... there shall be levied, collected, and paid, in addition to the duties imposed by law on such merchandise, an additional duty of 1 per centum of the total appraised value thereof for each 1 per centum that such appraised value exceeds the value declared... Statutes of the United States of America - 96. lappuseautors: United States - 1909Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu
 | United States. War Department - 1904 - 1374 lapas
...foiwarded reguof the subcollectors in the appraisal of all merchandise subject to an ad vaiorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof. This weekly report contains the following data: number, date of invoice, where invoiced, by whom invoiced,... | |
 | 1919 - 2026 lapas
...and if the appraised value of any article of imported merchandise subject to an ad valorem duty or a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the...by law on such merchandise, an additional duty of 1 per centum of the total appraised v»lue thereof for each 1 per centum that such appraised value... | |
 | 1903 - 1118 lapas
...provides as follows : "Sec. 19. That whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise as bought... | |
 | 1899 - 988 lapas
...19 of the act it is provided "that whenever Imported merchandise is subjact to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or wholesale price of such «merchandise as... | |
 | 1899 - 964 lapas
...claiming that said merchandise, having regard either to its invoice, entered, or appraised value, was not e." hi any manner regulated by the value thereof, but, on the contrary, was subject only to a specific... | |
 | Republican National Committee (U.S.) - 1888 - 408 lapas
...that it shall read as follows : " Whenever imported merchandise U subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or wholesale price of euch merchandise, at... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1888 - 928 lapas
...that it shall read as follows : " Whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof,the duty shall Reassessed upon actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise,... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1888 - 988 lapas
...shall be as follows : " In all cases where imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by tbe value thereof, the duty shall bo assessed upon the actual market value or wholesale price of such... | |
 | 1889 - 900 lapas
...that it shall read as follows: " Whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise, at... | |
 | United States - 1890 - 520 lapas
...officers and the public. SEC. 19. That whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof, the duty shall be assessed upon the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise as bought... | |
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