FISCAL YEAR '97 BUDGET XLS 3/28/96 11:31 AM alient في نسجة المها OFFICE PUBLICATIONS & DISTRIBUTION INC/DEC OVERTIME EXPLANATION Printing Services Immediate Office Postal Operations Decrease is due to reduction of 3 FTE's. Major nonpersonnel request is for a postal interface to allow monitoring of chargem HUMAN RESOURCES Increase of 5 FTE's to most the Office of Employee Assistance demand for services. The ac Office of Associate Administrator. personnel increar ίπτείες Policy and Administration due to FileNet and outside Office of Training Personnel and Benefits evaluation for the Empkryes Assistance Program Fair Employment HOUSE FINANCE OFFICE Personnel increases are due to reorganization. The overall Operations Financial Overnight and Review decrease is the result of funding for implementation of the new Financial system in FY9% FACILITIES MANAGEMENT... SUPPORT SERVICES Immediate Office. Retail Supply Property Asset Management Furniture Resource Center. One Call Food Services Child Care Laundry Expenses Abolished office. increased workload resulting from Congress first session Emplamanting more autoauto to assist with House perations and develop a computerized furniture catalog. tiarato bra Odice of Photography Communications Media Operational Budget Reductions. PROCUREMENT & PURCHASING. 7wFTEX TOTAL CAO OPERATIONAL BUDGET. Nett Expenses of Telecommunications Net Expenans of Equipment Furniture and Furnishings. Robotic Camones TOTAL CAD CAPITAL BUDGET. GRAND TOTAL CAO BUDGET. Compliance Increase due to new programa Increase due to sew Congres New furniture for new Congres New video, radio & TV services. no si anois Reprogramined out in FY96 Inspector General $94,000 2.38% $17,000 Increased contract meditors Chaplain Incresse due to COLA'Y Parliamentarian Reduction due to full funding Compilation of Precedents Reduction due to full funding TOTAL PARLIAMENTARIAN Reduction due to full funding Law Revision COLA, new FTE & qu Legislative Counsel Increase due to merits & COLA Technical Assistants of the Attending Physician Increme due to COLA'S Nonpersonnel is included in KYOER AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES TOTAL SALARIES, OFFICERS & EMPLOYEES. 551800000,0000 1,129 $83,733,000 1,110 $101,989,471 -19 $18,256,471 $382,000 61816 the budget for the first time. 21.80% TOTAL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9,897 5671,561,000 9,878 5738.108,000 -19 366,547,000 9.91% $540,000 Question. We would like to see a periodic report on actual FTE's. Th mal definition of FTE's used throughout the government. It's an OPM S it is based on hours actually worked. Will you describe that concept for tee? Response. The standard FTE, as contained in the Office of Mana Budget's circular A-11, is determined by the total number of hours ( be worked), divided by the number of compensable hours applicable to year. In general, a standard FTE or work year includes 260 compensa 2,080 hours. These hours include straight-time hours only and exclude a holiday hours. However, this definition does not apply to the House. The House pay on a 30 day month or 360 day year. FTE's for the House are determine the total number of days worked divided by the number of compensable An employer may hire one individual for a six month period and repl with another individual for the next six months. The two individuals tively worked 360 days in the year which constitutes one FTE. Question. The Committee on House Oversight has expressed an interes a monthly or quarterly report on House FTE's and we would be pleas such a report also. We believe that can be done simply by using payroll r mation which is already maintained by the Finance Office. Will you de a report for us? Consult with the Committee staff to make sure you use format. Response. We are currently working with the Committee on House O ensure that the FTE report requested in the above question is in a suita We would be pleased to submit this report to the Committee on House and Committee on Appropriations. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS Mr. FAULKNER. Moving to the Appropriations Committee page 21, the salaries and expenses of the Committee on Ap tions, including studies and examinations of executive agen temporary personal services for each committee and subco is $18,430,000. Again, the further spread sheet on the ap tions is on that same page which I submit for the record. [The information follows:] |