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xlv. lappuse - ... separately from each other and from all other articles : and the package, box, cask, or other vessel containing the same shall be distinctly marked on the outside, with the name or description of the article contained therein.
xlv. lappuse - ... nor shall gunpowder be carried on any such vessel, except under special license; nor shall oil of vitriol, nitric or other chemical acids be carried on such steamers except on the decks or guards thereof, or in such other safe part of the vessel as shall be prescribed by the inspectors.
104. lappuse - ... stations or station houses, or any change in its rates of fare for transporting freight or passengers, or any change in the mode of operating its road and conducting its business is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and accommodation of the public...
94. lappuse - Commission shall then append a certificate of its approval to said tariff of charges ; but in revising or establishing any and every tariff of charges, it shall be the duty of said Commission to take into consideration the character and nature of the service to be performed and the entire business of such railroad, together with its earnings from the passenger and other traffic...
38. lappuse - December in each year, for transmission to the legislature, of their doings for the year ending...
clxii. lappuse - Company, who being duly sworn, do depose and say that they caused the foregoing statements to be prepared by the proper agents and officers of this Company, and having carefully examined the same, declare them to be a true, full and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said Company for the year ending June 30th, 1881, according to the best of their knowledge and belief.
26. lappuse - ... or of any person or locality ; Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent contracts for special rates for the purpose of developing any industrial enterprise, or to prevent the execution of any such contract now existing.
104. lappuse - The board shall have power to administer oaths in all matters relating to its duties, so far as necessary to enable it to discharge such duties, shall have general supervision of all railroads and shall examine the same and keep informed as to their condition, and the manner in which they are operated for the security and accommodation of the public and their compliance with the provisions of their charters and of law.
xlv. lappuse - ... the United States, or between a place in one State, Territory or District of the United States, and a place in any other State, Territory, or District thereof...
96. lappuse - ... good and sufficient security to be approved by the clerk of the...

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