Lapas attēli

Security Awareness program is an educational tool to continually reinforce the LC security policies and procedures. Security should be ingrained as a positive ideal.

4.1.5 Install signs in select areas to encourage security practices and awareness thereby reminding individuals of the benefits of protecting the Collection and the penalties associated with criminal behavior.

4.1.6 Install bogus closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras to deter criminal activity.

4.2. Surveillance. The Librarian should:

4.2.1 Expand random police patrols in the General Stack areas and use the Detex system already in place. Increasing patrols will be manpower intensive, and hence, expensive in the long term. It is an effective measure now in that it provides both surveillance and deterrence. It could be reduced once a solid security program is in place and enforced.

4.2.2 Initiate the use of random, covert, CCTV surveillance in the General Stack areas (similar to a Candid Camera scenario).

4.2.3 The day-to-day use of a wide spread surveillance system in the stack area is not recommended at this time pending the completion of a full, detailed, comprehensive security survey and an assessment of results obtained by the implementation of measures selected for use from this report.

[blocks in formation]

4.3.1 Continue with the reduction of the aur horized access to the General Stack areas.

4.3.2 Review the control and distribution of General Stack access badges on a regular basis.

4.3.3 Strengthen the requirements for individuals to receive access badges such as limiting distribution to only those individuals who require day-to-day access to perform their jobs. All others would be subject to extensive scrutiny to obtain even a temporary pass. This may require the implementation of escort procedures.

4.3.4 Conduct at least quarterly inventories of access badges.

4.3.5 Implement a two-person access rule in restricted high risk areas within the general collection stacks. This procedure would require at least two authorized individuals to enter such areas together, remain together while in that area, and depart the area together. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent an individual from performing criminal activity without the knowledge of the other individual. Currently, this procedure would require the cooperation of the individuals. However, a supporting infrastructure of security hardware, such as double locks, access systems, and CCTV, may be used to enforce this procedure. Expansion of the two-person access rule to other sections of the stack areas or the stack areas in their entirety may be considered as necessary in the future.

4.3.6 Institute an in-house program to upgrade vulnerable cage locks in the stack areas:

Fabricate and install metal shrouds around all rim deadlatch locks (see Appendix 2,

Replace vulnerable, low-grade padlocks and hasps with more secure units such as
American series 200 padlocks.


5.1 An effective physical security program involves the wise use of policies and procedures, personnel, and physical security equipment backed by a security strategy or approach which supports the security goals of the organization. The program must be continually nurtured through education of personnel, inspection, and enforcement to ensure policies and procedures are being followed, and follow-through by the organizational leadership to demonstrate genuine concern and interest in security.

[blocks in formation]


A preliminary framework within which to construct the LC Security Program is:

5.2.1 Implement the near-term measures now. These include:

Issue security statement.

Security responsibility and accountability assigned to Service Unit heads.

Increase police patrol of General Stack areas.

Reduce the number of personnel authorized access.

Establish a security hotline.

Install bogus cameras.

Install signs to encourage security and warn potential violators.

Initiate quarterly inventory of access badges.

Initiate the process to hire a full-time Director of Security.

Fabricate and install shrouds and locks to all caged sections of the stack area.

5.2.2 Conduct a detailed, comprehensive security survey focused on investigating, in-depth, the activities, operations, and security responses surrounding the Jefferson, Madison, and Adams Buildings. Based on information derived from said survey, and building on the measures recommended above, develop and implement security policies and procedures and craft these into a comprehensive security program. The survey should also include identification of recommendations - to include estimated costs - regarding access control, intrusion detection, CCTV surveillance, article tagging, personnel tracking, movement control, etc.

5.2.3 Initiate the development of the LC Security Program.

Establish a full-time Director of Security position reporting directly to the Librarian.

Establish the policies and procedures.

Establish a Security Awareness Program.

Identify appropriate technology (hardware and software), design and install

supporting infrastructure.

and prosecution.

Develop loss/mutilation detection capability.

Structure the program to facilitate inspection, enforcement, investigations, rewards,

5.2.4 Establish a known baseline.

5.2.5 Develop an implementation plan focusing on strategic introduction of measures within the Program.


The theft and multilation problem has been evolving since the establishment of the Library. It will not be solved overnight. An aggressive strategy that builds a solid security program which infuses security to the daily routine of every employee is absolutely required. The evolution of the Security Program requires the unequivocal support (buy-in) and enthusiasm of all upper management if it is to out-pace theft and thwart this tremendous loss to the Country.

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