Animal-Continued. on free list, integuments, etc., crude, etc., not specially provided for Animal Objects, duty on, immersed in alcohol, not specially provided for....... Animals, Live, duty on, not specially provided for........ teams of, etc., of immigrants. regulations to be made for free entry of, Anise Seed, on free list. oil.. Annatto, on free list... extracts of... Anthoss Oil, on free list.. Anthracin Dyes, on free list.. Anti-Friction Balls, etc., duty on iron or steel... Antimony, duty on metal or regulus....... Antiquities, and Artistic Copies of, on free list, by societies, etc., for exhibition, not for sale; conditions....... Antiquities, Artistic, on free list, produced more than 100 years Anvils, before importation.. duty on iron or steel.... Apatite, on free list.... Apparatus, on free list, life-saving.. platinum, for chemical uses Apparatus, Philosophical and Scientific, on free list, for societies, etc. for temporary exhibition, etc., not for sale; conditions... Apparel, Theatrical, on free list, for temporary exhibition; limi duty on stocks, etc., of...... tations. Apple, Apples, duty on green or ripe... on free list. Administration). Appraisers, Customs, Appliances, Miners' Rescue, Appraisement of Imported Merchandise (see Customs Administration). Appraisers, Board of General (see Customs to ascertain actual market value and wholesale prices of goods, etc., in country whence imported. cost at place of production if market value not ascertainable. determination of. Appraisers' Stores, New York City, franchise accepted, pneumatic-tube serv ice, from custom-house. Appropriations, for deficiencies. for expenses of Thirteenth Census....... |