Equity Offering ▲$95.288.850 equin ▲640 "Class A limited partner ship units ▲ $148.889 per unit ▲ One-half unibble ▲ Accredited invesion onh The Property ▲ Premier 64-stun office lomer L'S Steel building • 2343.595 net renuble square feet of • Prime location in central business ▲ Underlying 2676 acres of land The Tenants ▲ US Steel Corporation • L 38% of rentable space • Rinked 15th Fortune 500) company • Vearend 1983 shareholders' equinner 5.5 billion Rockwell International HJ Heinz 125 other diversified, creditonhy lenants Currently 90% leased Investor Benefits Long-term capital growth Poiental asset apprecation Cipiul in a sale .. An unmatched corporate address T he building is located in the in of the thriving Golden Triangle, the hub of the city's financial, govem mental and commercial acawny Within walking distance are fifteen Fortune 5000 companies (three within the building self Directly across the street from 600 Grant Street are the Gulf Building, the Federal Coun House the Federal Resene building the Chamber of Com merce, the Koppers Building, the Alroa Building, the HK. Porrer Building, the new Mellon Bank Square and Mellon Bank Center, the L'nion Trust Building. and the Bigelos Apartment Hoxel. Within a few blocks are the Allegheny Counn Coun House. Saks Fifth Avenue. Kaufmann's. Gimbel's, the Hyatt Hotel at the new Chatham Center, the new Dand L Lastence Convention Center, and the prestigious Duquesne Club Heinz Hall (where the cinny's ballet performs), the An Institute. Point State Park, Duquesne Unversin, and the Civic Arena are leas than a mile a The office tower is easily accessible 10 the city's major highways and numerous bridges. These access routes lead to the Grener Pittsburgh International Airport (jud liheen minutes away by car), the famous Three Rivers Stadium (home of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Pittsburgh Pirates), the sprawling new One Station Square shopping and hotel plaza and the surrounding suburbs Municipal local and express bus service stups at the front entrance of the building Bus ter minals for Trailmays and Greyhound are down the block The cin's first subaay system, the Light Rail Transil System, is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in 1985 The Midion Si won all he located at One Mellon Bank Cenier actors the street from the US. Steel Building trich will be connected the concourse level in the station by an underground pedestrian pass OIL AND GAS DRILLING PROGRAM The 4 to 1 tax write-off derives principally from combining the current deductibility of intangible drilling costs with high leverage. FOR ANALYST/ATTORNEY/CPA/BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY This document does not constitute an offering of securities, it is presented for due diligence and analysis purposes only An offer can only be made by presentatio approved placement memorandum and pursuant to strict regulatory procedures This document and or the contents thereof are not to be reproduced or transmi any member of the public or any potential investor in any manner whatever Any such transmission may constitute a violation of securities regulations The Codell Trend is one of the most recent and active drilling areas in the Rocky Mountain region, discovered in 1977 by extension drilling from the then developing Wattenberg Gas Field. The more than 600 wells drilled thus far by the industry have defined a productive area encompassing over 500,000 acres in the Denver-Julesburg Basin area of Colorado, located approximately 40 miles north of Denver. Developers of the Codell Trend have experienced a 97% completion ratio with a potential of 12.000 more wells to be drilled on 40 acre spacing. • Based on public information released through Petroleum Information, Inc. of Denver, Colorado. JOINT VENTURE/OPERATOR The Partnership will acquire its prospects through Shes & Thomas, Inc. and TUNOil, Inc., both Colorado corporations. Shepler and Thomas, Inc of Evergreen. Colorado will be the operator in drilling, completing an producing of the wells included in the Windsor Limited Partnership. Shepler & Thomas, Inc. has been involved its drilling and completion of several wells in the area on a consulting basis and for its own account. Shepler & Thorm Inc. has the necessary in-depth knowledge and experience the Codell Trend. TURN-KEY The General Partner and Operator of the live wells will meet the growing deinand of investors lor turn-key intangible drilling and completion costs. By drilling and completing these wells on a turn-key basis. the possibility for future assessments that may arise out of cost overruns due to common drilling or completion hazards is eliminated from Limited Partner liability. The General Partner and Operator assume liability for these drilling and completion hazards, which can double or triple well cosis. To the extent that the costs of drilling these wells exceed the turnkey price, the General Partner will be responsible for paying the excess cost. To the extent that drilling costs are less than the turn-key price, the General Partner and the Operator will receive additional compensation for the risks assumed in additional drilling. CLOSING DATE The offering will terminare December 15, 1984 unless exten by General Partner FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: With the advent of leveraged financing through cash and lever of credit, a potential good return could be converted to an excellent return on a cash-on-cash basis. Schedule A will show, on a per unit basis, the Limited Partners' contribution, estimated deductions, estimated payout summary, estimated return on investment and projected return on cash. These projections show that an investment of $21.182 could produce an approximate 2 to I return on the total investment, which is increased to a 6.4 to 1 return on investment through leveraged financing with an anticipated payout of approximately 36 mon.hs. OFFERED THROUGH: NEW SOUTH SECURITIES, INC. 619 S. Tyler Street, P.O. Box 15068 Amarillo, Texas 79105 (806) 373-8208 (800) 858-4112 U.S. (800) 692-4112 TX |