18 1 such time as the individual completes the course of study 2 that is supported through the use of such funds. 3 “SEC. 103. HEALTH PROFESSIONS RECRUITMENT PROGRAM 4 5 FOR INDIANS. "(a) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary, acting through 6 the Service, shall make funds available through the area 7 office to public or nonprofit private health entities, or In8 dian tribes or tribal organizations to assist such entities 9 in meeting the costs of— "(1) identifying Indians with a potential for education or training in the health professions and encouraging and assisting them "(A) to enroll in courses of study in such health professions; or "(B) if they are not qualified to enroll in any such courses of study, to undertake such postsecondary education or training as may be required to qualify them for enrollment; "(2) publicizing existing sources of financial aid available to Indians enrolled in any course of study referred to in paragraph (1) or who are undertaking training necessary to qualify them to enroll in any such course of study; or "(3) establishing other programs which the area office determines will enhance and facilitate the en 19 rollment of Indians in, and the subsequent pursuit and completion by them of, courses of study referred to in paragraph (1). "(b) ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. "(1) APPLICATION. To be eligible to receive funds under this section an entity described in subsection (a) shall submit to the Secretary, through the appropriate area office, and have approved, an application in such form, submitted in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe. “(2) PREFERENCE. In awarding funds under this section, the area office shall give a preference to applications submitted by Indian tribes, tribal organizations, or urban Indian organizations. "(3) AMOUNT.-The amount of funds to be provided to an eligible entity under this section shall be determined by the area office. Payments under this section may be made in advance or by way of reimbursement, and at such intervals and on such conditions as provided for in regulations promul gated pursuant to this Act. "(4) TERMS.-A funding commitment under this section shall, to the extent not otherwise prohib 20 1 ited by law, be for a term of 3 years, as provided 2 3 for in regulations promulgated pursuant to this Act. "(c) DEFINITION.-For purposes of this section and 4 sections 104 and 105, the terms 'Indian' and 'Indians' 5 shall, in addition to the definition provided for in section 6 4, mean any individual who 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "(1) irrespective of whether such individual lives on or near a reservation, is a member of a tribe, band, or other organized group of Indians, including those tribes, bands, or groups terminated since 1940; tive; "(2) is an Eskimo or Aleut or other Alaska Na "(3) is considered by the Secretary of the Inte rior to be an Indian for any purpose; or "(4) is determined to be an Indian under regu lations promulgated by the Secretary. 18 "SEC. 104. HEALTH PROFESSIONS PREPARATORY SCHOL 19 20 ARSHIP PROGRAM FOR INDIANS. "(a) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary, acting through 21 the Service, shall provide scholarships through the area 22 offices to Indians who 23 24 "(1) have successfully completed their high school education or high school equivalency; and 1 2 3 4 21 "(2) have demonstrated the capability to suc cessfully complete courses of study in the health professions. "(b) PURPOSE.-Scholarships provided under this 5 section shall be for the following purposes: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 15 16 17 78 18 19 20 "(1) Compensatory preprofessional education of any recipient. Such scholarship shall not exceed 2 years on a full-time basis (or the part-time equivalent thereof, as determined by the area office pursuant to regulations promulgated under this Act). "(2) Pregraduate education of any recipient leading to a baccalaureate degree in an approved course of study preparatory to a field of study in a health profession, such scholarship not to exceed 4 years (or the part-time equivalent thereof, as determined by the area office pursuant to regulations promulgated under this Act) except that an extension of up to 2 years may be approved by the Secretary. "(c) USE OF SCHOLARSHIP.-Scholarships made 21 under this section may be used to cover costs of tuition, 22 books, transportation, board, and other necessary related 23 expenses of a recipient while attending school. 1 "(d) LIMITATIONS.-Scholarship assistance to an eli 2 gible applicant under this section shall not be denied solely 3 on the basis of— 4 5 6 7 8 "(1) the applicant's scholastic achievement if such applicant has been admitted to, or maintained good standing at, an accredited institution; or "(2) the applicant's eligibility for assistance or benefits under any other Federal program. 9 "SEC. 105. INDIAN HEALTH PROFESSIONS SCHOLARSHIPS. "(a) SCHOLARSHIPS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.-In order to meet the needs of Indians, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations for health professionals, the Secretary, acting through the Service and in accordance with this section, shall provide scholarships through the area offices to Indians who are enrolled full or part time in accredited schools and pursuing courses of study in the health professions. Such scholarships shall be designated Indian Health Scholarships and shall, except as provided in subsection (b), be made in accordance with section 338A of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 2541). "(2) NO DELEGATION.-The Director of the Service shall administer this section and shall not |