TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFACE VOLUME THE FIRST. Page INTRODUCTION. Giving an Account of what has been done by others, and of what is attempted in the following Pages, towards a History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge........ 1 PART I. 54 CHAP. 1. History and Antiquity of Cambridge...... 39 ........ tions 67 ... CHAP. 4. Transations in the University during Henry the VIIIth's, Edward the VIth's, and Mary's Reign.. 82 ........ CHAP. 5. Queen Elizabeth-Charter-University Sta- 87 98 CHAP. 7. Charles I. -The Parliament-their new Ar rangements in the University-and Ejec- .. ... Page CHAP. 8. Charles II.-New Arrangements and Ejec CHAP. 2. Colleges - Universities - Literature of the CHAP. 3. Age of Wickliffe, and Progress of Litera CHAP. 3 (an error, it ought to have been 4). The Revival of Literature-Erasmus-and other eminent Men, classical Scholars ........ CHAP. 4 (ought to be 5). Progress of Classical Lite rature-Bentley, and others .......... CHAP. 6. Oriental Literature CHAP. 7. Theological Literature.......... ... .. CHAP. 8. Age of Science - Philosophy - Bacon and CHAP. 9. Mathematics-Dr. Barrow-Sir Isaac New ...... 131 138 159 165 174 180 185 190 206 ton, Mr. Whiston, and others.......... 201 CHAP. 10. Being Appendix first to University Literature-Mr. Ray and Dr. Harvey CHAP. 11. Reflections arising from the preceding Chapter, being Appendix second-present State of Professorships. 210 |