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254m(g)(1)(B), such amount to be re

duced pro rata (as determined by the Secretary) based on the number of hours such student is enrolled, and may not exceed, for any year of attendance which the scholarship is provided, the total amount required for the year for the purposes authorized

in this clause; and

"(ii) may not exceed, for any year of attendance which the scholarship is pro

vided, the total amount required for the

[blocks in formation]


year for the purposes authorized in clause (i);

"(C) require the recipient of such scholarship to maintain an acceptable level of academic

standing as determined by the educational institution in accordance with regulations issued pursuant to this Act; and

"(D) require the recipient of such scholarship to meet the educational and licensure requirements appropriate to the health profession involved.


"(A) IN GENERAL.-An individual who has entered into a written contract with the Secretary and an Indian tribe or tribal organiza

tion under this subsection and who

"(i) fails to maintain an acceptable

level of academic standing in the education institution in which he or she is enrolled (such level determined by the educational

institution under regulations of the Secretary);

"(ii) is dismissed from such education

for disciplinary reasons;

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"(iii) voluntarily terminates the train

ing in such an educational institution for

which he or she has been provided a schol

arship under such contract before the completion of such training; or

"(iv) fails to accept payment, or instructs the educational institution in which he or she is enrolled not to accept payment, in whole or in part, of a scholarship under such contract, in lieu of any service obligation arising under such contract;

shall be liable to the United States for the Fed

eral share of the amount which has been paid

to him or her, or on his or her behalf, under

the contract.

"(B) FAILURE TO PERFORM SERVICE OBLIGATION.—If for any reason not specified in

subparagraph (A), an individual breaches his or her written contract by failing to either begin such individual's service obligation required

under such contract or to complete such service obligation, the United States shall be entitled to

recover from the individual an amount deter

mined in accordance with the formula specified

[blocks in formation]


in subsection (1) of section 110 in the manner

provided for in such subsection.

"(C) INFORMATION.-The Secretary may carry out this subsection on the basis of information received from Indian tribes or tribal organizations involved, or on the basis of information collected through such other means as the Secretary deems appropriate.

"(6) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS.-The recipient of a scholarship under paragraph (1) shall agree, in providing health care pursuant to the requirements of this subsection

"(A) not to discriminate against an individual seeking care on the basis of the ability of the individual to pay for such care or on the basis that payment for such care will be made pursuant to the program established in title XVIII of the Social Security Act or pursuant to the programs established in title XIX of such Act; and

"(B) to accept assignment under section 1842(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Social Security Act for all services for which payment may be made

under part B of title XVIII of such Act, and to enter into an appropriate agreement with the














State agency that administers the State plan for medical assistance under title XIX of such

Act to provide service to individuals entitled to

medical assistance under the plan.

"(7) PAYMENTS.-The Secretary, through the area office, shall make payments under this subsection to an Indian tribe or tribal organization for any fiscal year subsequent to the first fiscal year of such payments unless the Secretary or area office determines that, for the immediately preceding fiscal year, the Indian tribe or tribal organization has not complied with the requirements of this subsection.





"(a) IN GENERAL.-Notwithstanding section 102,

16 the Secretary shall provide funds to at least 3 colleges and 17 universities for the purpose of developing and maintaining 18 American Indian psychology career recruitment programs 19 as a means of encouraging Indians to enter the mental 20 health field. These programs shall be located at various 21 colleges and universities throughout the country to maxi22 mize their availability to Indian students and new proshall be established in different locations from time



24 to time.

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