TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFACE VOLUME THE FIRST. INTRODUCTION.-Giving an Account of what has been done by others, and of what is attempted in the following Pages, towards a History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge..... PART I. Page 1 CHAP. 1. History and Antiquity of Cambridge...... 39 54 tions 67 CHAP. 4. Transactions in the University during and Mary's Reign.. 82 CHAP. 5. Queen Elizabeth-Charter-University Sta tutes-Queen's Visit.... 87 CHAP. 6. James I.-His Regia Litera and Injunctions-Graces of the Senate.... с 98 CHAP. 7. Charles I.-The Parliament-their new Ar rangements in the University-and Ejec Page tion of the Loyalists. 106 CHAP. 8. Charles II.-New Arrangements and Ejec CHAP. 2. Colleges Universities-Literature of the 138 CHAP. 3. Age of Wickliffe, and Progress of Litera ture... 159 CHAP. 3 (an error, it ought to have been 4). The Revival of Literature-Erasmus-and other eminent Men, classical Scholars........ 165 CHAP. 4 (ought to be 5). Progress of Classical Lite CHAP. 8. Age of Science-Philosophy-Bacon and others .... 190 CHAP. 9. Mathematics-Dr. Barrow-Sir Isaac New ton, Mr. Whiston, and others...... 201 CHAP. 10. Being Appendix first to University Literature-Mr. Ray and Dr. Harvey ...... CHAP. 11. Reflections arising from the preceding Chapter, being Appendix second-present State of Professorships..... 206 210 |