0 STATUTES OF NEBRASKA, 1891, BEING A COMPILATION OF ALL THE LAWS OF A GENERAL NATURE BASED UPON THE REVISED STATUTES OF 1866. EMBRACING ALL OF SAID STATUTES UNREPEALED, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT ACTS THE CODES, STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS, MAGNA CARTA, ETC. AUTHENTICATION. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF NEBRASKA, SECRETARY'S OFFICE. }ss. I, John C. Allen, secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the laws as printed in the within volume (known as Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska, by J. E. Cobbey) are true copies of the laws of Nebraska (of which they purport to be copies as in said volume indicated), as shown by the records of my office. That said Consolidated Statutes contain all laws of a general nature, in the Revised Statutes of 1866, and all subsequent general enactments of the legislature, in force at this date, and that the said volume was prepared and published by authority of the legislature. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 15th day of December, A. D. 1891. [SEAL.] JOHN C. ALLEN, I, J. E. Cobbey, appointed by the legislature of the state of Nebraska to compile, annotate, edit, and publish all the general laws of the state now in force, do hereby certify that the laws contained in this volume are true and accurate copies of the originals, as shown by the Revised Statutes of 1866, and the original rolls now on file in the office of the secretary of state. Compiler. |