$700,000 21/020/000 10/1/94 11/1/94 12/1/94 1/1/95 2/1/95 3/1/95 4/1/95 5/1/95 6/1/95 7/1/95 3/1/95 /1/95 1/95 1/9 195 96 96 9 5 PERSONNEL SS FY CUM AVG SS BUDGET $$$ Mr. PACKARD. Thank you, Ms. Carle. Do you wish to outline your proposal, Ms. Carle? Let's at least review what we have on page 24. Ms. CARLE. OK. FY '97 CLERK'S REQUEST Mr. PACKARD. You are asking for salary and expenses of $14,844,000. Ms. CARLE. I think this figure fails to reflect the numbers for the new Office of the House Employment Counsel; isn't that right? They are not absorbed into it. Mr. ANFINSON. That I am not sure of. Ms. CARLE. The total request is $15,370,000, which includes the appropriation of the House Employment Office. Mr. PACKARD. The House Employment Counsel is how much? That would be what? Ms. CARLE. $526,000, and personnel is $485,000 of that. Ms. CARLE. The office has been approved by House Oversight. We are in the interview process now and there are names before House Oversight. Mr. PACKARD. Where do they show up in your request? Mr. ANFINSON. The office was approved after the budget was submitted, Ms. CARLE. It is trailing. Mr. DIXON. Mr. Chairman, I do have a question. I just want to make sure I understand. Mr. PACKARD. Of course. And I will ask for details for the record. [The information follows:] Question. Are you requesting additional FTE(s)? How many and in what offices? Response. As part of the request relating to the Office of the House Employment Counsel, I am requesting funding for six additional positions. However, as a result of various reductions in FTEs within the Clerk's departments, the net increase in FTEs is one. The FY97 cost for personnel related to the Office of the House Employment Counsel is $485,000. INCREASE IN CLERK'S BUDGET Mr. DIXON. Ms. Carle, as I understand it, your budget is more than the 1996 request; is that correct? Ms. CARLE. Yes. Mr. DIXON. And more than the actual expenditure of 1995? Ms. CARLE. Yes. Mr. DIXON. So it is more than 1996. Ms. CARLE. It is 2.12 percent more. Mr. DIXON. And it is more than the actual expenditure of 1995. Mr. Faulkner, I note that the total budget, the accumulated budgets are about 10 percent more, so as the offices come up, would you identify where the increases are? If I am reading this correctly, there is a modest, roughly $500,000 increase in your budget. Ms. CARLE. The increase in my budget is 2.12 percent over the 1996, and then if you add in the new House Employment Counsel, which is another $526,000 over the items that were moved from the House Administrative Accounts into line items in our budget, that was $800,000 for stenographic reporting, $750,000 for c captioning, and then less than $100,000 for the other items. Mr. DIXON. I just wanted to make sure I was reading corı FY '97 REQUESTED CHANGES BY ACCOUNT Mr. Faulkner, on this 10 percent, can you identify the age Mr. FAULKNER. Yes. Actually, we have a spreadsheet whi can make available. In fact, since we are going to be Tom i ing you one right now. Do we have extra copies of these? We have a general spreadsheet for the fiscal year 1997 bi Again, these are figures that were put together initially fo OMB mark in December, and are trailing some of the number are now being developed, such as this Office of Employment sel, but it does give the listing of the dollar increases or dec by specific account, which track to that 9.91 percent total inc So we will make that available to all members of the comi here as soon as our photocopier runs it off. [The information follows:] |