Report on FTE and administrative expense reductions as required by Sections 307
and 308 of Public Law 103-69, as amended by Section 305 of Public Law 103-203.
The United States Senate does not budget for, or plan by full-time equiva-
lent positions. Attempts to convert employment figures into FTS equiva-
lents yielded inconsistent results due to the administrative structure of
the Senate. Therefore, the basis of the reductions was determined from the
active employee count of the Senate as of September 30, 1992.
The active employee count consists of all Senate employees, with the
exception of the President of the Senate and Senators, and those employees
paid at a daily rate. The total employee count after exclusions as of
September 30, 1992 was 7,487. The total employee count after exclusions as
of September 30, 1994 was 7.269. The employee count as of September 30.
1994 was used as a basis for the additional reductions in Fiscal Year 1995.
Mandated reductions from the September. 30, 1992 base employee count of
7,487, total 300, leaving a employee count of 7,187. The total employee
count after exclusions as of September 30, 1995 was 6,850.
Staffing levels in the United States Senate are determined primarily by the
individual offices, operating within an allowance structure. The allowance
is a dollar amount for compensation that the office cannot exceed, rather
than a set number of staff positions per office.
Senate budget authority for compensation contained in the Legislative
Branch Appropriation Bills from Fiscal Year 1992 to Piscal Year 1994
increased less than one half of one percent. Adjusting for inflation, the
budget authority actually declined by 5.20 The Senate's fiscal restraint
has imposed strict staffing limitations. Consequently, as staff members
have retired or pursued other employment opportunities, they have not been
replaced. The Senate has achieved the required reductions through staff
attrition resulting from self-imposed budget limitations.
GAO/GGD-96-57R Legislative Branch Reductions