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And at the other end of the line the editor had parted with that manuscript with genuine regret. "Just the thing in some respects," he said. "But the way she pitches into the -s! She has very strong religious prejudices, evidently. She seems to think her hero's faith the only one. We'd have all our- brethren buzzing around our ears if we printed that. She's too sweeping in her statements. But it's a strong story"; and regretfully he sends it homeward.

“If I had time enough to rewrite this first page entirely, this story would be just what we'd like; but I can't do it." So the Monthly News returned the manuscript without a word of explanation, from necessity rather than from choice. And its owner wonders yet where the trouble lay.

Editors of temperance papers will tell you

that manuscripts have been sent to them which were almost faultless. But why did that Miss D. let her hero smoke? The Temperance Times sends the story home; and Miss D. promptly tries again, elsewhere, and her manuscript is accepted. "They evidently don't know a good story when they see it," she thinks to herself, concerning the Times. And she forgets her hero's cigar entirely.

I had quite a list of other reasons, wise and otherwise. But I intend to practice what I preach as regards long articles for periodicals which desire short manuscripts. So, "verbum sap." There must be some reason for a rejection. (I wish to be as coolly, calmly, carefully, conscientiously just to The Editor as I possibly can be. You see!)

If it is not for one of the reasons already given, or for one that you yourself can easily find out, the rejection must be laid to the fact that the supply is greater than the demand, at present, at least. An editor cannot accept more manuscripts than he can use. And if he has a year or two's work provided for already, he may hesitate to keep all that comes to him. So let us forgive him!


Jean Halifax.


In the vernacular of reporters, information received clandestinely is generally a "tip," fire is the "devouring element," and electricity is the "subtle fluid." Each new book is "epochmaking," and politicians are always "in touch" with somebody or something, and a lecturer invariably "looks down upon a sea of up-turned faces," while everything of a surprising nature comes "like a thunderbolt from a clear sky." At a hanging, the murderer, rather than the sentence, is "executed," and the spectators wait with " bated breath" until the body falls

with a "dull thud." 66 Ladies," who are, of course, "beautiful and accomplished," and who always have "a host of admiring friends," are attired in "stunning " garments, or sometimes are "magnificently gowned "; and it would be only in keeping with the eternal fitness of things for the aforesaid reporters to be boldly “collared," soundly "cuffed," and vigorously "booted." In the village daily a drunken man is always a "drunk," though fat people have not yet become "fats," or sick men "sicks." We read frequently that John Smith "Sundayed" in

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In my dream I saw a mighty concourse of people, of all ages and conditions, pencils and stationery in their hands, and on their faces an expression of heroic determination. As I approached and asked them who they were and whither they were bound, one replied: "We are delegates to the Continental Congress of Authors, called to protest against the violation -of our inalienable rights, and to draw up our Declaration of Independence." Then quoth I, "What are the inalienable rights of authors? and he showed me a parchment whereon a list of them was written. They were too many to be mentioned here; but among them were these :

"We demand that, when our manuscripts are returned, only the first and last pages shall be crumpled beyond recognition.

"We demand that editors' memoranda on the margin of our manuscripts shall not be made in indelible ink.

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"We demand that, when manuscripts are returned after a period of more than fifteen and a half years, the editor shall write on the envelope the words, Postmaster, please forward.' "We demand that, when manuscripts are published without being acknowledged or paid for, the editors shall return us the stamps which were enclosed in case of rejection.

"We demand that, when editors desire to add material to our contributions, they shall give themselves credit for the addition over their own names.

"We demand that, when editors desire to cut out portions of our articles before publication, they shall insert the word 'Mutilated' immediately under the title."

There were other rights enumerated which

were perhaps even more inalienable than these, but the last two of those quoted arrested my attention, and I should like to say a word in their behalf. Is it a reasonable demand that, when an author risks his reputation by the publication of a manuscript over his own name, it shall appear without either additions or sub. tractions save those which may be necessary to correct errors? For my own part, it is the right which I should maintain before that of payment; for if I am not paid, my purse alone will suffer, and not my appearance before the reading public. I believe this view can be defended by two or three incidents within my own experience.

Most trying of all was an experience with an article in a children's magazine. I was prepared to recognize its deficiencies, but was considerably shocked by seeing that a half-column of it was entirely strange to me. The addition bore some slight connection with the rest of the article, but was in a style so entirely different from mine that the contrast would have been laughable if I had not been too vexed to laugh. I was furious, and wrote to the managing editor that if any one in his office desired to make his fortune by the work of his pen, he would proceed much better by writing over his own name than by inserting his efforts in the middle of my articles. The reply was mild and courteous, and reminded me how little I knew of the trials of a managing editor. There was a certain picture, it appeared, which fitted on the page with my article so neatly and satisfactorily that the

editorial authorities could not bear to dispense with it. As it was but remotely connected with my manuscript, the defect was remedied by the insertion of the extra half-column as a connecting link. I understood this perfectly, of course, but could not avoid the reflection that to have one's articles illustrated in such a roundabout way has its disadvantages. I am willing to write for a picture, or to have a picture made for my manuscript; but further than this I would not


Turning to the matter of mutilations in manuscripts, which is, of course, more common and at the same time more excusable, I have not yet recovered from the effects of a story which a well-known magazine published in part. It happened that the forms were crowded at the last moment, and some one was evidently sent to dismember my poor little story, cutting out slices here and there with an indifference to sense so complete as to be positively dazzling. One paragraph had described a bit of landscape with a church in it, toward which the hero was supposed to be walking; this was cut out, and the next sentence began, "When he reached the church," etc, although there had appeared in print not the slightest intimation of the existence of a church in the vicinity. Other passages were equally satisfactory. In this case the editor, let it be granted, had the grace to apologize for the abuse; but I wanted to tell

him that, though I was glad enough to have the money he sent me, I would cheerfully have returned it with a trifle to boot, if my name could only have been removed from the choppedup story which I have no wish to own.

Time would fail me to tell in detail of an editor who published a poem based on an old legend, but omitted the verses containing the legend; or of another who confined his corrections to punctuation, and inserted commas at pretty regular intervals, apparently with a regard for typographical symmetry rather than for the sense of the article he published. Doubtless all who have written for publication could bring their little "tales of woe " and lay them beside mine. Have our inalienable rights not been interfered with, even granting all sorts of privileges and immunities to our good friends the editors?

But there is another side; and I believe that the fault is partly that of the authors. May not the ruthless hand of the mutilator be encouraged by the fact that so many of us fill our work with sentences and paragraphs which can be omitted without loss to the reader or to any one else? With this in mind, I have worded one of my New Year resolutions thus: "I will so write my manuscripts that no editor can scratch anything out of them without realizing that he has done actual damage to the article in his hands." R. MacDonald Alden.


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fit only for the columns of an advertising page. Criticism is a splendid cudgel for the aspiring author who really has talent, but people who cannot write need to be dealt with more tenderly than those who can, and it costs little to be kind and courteous.

Then there are Readers who allow personal friendship or animosity to govern their judgment. If the chief is a trifle careless, the friend's manuscript is apt to go in, with all its glaring defects, while the stranger writhes under the touch of a prejudiced blue pencil, and sees his finest points blunted and twisted into every conceivable shape by the manuscript Reader or the proof-reader. A noted writer says: "There is no defence against the proof

reader in his wild thirst for original spelling and novel effects."

A good manuscript Reader never permits his judgment to be influenced except by the intrinsic merit of the manuscript in hand. He must have a broad knowledge of many subjects, and especially those which pertain to different phases of human life; he must be able to discern the fine touches in all manuscripts that he handles. He should be always able to recognize excellence in style, polish, and good literary form at a glance, and he should base his decisions always from a wholly disinterested standpoint. Such are the essentials of the Reader par excellence. CLEVELAND, O.

Ella Sturtevant Webb.


A few years ago I had the honor to contribTute to THE WRITER a list of words which I had gathered in the course of my daily readings, and which, not being found in what was then the latest edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, I advised the readers of THE WRITER to look up in the new International, then just issued. Having meanwhile kept up the custom of noting such new words and new meanings as happen to draw my attention, I now present another collection of words that are new in so far as the International does not contain them. How many of them are included in the Century Dictionary, or in the Standard Dictionary now being published by Funk & Wagnalls, or in any other modern English lexicon besides the International, I must leave the reader to determine for himself.

The whole number of words I have gathered is two hundred and forty. Wishing, however, to present only a definite number of good words, I begin a process of pruning by striking out barbarisms and slang terms, which, though some of them are used by otherwise good writers, do

not appear sufficiently respectable to stand in a general vocabulary of the language. The number of these castaways is seventeen, and they are: Bigbug, borous, bullish, burglarize, cornjuice, daisy, don't-care-ative-ness, go-ahead-iveness, happify, healthery, left-hander, poker (delirium tremens), right-hander, specs, stickto-it-ive-ness, suicide (verb), teacheral.

I next exclude a longer list of special names applied to patent medicines and proprietary articles of food, drink, and household use. These words, partaking of the nature of proper nouns, and being but samples of scores of similar terms that arise daily and often as quickly disappear, can scarcely be seriously considered by the lexicographer in making up his final list. I have collected thirty of them, as follows: Algosine, anacardine, anakesis, auburnine, bona dea, bovinine, brilliantine, brockaline, castoria, coleo, cottolene, cuticura, diastine, floraplexion, gelbite, germateur, gramila, granula, lycodine, maltase, massanetta, milk-shake, modene, nervaline, nervura, angoline, pearline, pedine, phenyocaffeine, rosaline, sapolio, soapine, sudsena,

wheatena. Some of these words, as anacardine, cuticura, angoline, are correctly formed, while others, as floraplexion, sudsena, wheatena, are undeniable barbarisms.

To complete my pruning, I eliminate a still longer series of words, which are too rare, too recent, too self-explanatory, or else too uncertain in meaning and use to suit the present purpose. Of these I have: Alcophobia, AntiSnapper, autoharp, balistite, biff, dattir, eikonogen, electricide, electro-thanasia, enchantment (a game), exfratriation, femiculture, ferrosilicon, fluorcalcium, forespanker, gradgrinds, herophone, house-hunting, mealer, metagnostic, metagnosticism, miasma (a color), mimeograph, operator (telegraphist ), orimene, para-toluidine, pediatry or pediatrics, pous, prerolandic, scrimpage or scrimpings, Snapper, tardieu, tipple, tournoi, trachoma, triton (a color), typoscribe, typoscript, typoscripture, thirty-nine.

There now remain a hundred and fifty words of well defined meaning and seemingly well established use, which, in my judgment, the complete English dictionary of to-day should contain and explain. To attempt definitions here would swell this article much beyond its due length; I shall, however, classify these words, as I have previously done, under several convenient heads.

Let me begin with the most fertile field of new terms, that of science and arts. From this I have gathered and retained forty-seven words: Actinomycosis, anti-fat, anti-kamnia, anti-rabic, appendicitis, apple-scab, biochemical, cataphoresis, cataphoric, codonophone, comptometer, ecrasite, electricize, electrocute, electrocution, fluorography, flyer, Graham flour, grammophone, hysophobia, intra-vesical, kelgum, kinetograph, kodak, linotype, lysophobia, madstone, melinite, nickel-in-the-slot machine, nona, obromine, orguinette, orthochromatic, pambutano, paratoloid, phenological, photoceramics, plastomenite, saccharification, sloyd-work, spiroplethe, staff (as used in building the "White City"), telautograph, Texas fever, tuberculine, typogravure, unfreezable. Some of these words will be recognized as already familiar; others stand greatly in need of definition for the benefit of the general reader.

From the domain of science we pass on to

that of religion and philosophy. This yields us only sixteen terms, as follows: American Protestant Association, Christian science,

Christian scientist, credal, doctrinarily, Economite, Evangelical Association, extracredal, Harmonist, Idealism, mind-reader, mind-reading, Oneida Community, Rappist, United Brethren in Christ, Zoarite. Such of these terms as designate religious denominations are by no means new, but they are not defined in the International, which, as before stated, is my authority in determining the newness of words.

The field of business and social life has contributed twenty-five words to my collection. They are: Bridge-jumper, boomlet, combine (noun), dockman, dudine, fakir (a pedler), fireguard (a protection against prairie fires), greengoods, Labor Day, life-saver, multi-millionaire,. non-union, Pinkerton, quadro-centennial, shutdown, smashup, speakeasy, sooner (in Oklahoma, a settler who entered before the appointed time), squaw man, test case, tie-up, tough ( noun ), train-jumper, train-wrecker, wind-up.

Of new terms relating to sports and gamesI have admitted only eight: Base-ballist, caroussel, craps, mamooz, pigs-in-clover, poolselling, tiddledy-winks, tricycler. This field is very productive of new words, but many of these are too slangy and short-lived for the lexicographer's notice.

In the department of home politics I have collected thirty-one new terms and new meanings, most or all of which the reader will recognize as already familiar and not in need of definition. The list is as follows: Afro-Amer

ican, anti-machine, anti-monopoly, Anti-Poverty Society, anti-ring, Anti-Silverite, anti-trust, apportion, apportionment, Bellamyte, boodler, Councilmanic, Farmers' Alliance, Fusionist, hold-over (adjective), Labor Party, Nationalism, Nationalist, People's Party, placeholder, Populist, reapportion, reapportionment, returning. board, Silverite, single tax, Stalwart, Tammanyite, tariff-monger, Union Labor Party, United Labor Party. The last two terms and Stalwart must be marked as already obsolescent or historical.

Foreign politics give us the following seven words, most of which are taken from foreigh

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