Lapas attēli

The mark of success for any organization is its ability to respond to rapidly changing events while still maintaining its level of excellence. The entire CAO staff looks forward to another year of service to the House of Representatives.

FY 1997 Operational Budget

The FY '97 operational budget request of $44,166,000 is a net decrease of $1.429.000 under the amount provided in fiscal 1996. If the HIR estimated FY '97 reimbrusements remained constant in comparison with the originally estimated FY '96 HIR reimbursements, this FY 97 operating budget would be $5.5 million less than what is being requested today. The FY '96 reimbursement estimate was based on an aggressive marketing strategy. There is a plan to reduce the reimbursement gap in FY '96. Current HIR paying customers, reacting to their own budget cuts, have begun to reduce their expenditures for HIR services.

There will be a decline in outside consultants after the initial "ramp up" support of the Cyber Congress begins to level off. At the same time, however, due to privatization of offices and installation of the FFS accounting package in Finance, for example, there will remain the need for contractual funds.

There is a greater emphasis placed on training in this budget request. I strongly believe in the continuation of employee training for employees in their own fields as they continue to better themselves which, in turn, will better the service given the House.

The Operational budget increases are primarily in mandatory pay raises, which represent 12% of the overall increase in the total CAO budget. This mandatory increase is offset by the net reduction in the thirteen FTE's previously mentioned, which total $453,000.

The comparative table below shows the combined operating and capital budget for th

Separate operating and capital budget tables are included for comparison.

[blocks in formation]

FY '95 unexpended balance based on actual paid expenditures through October 1995.

FY '96 expenditures represent those paid through December 1995.

Below is a comparative table of FY '95 actual operational costs. FY `96 enacted operational

budget and FY '97 requested operational estimates for the CAO.

[blocks in formation]

FY '95 unexpended balance based on actual paid expenditures through October 1995.

FY '96 expenditures represent those paid through December 1995.

FY 1997 Capital Budget

The second part of the CAO budget is the capital budget request of $26,298,000 which is

37.32% of the total CAO budget for which I am testifying today. The items and applicable amounts included in this budget are as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The net expenses of Office Equipment request is an increase of $4.015,000 over the amount provided in FY '96. This increase is attributable to the cyclical nature of this account whereby the odd numbered fiscal years reflect the purchase requests of all incoming Members for the first session of each Congress. Imagine a multi-year bar graph showing actual spending by year. The graph would look like a saw tooth--up in odd numbered fiscal years and down in even numbered fiscal years. The chart on page 34 shows to area of changes.

The net expenses of Telecommunications request is an increase of $11,790,000 over the amount provided in FY '96. This increase is attributable to several new programs and continuation of existing programs. The first new program is the Wide Area Network flagship data program which was first introduced in the first session of the 104th Congress. This subcommittee provided a $3.2 million reprogram of funds last year to support this important initiative which resulted from the findings of the Price Waterhouse audit. This program enables Members to electronically connect with their congressional and district offices. The estimated FY '97 cost for this program alone is $5 million. Other programs requested are new telephone instruments for Members, increased wiring to fully implement Office 2000, rewiring to comply with OSHA standards, new disaster recovery program requested in the Price Waterhouse audit, and re-engineering of the House backbone network and the Legislative Branch CAPNET in the event of the selling of the building on 501 1st Street. The Furniture and Furnishing request is an increase of $247,000 over the amount provided

in FY '96. Also, expenditures in all categories increase due to the requests generated by incoming Members. The chart on page 35 shows the area of changes. This increase is attributable to increased

demands for ergonomic furniture and computer compatible workstations.

The television cameras, related equipment and House floor re-lighting is a new request of $2,285,000. There are six cameras necessary to replace old equipment for House Floor proceedings currently in use. Several pieces of equipment are "one of a kind" or out of production and thus not replaceable. The House floor lighting is 37 years old and produces much more heat than the planned replacements. The chart on page 36 shows the breakdown for this request.

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(28.729.700) *2.253.200 (1-0


$4.193.300 $10.214.200 $26.298.000

FY '95 unexpended balance based on actual paid expenditures through October 1995.

FY '96 expenditures represent those paid through December 1995.

• Net accounts within this budget traditionally receive more charge backs at the beginning of the fiscal year.

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