Lapas attēli

STANDING COMMITTEES, SPECIAL AND SELECT (See Pages 50-53 of Subcommittee Print)

For salaries and expenses of Standing Committees. Special and Select, authorized by House resolutions, $80,524,000. This amount represents the second session of the 104th Congress funding. increased by cost of living adjustments. This request is $1,895,000 or 2.41% greater than the amount provided in fiscal year 1996.

Once again Mr. Chairman, we informed the Committee on House Oversight of this amount since they will be creating the 1997 Committee funding resolution

The following summary of the Primary Expense Resolution (H. Res. 107) issued by the Committee on House Oversight gives an illustration of the amounts available to Committees in 1995

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Appropriations, Actual Expenditures, Unexpended Balances

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Mr. PACKARD. Before you leave that well, maybe it is re We made significant reductions in committee staff.

Mr. FAULKNER. Very much so.

Mr. PACKARD. And even eliminated some committees House, standing committees last year. How has that affect budget submittal?

Mr. ANFINSON. Well, there has been a reduction in cor staffing of almost 650 individuals. The impact on this budg 1995 has been a reduction of approximately $46 million in costs.

Mr. FAULKNER. In fact, if you look on page 20, you will total appropriations in fiscal year 1995 for standing com special and select, was over $112 million, and for 1996, it little over $78 million. And then you will see the unexpend ances are fairly significant. So we are continuing to move ward as committee staffs have been downsized.

Mr. PACKARD. So there has been no request, or this is ne quest for a gradual increase now of FTEs after the downsiz year?

Mr. FAULKNER. That is correct. The number of FTEs is fla declining. We are looking at just a cost-of-living increase her


Mr. PACKARD. I have questions on FTE's to insert for the [The questions and responses follow:]

Question. The House has reduced its budget and FTE employment sign Give the Committee a sense of those reductions.

Response. Reductions in FTE's and budgets are associated with the eli of three committees, an overall one third reduction in committee staffing a ing.

The elimination of three committees resulted in a reduction of appro $11,176,000 and one third reduction in committees resulted in a reductio proximately $33,675,000. Additionally, the payment of accrued annual le bined with personnel benefits resulted in a reduction of approximately $1 The Chief Administrative Officer, with the support of the House Leade fices, Committee on House Oversight and Appropriations Committee was ab vatize the House Folding Room, House Postal Operations and Barber/Beau These actions reduced the number of FY '96 FTE's required by 279.

There were two major items which contributed to a reduction in budget ring payments. Closed Captioning costs of $800,000 and telecommunication costs of $3,500,00 represent these savings.

Question. For the record, prepare a five year table which shows the recen of House funding and FTE levels.

Answer. The House began monitoring FTE's in FY '94, therefore, only a table can be provided for FTE levels. The funding is the appropriated am each fiscal year and does not reflect actual spending.

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1 Includes a $1,500,000 rescission. Original FY'93 appropriation was $699,109,000.








Question. Turning to the overall CAO operation, will you give us an understanding of the funding and FTE increases or decreases in each of the component offices of the Chief Administrative Officer?

Responses. The following table explains the funding and FTE's for the various components of the CAO's organization. The FY '97 request for each component under the operating budget includes mandatory changes of $2,157,000 for such areas as the FY '97 cost of living adjustment, longevity and meritorious increase and reclassification of positions. There is also a net FTE reduction of 13 at a net savings of $453,000.

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$1,043,955 15






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$21,709,905 275

321,284,799 270

(3425,106) (5)

34,690,161 25

$4,420,816 22

($300,345) (3)

$1,991,854 25

$2,153,413 30


Mudia & Suppor

39,486,580 243

50,941,315 222

5454,735 (21)


$45,861,000 643

504,106,377 630

($1,694,623) (13)

Furniture and Furnishings




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