TABLE 78.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born male employees, by years in the United States, and race. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States.] Table 79.-Number of male employees of each age or within each age group, by general nativity and race. TABLE 80.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race and length of residence. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States.] TABLE 81.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born male employees, by age at time of coming to the United States, and race. TABLE 79.-Number of male employees of each age or within each age group, by general nativity and race. TABLE 80.-Present political condition of foreign-born mast employee vic hon in a the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of ape or the trawy smag. by race and length of residence. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES. [By years in the United States is meant years saw from I De Tunes Rue) TABLE 81.—Ability to speak English of foreign-born wale ew picoyees, by age at time of coming to the Cited States, and race. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [This table includes only tares ¦ |