Lapas attēli






STATUTE I.-1909.


Decennial Census, and for other purposes. June 29, 1909..

July 2, 1909..

port of entry, and for other purposes. July 2, 1909.

Appropriations, Thirteenth Census. An act making appropriations for expenses of the Thirteenth Thirteenth Census. An act to provide for the Thirteenth and subsequent decennial censuses. Scranton, Miss., subport of entry. An act to make Scranton, in the State of Mississippi, a subPorto Rico, expenses. An act to amend an act entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," approved April twelfth, nineteen hundred. July 15, 1909





Tariff of 1909. An act to provide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage the industries of the

United States, and for other purposes. August 5, 1909


Appropriations, deficiencies. An act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. August 5,


Philippine Tariff. An act to raise revenue for the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes.
August 5, 1909
Bridges, omnibus act. An act to authorize the construction, maintenance, and operation of various
bridges across and over certain navigable waters, and for other purposes. August 5, 1909-
Dam, Savannah River. An act to authorize the building of a dam across the Savannah River at or
near the mouth of Stevens Creek, between the counties of Edgefield, South Carolina, and
Columbia, Georgia. August 5, 1909

United States courts, Georgia southern district. An act to attach Ben Hill County to the Albany
Lock and dam, Tennessee River. An act to amend an act relative to the erection of a lock and dam

division of the southern district of Georgia.

in aid of navigation in the Tennessee River.

August 5, 1909..

August 5, 1909


Documents, Sirtieth Congress. Joint resolution repealing joint resolution to provide for the distribution by Members of the Sixtieth Congress of documents, reports, and other publications, approved March second, nineteen hundred and nine. April 23, 1909








Appropriations, House of Representatives. Joint resolution making appropriations for the payment of certain expenses incident to the first session of the Sixty-first Congress. April 23, 1909. 183 River and harbor works. Joint resolution relating to the provisions of section ten of the sundry civil act of March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine. April 25, 1909 Chelsea, Mass., fire sufferers. Joint resolution amending an act concerning the recent fire in Chelsea, Massachusetts. July 1, 1909



Grand Army encampment, Salt Lake City, Utah. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to loan cots, tents, and appliances for the use of the forty-third national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Salt Lake City, Utah. July 12, 1909...


River and harbor surveys, etc. Joint resolution authorizing the printing of reports upon preliminary examinations and surveys, and so forth. August 5, 1909...


Amendment to the Constitution. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States.. 185





Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the fifteenth day of March, 1909, and was adjourned without day on Thursday, the fifth day of August, 1909.

WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, President; JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN, Vice-President; WILLIAM PIERCE FRYE, President of the Senate pro tempore; JOSEPH GURNEY CANNON, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

CHAP. 1.-An Act Making appropriations for expenses of the Thirteenth Decennial Census, and for other purposes.

June 29, 1909. [H. R. 10933.] [Public, No. 1.]

Thirteenth Census.
Appropriation for

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, expenses of. for salaries and necessary expenses for preparing for, taking, compiling, and publishing the Thirteenth Census of the United States, rent Infra. of office quarters, for carrying on during the decennial census period all other census work authorized and directed by law, including purchase, rental, construction, repair, and exchange of mechanical appliances, to continue available until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and Junelable twelve, ten million dollars.

Available until

eases and causes of


The Director of the Census is authorized to designate three commis- Classification of dissioners, with the status of special agents, as provided by the perma- death. nent census Act, to represent the United States in the International Incommissioners on Commission for the Revision of the Classification of Diseases and mission authorized. Causes of Death, called by the Government of France to meet at Paris in July, nineteen hundred and nine, one of whom shall be chosen from the Census Office, one from the medical profession, and one from the organized registration officials of the United States. For the compen- Pay etc. sation and traveling expenses of said commissioners not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars of the foregoing appropriation may be expended.

Approved, June 29, 1909.

CHAP. 2.-An Act To provide for the Thirteenth and subsequent decennial


July 2, 1909. [H. R. 1033.] [Public, No. 2.]

Thirteenth Census.
Provisions for tak-

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a census of the population, agriculture, manufactures, and mines and quarries of the United States ing. shall be taken by the Director of the Census in the year nineteen hundred and ten and every ten years thereafter. The census herein provided for shall include each State and Territory on the mainland of the United States, the District of Columbia, and Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico.

Territorial extent.

[blocks in formation]


Decennial period established.

Census Office. Additional tive force.

Vol. 32, p. 51.



SEC. 2. That the period of three years beginning the first day of July next preceding the census provided for in section one of this Act shall be known as the decennial census period, and the reports upon the inquiries provided for in said section shall be completed and published within such period.

SEC. 3. That after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and during the decennial census period only, there may be employed in the Census Office, in addition to the force provided for by the Act of March sixth, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act to provide for a permanent Census Office," an Assistant Director, who shall be an experienced practical statistician; a geographer, a chief statistician, who shall be a person of known and tried experience in statistical work, an appointment clerk, a private secretary to the Director, two stenographers, and eight expert chiefs of division. These officers, with the exception of the Assistant Director, shall be appointed without examination by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor upon the

Assistant Director. recommendation of the Director of the Census. The Assistant Director shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Duties of officers.
Assistant Director.

Chief clerk.

Appointment clerk.
Vol. 32, p. 51.

Disbursing clerk.
Additional bond.

Pay during decennial period. Director, etc.

Additional employ



SEC. 4. That the Assistant Director shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Director of the Census. In the absence of the Director the Assistant Director shall serve as Director, and in the absence of the Director and Assistant Director the chief clerk shall serve as Director.

The appointment clerk shall perform the appointment duties assigned to the disbursing clerk in section four of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for a permanent Census Office," approved March sixth, nineteen hundred and two. The disbursing clerk of the Census Office shall, at the beginning of the decennial census period, give additional bond to the Secretary of the Treasury in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, surety to be approved by the Solicitor of the Treasury, which bond shall be conditioned that the said officer shall render, quarter yearly, a true and faithful account to the proper accounting officers of the Treasury of all moneys and properties ties which shall be received by him by virtue of his office during the said decennial census period. Such bond shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, to be by him put in suit upon any breach of the conditions thereof.

SEC. 5. That during the decennial census period the annual compensation of the officials of the Census Office shall be as follows: The Director of the Census, seven thousand dollars; the private secretary to the Director, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; the Assistant Director, five thousand dollars; the chief statisticians, three thousand dollars each; the chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; the disbursing clerk, two thousand eight hundred and seventyfive dollars; the appointment clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; the geographer, two thousand five hundred dollars; the chiefs of division, two thousand dollars each; and the stenographers provided for in section three of this Act, one thousand eight hundred dollars each.

SEC. 6. That in addition to the force hereinbefore provided for and to that already authorized by law there may be employed in the Census Office during the decennial census period, and no longer, as many clerks of classes four, three, two, and one; as many clerks, copyists, computers, and skilled laborers, with salaries at the rate of not less than six hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars per annum, and as many messengers, assistant messengers, messenger boys, watchmen, unskilled laborers, and charwomen, as may be found necessary for the proper and prompt performance of the duties herein required, these additional clerks and employees to be appointed by the Director of the Census: Provided, That the total

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