Lapas attēli

It is, therefore, with peculiar pleasure that the Bar of this state and the citizens of this commonwealth extend their cordial welcome to such a body as the American Bar Association. The influence of your deliberations and your visit amongst us will, I assure you, be felt and appreciated, and if the result of your work will tend to make your laws and ours more harmonious and uniform, and thus make the family tie between us as sister states stronger and better, then indeed will we feel doubly honored by your visit.

We of the legal profession stand ready to devote ourselves to your happiness and welfare while you are in our midst. We thank you for giving us the pleasure of doing so.

The President:

Mr. Douglas and members of the Detroit Bar Association: We will show our appreciation of your hospitality by accepting it to the utmost. We thank you very much for your warm welcome, and we also thank you that the weather is not as warm as your welcome. All signs of your hospitality have not been eliminated. The Welcome sign upon the municipal building may be worn out, but the gentlemen who come here from way down East still find their welcome at the Penobscot Inn, the representatives of the German Provinces of the United States, Milwaukee, Cincinnati and St. Louis, hail with pleasure the sign of Alt Heidelberg, and the pelicans from Louisiana find shelter as by right under the roof of the Pontchartrain.

The President then delivered the President's Address. (See the Appendix, page 347.)

New members were then elected.

(See List of New Members, page 128.)

The Secretary:

I have received the credentials of delegates from the following State Bar Associations:

(See List of Delegates from State Bar Associations, page A recess of ten minutes was then taken for the purpose of allowing members from the respective states an opportunity to agree upon nominations for the General Council.

After the recess

The President:

Mr. Gray, of the Detroit Bar, wishes to make an announcement. Robert T. Gray, of Michigan:

On behalf of the Entertainment Committee of the Detroit Bar Association, I wish to say that arrangements have been made that all members and delegates may be admitted to the various clubs of the city. On account of the fact that the registry was not complete, it has not been possible for us to get cards of invitation into the hands of everybody. If there are any members of the Association who have not yet received their cards and desire the privileges of the Detroit Club, the Country Club or the Detroit Yacht Club, I would be glad, if advised, to hasten the delivery of cards to them.

This afternoon we propose to take you on a motor car ride to Belle Isle, starting from the Hotel Pontchartrain at four o'clock.

The entertainment on the boat tomorrow, and the reception at the Country Club on Thursday, are open to all the members of the State Bar, whether they are members of the American Bar Association or not.

Ladies are particularly invited to all the entertainments.
Members of the General Council were then elected.

(See List of Officers at end of Minutes, page 158.) John Hinkley, of Maryland, the Secretary of the Association, read his report, which, on motion, was accepted and adopted.

(See the Report at end of Minutes, page 94.) Frederick E. Wadhams, of New York, the Treasurer of the Association, read his report, and, on motion, the same was received and referred to the Auditing Committee.

(See the Report at end of Minutes, page 96.)

The President appointed the following committees :


John J. Hawkins....

Thomas H. Reynolds.




Frank M. Higgins.....

George W. Bates.

Ralph W. Breckenridge.

William H. Burges....
Charles Noble Gregory.
William L. January.
Thomas J. Kernan.

P. W. Meldrim.

Rodney A. Mercur.

John Morris

Charles N. Potter.

Talcott H. Russell..

Edward 'T. Sanford.
Charles Blood Smith...
Theodore Sutro

George Whitelock


Francis B. James1.

James Barr Ames.

Charles Noble Gregory.

William H. Staake...

Edmund F. Trabue....


Frederick E. Wadhams....

Charles Henry Butler.

Walter George Smith.....


. Michigan.

. Nebraska.




. Louisiana.

. Indiana.




. New York.


Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cambridge, Mass.

.Iowa City, Iowa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Louisville, Ky.

. Albany, N. Y.

. Yonkers, N. Y.
. Philadelphia, Pa.

The Secretary read the report of the Executive Committee.

(See the Report at end of Minutes, page 108.)

Francis B. James declined this appointment to accept the Chairmanship of the Committee on Commercial Law, and Francis Rawle, of Philadelphia, Pa., was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Publications in his place.

John C. Richberg, of Illinois:

I desire to suggest after the word "territory" in Article XI of the Constitution, the insertion of the words "insular possession," and I move the reference of the amendment to the Executive Committee.

There being no objection, it was so ordered by the President, and the report of the Executive Committee was received and placed on file.

A recess was taken until 8 P. M.


Tuesday, August 24, 1909, 8 Р. М.

The President called the meeting to order.
New members were then elected.

(See List of New Members, page 128.)

The Secretary announced that the General Council had organized at the close of the morning session, and elected Henry D. Estabrook, of New York, Chairman.

The President:

It is now my privilege and pleasure to introduce to you a distinguished advocate of France, M. Georges Barbey, of Paris, who will address you on the subject of French Family Law. Georges Barbey then read his paper.

(See the Appendix, page 431.)

The President:

I am sure I voice the sentiments of all present when I say that we have been very greatly interested in the learned disquisition to which we have just listened.

When I was young the subject of incorrigible children was quite active, and sometimes it was suggested that I was within that category. When I grew up they began to talk about incorrigible parents, and I have sometimes thought that I was within that category. We have recently instituted in our larger cities, courts whose duty it is to determine in particular cases whether it is the child or the parent who is incorrigible, and who are dealing with children now in the view that they are not necessarily always as bad as they are painted.

It gives me pleasure to introduce to you now Judge Mack, of Chicago, who will address the Association upon the subject of Juvenile Courts.

Julian W. Mack, of Illinois, then read his paper.

(See the Appendix, page 449.)

The Association then adjourned until Wednesday, August 25, 1909, at 10 A. M.


Wednesday, August 25, 1909, 10 А. М.

The President called the meeting to order.

The President:

I have a telegram addressed to me as President.

"Regretting inability to attend meeting, I send greetings to all the members and extend congratulations on the great good accomplished by the Association.

Also the following telegram:


"Greetings to the Association. Would greatly appreciate permission to dedicate the forthcoming edition of Municipal Corporations, now in press, to the Association.

P. W. Meldrim, of Georgia:


In regard to the telegram from Judge Dillon, it occurs to me that it would be proper for us to take some special notice of it. No living American lawyer has contributed more to the sum of our information than he. His great work on Municipal Corporations will live after many of the existing corporations themselves shall have perished. Great as has been his service, yet this Association loves him most because he has always been with us the charming companion and friend. It seems to me, therefore, proper that a resolution should be passed to this effect:

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