Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2002: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, First Session, 2. daļa |
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1.5. rezultāts no 81.
9. lappuse
... FTEs to accelerate the development of the Copyright Office's electronic registration , recordation , and deposit system ( CORDS ) . Since the date the Library's fiscal 2002 budget was submitted to the Congress in January 2001 , the ...
... FTEs to accelerate the development of the Copyright Office's electronic registration , recordation , and deposit system ( CORDS ) . Since the date the Library's fiscal 2002 budget was submitted to the Congress in January 2001 , the ...
11. lappuse
... ( FTE ) positions - from 4,099 to 4,207 FTEs . Even with such an increase , the Library would still have 342 fewer FTEs ( or 7.5 percent less ) than in fiscal 1992 . - The Library of Congress Today - The core of the Library is its ...
... ( FTE ) positions - from 4,099 to 4,207 FTEs . Even with such an increase , the Library would still have 342 fewer FTEs ( or 7.5 percent less ) than in fiscal 1992 . - The Library of Congress Today - The core of the Library is its ...
13. lappuse
... storing artifactual materials . The Library is requesting $ 18.8 million and a 80 - FTE increase to support the Digital Future , which consists of three components : National Digital Library ( NDL ) : The Library is 9 13.
... storing artifactual materials . The Library is requesting $ 18.8 million and a 80 - FTE increase to support the Digital Future , which consists of three components : National Digital Library ( NDL ) : The Library is 9 13.
14. lappuse
... FTEs to : ( 1 ) develop a digital - repository architecture to preserve current and future digital assets acquired as part of the Library's permanent universal collection ( $ 2,718,895 ) ; ( 2 ) provide the basic technology ...
... FTEs to : ( 1 ) develop a digital - repository architecture to preserve current and future digital assets acquired as part of the Library's permanent universal collection ( $ 2,718,895 ) ; ( 2 ) provide the basic technology ...
15. lappuse
... FTEs for CRS to support the research needs of the Congress . The request focuses on strengthening CRS's capacities to support the Congress in the new technology- dependent environment , which has significantly changed how the Congress ...
... FTEs for CRS to support the research needs of the Congress . The request focuses on strengthening CRS's capacities to support the Congress in the new technology- dependent environment , which has significantly changed how the Congress ...
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106th Congress 2000 Enacted FY 2002 budget request additional agencies approved Architect areas audit BILLINGTON Botanic Garden business process reengineering CAFM Capitol complex Capitol Power Plant Capitol Visitor Center Chairman completed Congressional Congressional Accountability Act construction continue contract Copyright Office cost documents electronic employees enacted amount Enacted FY 2001 estimates Federal Fire alarm system Fire Protection Fire Protection Engineering fire safety Fiscal Year 2002 Fort Meade FTEs funding FY 2001 Enacted FY 2002 Request HANTMAN House Office Buildings HOYER implementation improve increase information technology initiatives installation Integrated Library System inventory issues Legislative Branch Appropriations Library of Congress Library's maintenance Members million MORAN operations percent personnel Phase Report reprogram Response scheduled Senate Sprinkler staff Statement of Enacted/Requested storage strategic Subcommittee on Legislative Subcommittee Print TAYLOR Visitor Center