Proceedings of the American Street and Interurban Railway Association: Containing a Complete Report of the ... Annual Convention, 3. sējumsThe Association, 1908 |
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affiliated associations American Street apprentice associate members Atlantic Avenue Railroad Atlantic City Auditor Boston Elevated Railway Brooklyn Buffalo Charles Chas Chicago City Railway Chief Engineer Claim Agent Cleveland Columbus Committee Report Consolidated convention Delegates of Member Electric Railway Electric Street Railway Electrical Engineer Engineer Maintenance Foreman Frank George Henry Interstate Commerce Commission Interurban Railway Association John Light & Power Louis Manager Manufacturing Mass Master Mechanic meeting member companies Member Companies-(Continued Motive Power N. Y. President October Ohio Philadelphia Rapid Transit Pittsburg Public Service Railway Purchasing Agent Rail Railroad Co Railway & Electric Railway & Light Railway Company Second Vice-President Secre Secretary and Treasurer Shaw Smith Stone & Webster Street and Interurban Street Railway Co Superintendent of Transportation Superintendent Transportation tary Third Vice-President tion Traction Co Transportation and Traffic Union Traction United Railways Valley Traction Washington West William York
Populāri fragmenti
173. lappuse - IV. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting...
174. lappuse - A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum of the Committee.
173. lappuse - Committee, and provided that a copy shall have been sent to each of the active members at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be acted upon.
178. lappuse - Committee. VI. (a) The entire charge and management of the affairs of the Association shall be in the hands of an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, and one member appointed by each of the affiliated associations.
175. lappuse - Special meetings may be held upon the order of the Executive Committee. Notice of every meeting shall be given by the Secretary, in a circular addressed to each member, at least thirty days before the time of meeting. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum of any meetingORDER OF BUSINESS.
115. lappuse - To develop from the ranks in the shortest possible time carefully selected young men for the purpose of supplying leading workmen for future needs, with the expectation that those capable of advancement will reveal their ability and take the places in the organization for which they are qualified.
10. lappuse - Co., Brooklyn, NY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: President. Vice-Presidents and Julius S. Walsh, Pres.. Citizens
172. lappuse - Association," and its office shall be at the place where the Secretary resides. OBJECT. II. The object of this Association shall be the acquisition of experimental, statistical and scientific knowledge, relating to the construction, equipment and operation of street...
176. lappuse - All papers read at the meetings of the Association must relate to matters connected with the objects of the Association, and must be approved by the Executive Committee before being read, unless notice of the same shall have been previously given to the Secretary, as hereinbefore provided.
70. lappuse - At the meeting of the executive committee held in New York City on Oct.