The CAO personnel budget includes the annualization of the fiscal year 2001 cost of living raise, the prorated fiscal year 2002 COLA; as well as adjustments for anticipated longevities and merits; and continued funding for overtime and temporary positions. In fiscal year 2002, the CAO budget assumes six additional positions for Committee Broadcasting in House Support Services (HSS) for a total authorized FTE level of 607. This reflects possible House plans to transfer fiscal year 2001 Committee's funds to CAO for this purpose. Appropriated funds are not being requested for the digital television equipment upgrades for the House Floor and House Recording Studio. This project will begin the replacement of the current cameras and infrastructure on the House floor and recording studio. The equipment will have the capability to utilize a digital format for enhanced video quality and easier distribution. The Communication Media Technology Assessment (Digital TV Study) is currently taking place. We are proposing funding the initial phase of this project from the Recording Studio revolving fund ($3,600,000). MISSION AND GOALS The mission of the CAO organization is to provide excellent and efficient service to the U.S. House of Representatives. We are one team, proactive and professional. focused on the evolving needs and expectations of Members and the House community. We approached the Fiscal Year 2002 budget formulation process by first developing a comprehensive five-year strategic plan for the organization based on this mission. We developed five goals with specific objectives under each. Using this plan as our guide, each CAO unit created project plans under the applicable goal with specific dollars and FTE attributed to each plan. The total of all project plans equals our Fiscal Year 2002 budget request. I would like to briefly outline each of the five goals and what we plan to accomplish under each. I will also highlight the total funding and FTE requested for each goal. Continuous Improvement of Products and Services-we are requesting a total of $25.9 million for projects within this goal, of which $7.1 million is for non-personnel. There are 348 FTE requested in support of all the projects within this goal. This request is nearly 38% of all funds requested today. With continuous change in Member and staff requirements, the CAO needs to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the House community to clearly understand and anticipate their needs. The projects within this goal consist of activities that support the House infrastructure, business process improvements and business process reengineering. Projects within this budget request includes: ⚫ House Postal Contract-We are requesting $3.4 million for the continuation of the Pitney Bowes contract to support House mail operations. The Postal Operations Contract Administration project has increased expenses of $97.000 based on the Pitney Bowes contract renewal (May '02). In addition there is a proposed equipment purchase of a Mail Sorter for $477.000, which will increase savings from discounted mail by approximately $50,000 per year. Friction Free Information Technology—we are requesting $31.1 million of which $15.8 million is for non-personnel. There are 222 FTE requested in support of all the projects within this goal. The CAO needs to continue to improve the availability of knowledge and information through technology in as much that does not cause confusion or problems – "friction" - for the users. Some of the major projects under this goal are: • Messaging Systems-Maintains the on-going operations of the House Messaging System (e-mail. scheduling, public folders, integrated faxing and customer support). This project includes maintenance for specialized monitoring software necessary to quickly identify technical problems. Microsoft Alliance support for 62 production and test messaging/fax servers is also included at $325.000 to provide a dedicated oncall team of Microsoft Engineers to quickly resolve technical issues, including a 24hour trouble call desk to ensure quality service to both local and district offices. Additionally, $240.000 is included for end-of-life messaging server replacements and upgrades. Web Site Hosting Services-Provides funding to support maintenance contracts, web systems equipment upgrades, and House web site support, development, and administration. HIR currently monitors, configures, and maintains 18 House web servers that provide a House Internet/Intranet as well as host Member web sites. Of the 434 official Member web sites. HIR maintains nearly 40% (175) of them on behalf of requesting Member Offices. This project also provides support for services residing on the web servers such as “Write Your Representative”. Additionally, this project provides FTE resources to support the CAO's "eServices" initiative to improve customer access to House information and services through web-enabling manual and/or disparate CAO systems and services. System Support Operations-Provides for the sustainment (operations, system administration and maintenance) of HIR Data Center and Mainframe hardware and software. Operating environment includes the CMOS processor, RAID disk storage, automated tape storage and printers. Software includes IBM operating system software, database software (ADABAS, ORACLE, and SYBASE), and third party utility software required for maintaining applications. House IT Training Services. House Technical Support, and Graphics & Desktop Publishing These HIR projects provide the foundation for HIR "customer touch" initiatives that directly support Members, Committees, Leadership Offices, and House staff in the areas of IT customer services. These include HIR Call Center and Technical Support Representative operations, IT training preparation and delivery, and desktop publishing/graphics services to the House community. Applications Support Operations-Provides on-going support for House legislative and administrative applications. Also provides for Customer Tracking System (Remedy) maintenance and upgrades and funding for an ORACLE enterprise license. • Network Security Assurance, and Security Program Infrastructure-Combined, these projects provide the critical elements of a robust House information systems security program. Primary focus of these projects is the protection of House electronic data. systems and networks, including sub-networks in each Member and Committee office against unauthorized access. denial of service attempts, and other malicious activities (i.e. virus attacks). A key element of this protection is the installation and operation of a new House firewall ($510.000) to protect the House Intranet from unauthorized access. Additionally, these projects support the development and administration of information security related policies and procedures throughout the House and offers proactive information system security support and security audit compliance assistance for requesting Member offices. Telecommunications (Voice). Wide Area Network (Data). & Campus Networking (Data)-Voice and data communications are essential to House operations. These projects provide for the critical infrastructure supporting electronic communications within the House campus (local), to district offices (remote) and to the general public (Internet). These areas include Telecommunication (Voice) operations at a cost of $1.3 million. Wide Area Network (WAN) costs include equipment and software maintenance and data circuit for leased lines to the Internet and between the House surpassed their end-of-life projections. These servers are budgeted for replacement or upgrade during FY02. The CAO is in the final stages of completing the migration from mainframe-based computing to a contemporary computer architecture that was begun in FY99. In late FY0I the last remaining House-external mainframe user, the CBO, will be migrated off the mainframe. This will leave the House's Staff Payroll system and the Clerk's Legislation Information Management System (LIMS) as the primary remaining applications. We are expecting to migrate the staff payroll application in Fiscal Year 2002. Migrating the current Staff Payroll system will be an interim step as part of the overall project to replace Staff Payroll. We are working closely with the Clerk's office on migrating LIMS and expect to develop a plan for this system during late Fiscal Year 2001. Once Staff Payroll and LIMS are migrated we will de-install the mainframe. The new item in the CAO's budget is the financial system replacement/enterprise resource planning (FSR/ERP). This is an House-wide integrated system solution that combines financial, accounting, and business process activities into a single source processing technology. The budget request for fiscal year 2002 is $3.525 million of a possible total project cost of $8.0 to $12.0 million for the implementation process. Another area of change is in Furniture and Furnishing. We are requesting $2.8 million for these projects. This includes purchases of furniture and furnishings, management and coordination of all furniture service requests, and maintenance of furniture inventory. Specifically, replacement of outdated furniture and furnishings with more appropriate fixtures such as ergonomic chairs and the acquisition of modular furniture (casegood and systems) in the House. A recent furniture study determined the feasibility of modular furniture for offices in the Congressional House Office Buildings. The recommendation was to move House offices to modular-case goods and systems, staying with the décor already established throughout the buildings. Utilizing this type of furniture is compatible with existing executive and ergonomic standards. The FY2002 budget request for Modular furniture (casegood and systems) is one million dollars - this is included in the total Furniture and Furnishings budget request. This cost is to furnish 20 offices in three buildings using different styles. This will allow Members to see and comment on the different styles so a decision can be made for future purchases. This is the recommended approach based on the study findings. The CAO personnel budget includes the annualization of the fiscal year 2001 cost of living raise, the prorated fiscal year 2002 COLA; as well as adjustments for anticipated longevities and merits; and continued funding for overtime and temporary positions. In fiscal year 2002, the CAO budget assumes six additional positions for Committee Broadcasting in House Support Services (HSS) for a total authorized FTE level of 607. This reflects possible House plans to transfer fiscal year 2001 Committee's funds to CAO for this purpose. Appropriated funds are not being requested for the digital television equipment upgrades for the House Floor and House Recording Studio. This project will begin the replacement of the current cameras and infrastructure on the House floor and recording studio. The equipment will have the capability to utilize a digital format for enhanced video quality and easier distribution. The Communication Media Technology Assessment (Digital TV Study) is currently taking place. We are proposing funding the initial phase of this project from the Recording Studio revolving fund ($3,600,000). MISSION AND GOALS The mission of the CAO organization is to provide excellent and efficient service to the U.S. House of Representatives. We are one team. proactive and professional. focused on the evolving needs and expectations of Members and the House community. We approached the Fiscal Year 2002 budget formulation process by first developing a comprehensive five-year strategic plan for the organization based on this mission. We developed five goals with specific objectives under each. Using this plan as our guide, each CAO unit created project plans under the applicable goal with specific dollars and FTE attributed to each plan. The total of all project plans equals our Fiscal Year 2002 budget request. I would like to briefly outline each of the five goals and what we plan to accomplish under each. I will also highlight the total funding and FTE requested for each goal. Continuous Improvement of Products and Services-we are requesting a total of $25.9 million for projects within this goal, of which $7.1 million is for non-personnel. There are 348 FTE requested in support of all the projects within this goal. This request is nearly 38% of all funds requested today. With continuous change in Member and staff requirements, the CAO needs to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the House |