, but "a servile imitator," a "painful plagiarist," a mere "murderer of the ancients;" and it seems but a part of common justice to invite the attention occasionally to such decisive refutations of the calumny, as are supplied by these and similar pieces profusely scattered through his works. |