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See War History in the Making!


Second U. S. Official War Feature

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OU women with men folks in France will specially welcome this opportunity to see "America's Answer." A Washington woman spoke for all the women of America when she said, "If they only would stop long enough for one to scan the faces, I feel sure that I would see my boy."

So, even if you don't see another motion picture the rest of the year, be sure you see "America's Answer." The items in your newspaper will take on new meaning for you, after you have seen this marvelous picture, the scenes for which were filmed on the spot by the U. S. Signal Corps.

Presented by COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION, George Creel, Chairman Through the Division of Films, Charles S. Hart, Director, Washington, D. C.


vesting and consuming power of the country is large, the establishment of a feeling of full confidence is likely to be followed by one of the greatest periods of construction and expansion the country has ever known. The future of wages, prices, and values in general will depend upon harmonious, highly organized, efficient, well-balanced industry, creating new wealth at a rate sufficient to satisfy the growing wants of the people.

"A tight rein is being held upon every tendency to use credit outside of essential purposes, and there is little temptation or opportunity to use it along venturesome lines. As a result there is less uncertainty about the credits of the country."



It is declared by a writer in the London Statist that "a great many writers and speakers are hugging themselves with the hope that because we have lent a very large sum to our Allies and our Dominions, the debt will not be as crushing as it is often represented." Such people are described as "of the happy, irresponsible kind, who always manage to see sunshine even while the heaviest rain is falling," and who forget that "a very large part of what we have lent to our Allies has been lent to Russia; and Russia has repudiated her liabilities." Granted that the Bolshevik rule will be thrown aside, that a decent Government will come into office, and that Russia will keep faith with her creditors in the end, "how long," the writer asks, "will it be before we get to the end? How long will it be, for example, before all the revolutionary sediment which has been stirred up settles down again and something like decent Government is established? Even when there is a decent Government, the best-intentioned can not make something out of nothing. There will have to be a period of clearing the Germans out, of absolutely restoring order, of giving everybody, men and women alike, confidence that life and property are both safe; and then there will have to be a time of hard work before Russia can turn round and tell her creditors that she is in a position to show that Russians are as honest as other people." What is true of Russia the writer believes to be equally true of Belgium, Servia, and Roumania. Hence it "will be a long time before we shall be able to get the interest upon the debt in full which we have lent to our Allies and to our Dominions." Some method should be devised of lessening the debt. As to methods for doing this, the writer says:

"Some time ago we suggested one plan, namely, that the rich should volunteer to pay off, let us say, a thousand million; and we showed that if that was done quickly and wisely it would make it possible to reduce the rate of interest on the debt by at least 2 per cent. almost immediately. That is one plan. But we are afraid the rich are not willing to volunteer. And we are not prepared to propose compulsion. Another plan is, since the rich will not volunteer, to impose a special tax upon every member of the community who has, let us say, an unencumbered income of £5,000 a year; and that that special tax should be in addition to all existing and future proposed taxes, and should be allocated rigorously to the repayment of debt.

"A third plan would be to disendow the Churches of England and Scotland, and to employ the whole of the funds so set free in the payment of the debt. There ought to be, if that plan were adopted, no waste of the funds, such as was committed when Mr. Gladstone disendowed the Irish Church. Everything that contributes in every way

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to the maintenance of the two Churches should be reckoned in, and should be most rigorously employed to redeem debt. There are a large number of pious people who object. For the life of us we can not understand the principle of their objection. It seems to us that the endowment of a Church is of very much less importance than the lives, the health, and even the reasonable comfort of the very poor.

"Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman once excited great hostility by making what was an almost commonplace among the wellinformed, that one-third of the population of this supposed-to-be-rich country lives habitually on the brink of starvation. We have no desire, and still less inclination, to fight the battle over again. All we care to say is that the comfort, the health, and the reasonable safety of the very poor, the very old men and women who have worked hard in their time, very young children, who are pining in this glorious weather in the slums and alleys of London and other great towns, and men who for some fault, probably, or some misfortune, are unable to secure permanent employment-all these people, not to mention the criminal classes and the immoral classes, are living in deep poverty. Sometimes they make a swag, and the criminal and the immoral among them have a good time for a night or two. Sometimes they do not know where they will find a breakfast or a dinner. And we are asked to believe that God more highly approves of relieving the rich from the necessity of providing clergymen with homes and incomes than of saving the very poor, and especially the old worn-out men and women and the young children just toddling, from all the horrors of the slums.

"When the war ends, and all our manhood returns, we shall have as serious a time to face as a nation ever has been confronted with. Our Government has done everything that it was possible for it, even by chance, to hit upon to go wrong. And it has spent money so lavishly that all Europe is in a state of poverty which has not been equaled probably since the Thirty Years' War. We venture to doubt whether even the war against Revolutionary France did so much to sink the whole population of Europe as has this present war, And, as if sinking the population was not enough, we have piled up debt at such a rate that if it were not for the United States and Japan there would be widespread doubts whether many governments, with the best will in the world, would be able to face what they are called upon to do. Whatever plan may ultimately be adopted, it is extremely desirable that the public should give its best thought to the subject. It is one that will try us sorely by and by. It is one that can be solved. We do not think so lightly of the resources of the United Kingdom that a means can not be found of lightening that burden of debt, even within a very few years after peace returns. But it is in the highest degree desirable that whatever plan is adopted shall be the plan of the whole community.

"The new Parliament will carry no weight with it. We shall have to wait for the return of the soldiers and sailors for legislation that every man will respect as representing the votes of the real population of the United Kingdom; and until then it is desirable that no definite plan for dealing with the debt shall be undertaken; unless, indeed, either the rich volunteer to pay off a thousand millions, or the rich volunteer to bear a special taxation for the early reduction of debt."

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