1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 273 of care and traditional health care practices, which shall include "(A) prevention, through educational intervention, in Indian communities; "(B) acute detoxification or psychiatric hospitalization and treatment (residential and intensive outpatient); "(C) community-based rehabilitation and aftercare; "(D) community education and involvement, including extensive training of health care, educational, and community-based person nel; "(E) specialized residential treatment programs for high risk populations including pregnant and post partum women and their children; "(F) diagnostic services utilizing, when appropriate, neuropsychiatric assessments which include the use of the most advances technology available; and "(G) a telepsychiatry program that uses experts in the field of pediatric psychiatry, and that incorporates assessment, diagnosis and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 274 treatment for children, including those children with concurrent neurological disorders. "(2) TARGET POPULATIONS.-The target population of the program under paragraph (1) shall be members of Indian tribes. Efforts to train and educate key members of the Indian community shall target employees of health, education, judicial, law enforcement, legal, and social service programs. "(b) CONTRACT HEALTH SERVICES. "(1) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary, acting through the Service (with the consent of the Indian tribe to be served), Indian tribes and tribal organiza tions, may enter into contracts with public or private providers of behavioral health treatment services for the purpose of carrying out the program required under subsection (a). "(2) PROVISION OF ASSISTANCE.-In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary shall provide assistance to Indian tribes and tribal organizations to 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 services and facilities. develop criteria for the certification of behavioral health service providers and accreditation of service facilities which meet minimum standards for such 275 1 ❝SEC. 704. MENTAL HEALTH TECHNICIAN PROGRAM. 2 "(a) IN GENERAL.-Under the authority of the Act 3 of November 2, 1921 (25 U.S.C. 13) (commonly known 4 as the Snyder Act), the Secretary shall establish and 5 maintain a Mental Health Technician program within the 6 Service which 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "(1) provides for the training of Indians as mental health technicians; and "(2) employs such technicians in the provision of community-based mental health care that includes identification, prevention, education, referral, and treatment services. "(b) TRAINING.-In carrying out subsection (a)(1), 14 the Secretary shall provide high standard paraprofessional 15 training in mental health care necessary to provide quality 16 care to the Indian communities to be served. Such training 17 shall be based upon a curriculum developed or approved 18 by the Secretary which combines education in the theory 19 of mental health care with supervised practical experience 20 in the provision of such care. 21 "(c) SUPERVISION AND EVALUATION.-The Sec22 retary shall supervise and evaluate the mental health tech23 nicians in the training program under this section. 24 "(d) TRADITIONAL CARE.-The Secretary shall en25 sure that the program established pursuant to this section 26 involves the utilization and promotion of the traditional 276 1 Indian health care and treatment practices of the Indian 2 tribes to be served. 3 "SEC. 705. LICENSING REQUIREMENT FOR MENTAL 4 5 HEALTH CARE WORKERS. "Subject to section 220, any person employed as a 6 psychologist, social worker, or marriage and family thera7 pist for the purpose of providing mental health care serv8 ices to Indians in a clinical setting under the authority 9 of this Act or through a funding agreement pursuant to 10 the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance 11 Act shall— "(1) in the case of a person employed as a psychologist to provide health care services, be licensed as a clinical or counseling psychologist, or working under the direct supervision of a clinical or counsel ing psychologist; "(2) in the case of a person employed as a social worker, be licensed as a social worker or working under the direct supervision of a licensed social worker; or "(3) in the case of a person employed as a marriage and family therapist, be licensed as a marriage and family therapist or working under the direct su pervision of a licensed marriage and family thera pist. 277 1 ❝SEC. 706. INDIAN WOMEN TREATMENT PROGRAMS. 2 "(a) FUNDING.-The Secretary, consistent with sec 3 tion 701, shall make funding available to Indian tribes, 4 tribal organizations and urban Indian organization to de5 velop and implement a comprehensive behavioral health 6 program of prevention, intervention, treatment, and re7 lapse prevention services that specifically addresses the 8 spiritual, cultural, historical, social, and child care needs 9 of Indian women, regardless of age. 10 "(b) USE OF FUNDS.-Funding provided pursuant to 11 this section may be used to— 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "(1) develop and provide community training, education, and prevention programs for Indian women relating to behavioral health issues, including fetal alcohol disorders; "(2) identify and provide psychological services, counseling, advocacy, support, and relapse preven tion to Indian women and their families; and "(3) develop prevention and intervention models. 20 for Indian women which incorporate traditional 2223 21 health care practices, cultural values, and commu nity and family involvement. "(c) CRITERIA.—The Secretary, in consultation with 24 Indian tribes and tribal organizations, shall establish cri25 teria for the review and approval of applications and pro 26 posals for funding under this section. |