Of the 361 females shown in the above table, 27.7 per cent are single, 49.9 per cent are married, and 22.4 per cent are widowed. Females who are native-born of native father show the highest percentage married, native-born of foreign father and foreign-born following in the order mentioned, but with considerably smaller proportions. Native females born of foreign father show the highest percentage single and foreign-born the highest percentage widowed. Of the foreign-born females English show the highest percentage married, Irish the highest percentage widowed, and Germans a very small percentage single when compared with the other races. Of 255 males shown in the table, 23.5 per cent are single, 73.7 per cent are married, and 2.7 per cent are widowed. Foreign-born show the highest percentage married, followed by native-born of native father and native-born of foreign father, neither of the last two mentioned showing any males widowed. Of the foreign-born races Germans. show the highest percentage of males who are married, Irish the highest percentage widowed, and Armenians the highest percentage single. In comparing males with females it will be seen that the proportion of males who are married is considerably larger than that of females, while females show 22.4 per cent widowed as compared with only 2.7 per cent of males who are widowed. The totals for both males and females show 59.7 per cent married, 26 per cent single, and 14.3 per cent widowed, foreign-born showing the highest percentage married and widowed and native-born of foreign father the highest percentage single. Of the foreign-born races English show the highest percentage married, Armenians the highest percentage single, and Irish very large proportions widowed. The following table shows, by race of husband, the location of wives of foreign-born employees. It will be seen that all husbands for whom information was secured reported wife in the United States. TABLE 59.-Location of wives of foreign-born employees, by race of husband. VISITS ABROAD. The extent to which employees of foreign birth return to their native country for long or short periods appears from the following table, which shows, by sex and race of individual, the visits abroad made by foreign-born employees: TABLE 60.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex and race. AGE CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES AND MEMBERS OF THEIR HOUSE HOLDS. The age characteristics of the employees of the collar and cuff industry and members of their households may be seen from the tables next presented, the first of which shows, by sex and by general nativity and race of head of household, the percentage of persons within each specified age group. TABLE 61.-Per cent of persons within each age group, by sex and by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only race with 80 or more persons reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] Of the total of 1,016 persons reporting complete data it is seen that 12.2 per cent are under 6 years of age, 14.5 per cent are from 6 to 13, 3.8 per cent are 14 and 15, 8.9 per cent are from 16 to 19, 19.2 per cent are from 20 to 29, 26.5 per cent are from 30 to 44, and 15 per cent are 45 years of age or over. A comparison of the persons classed as native-born of native father, foreign-born and native-born of foreign father shows the latter group has the highest percentage of persons under 6 years of age, followed in decreasing ration by foreignborn and native-born of native father. Foreign-born show the highest percentage of persons from 6 to 13, native-born of foreign father the greatest proportion 14 and 15, and from 16 to 19, native-born of native father the highest percentage from 20 to 29, and native-born of foreign father from 30 to 44, and foreign-born the highest percentage of persons who are 45 years of age or over. Of the foreign-born races, Armenians report the highest percentage of persons under 6 years of age and from 6 to 13, Danish showing very small proportions in the first age group and Irish the smallest proportion in the second. None of the races show particularly large proportions in the groups 14 and 15 and from 16 to 19 years of age. Danish show the highest percentage of persons from 20 to 29, English the highest percentage from 30 to 44, and Germans the highest percentage of persons 45 years of age or over. In contrasting males and females, it is seen that the proportion of females who are under 6 and from 6 to 13 years of age is somewhat lower than that of males. The proportions of males and females who are in the 14 and 15 year age group are almost the same, while females show a slightly higher percentage in the rest of the age groups than males. The table next presented shows, by sex and general nativity and race, the percentage of employees who are within each age group. TABLE 62.-Per cent of employees within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [This table includes only races with 80 or more persons reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] TABLE 62.-Per cent of employees within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race-Continued. Of the 1,508 persons, male and female, who are included in the above table none are under the age of 14 years; less than 3 per cent are 55 years old or over, and 5.6 per cent are from 45 to 54 years of age. The largest proportion in any specified age group is of those between the ages of 14 and 19 years. Below the age of 35 years persons native-born of foreign father show a larger proportion than do the foreign-born, but above the age of 35 the positions are reversed. Of the males, 19.4 per cent are between the ages of 20 and 24 years, and the same proportion is between the ages of 25 and 29. Less than 5 per cent are 55 years of age or over, and only 6.9 per cent are from 45 to 54 years. The whites native-born of native father, show the largest proportion between the ages of 14 and 19. Less than 7 per cent of the foreign-born are in that age group. Only 9.5 per cent of the second-generation Irish are from 30 to 34 years of age as compared with 15.6 per cent of the whites native-born of native father. When compared with the males, the females show larger proportions below the age of 25 years and smaller proportions in each specified age group over 25 years. Below the age of 35 years the foreign-born females show a smaller proportion in each specified age group than that shown by the native-born of foreign father. A greater proportion of those who are 35 years of age or over are foreign-born than native-born of foreign father. The second-generation Irish, or native born of Irish father, show a smaller proportion in each age group below 25 years than do the native whites born of native father. |