EXPLANATION OF MEMBER'S REPRESENTATIONAL ALLOWANCE Mr. PACKARD. I think it might be appropriate at this time also to have you briefly explain for us the impact of combining the three accounts that took place last year, and how you see that playing out in this budget proposal. Mr. ANFINSON. The Committee on House Oversight, in the latter part of 1995, combined the three Members' accounts into one Members' representational allowance. In the past, there were three elements, three separate accounts comprising the Members' accounts. They were a clerk hire account, official expenses of Members, and the official mail. Those were separate accounts with separate limitations as to how much could be spent by each Member per year. Members were allowed to transfer up to certain dollar amounts between certain of the accounts. Towards the end of last year, the committee combined all three accounts, eliminated limitations. With the exception of the Members' official mail allowance, monies could still be transferred into that allowance, up to $25,000. The intent was to make the Members more accountable for their entire budget. This has simplified their ability to manage their accounts as well. We have changed the statements that we have given to the Members to reflect their allowance as well as actual expenditures, and then showing them how much they have available for the year, and it helps them to better manage their accounts. Mr. PACKARD. Historically, we have appropriated less money than what the individual Member allowances would add up to. Mr. ANFINSON. Correct. Mr. PACKARD. What is that figure this year? How much below are we appropriating? MRA AUTHORIZATION COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATION Mr. ANFINSON. We are appropriating or requesting appropriations for 1997 of $398 million, and the authorization-I am sorry. The appropriation was $360 million in 1996, and in 1996 the authorization was $390 million, so about $30 million more was authorized than appropriated. However, historically, the Members do not spend their allowances, their entire accounts, so they do not exceed these balances. Mr. PACKARD. Okay. How does this your expectations in this budget proposal, how will that affect reprogramming requests? Will they increase, decrease, or remain about the same? Mr. ANFINSON. The reprogramming should decrease. Mr. ANFINSON. Because of the convenience of being able to shift money around now that we have combined all of the allowances into one MRA. Mr. PACKARD. Very good. Any questions? I introduced all of the Members as they came in, and I didn't introduce Bill Young, who is Vice Chairman of the committee and long-term member of the subcommittee. We appreciate you being here. ! Mr. Wicker, you've joined us. I apologize. We appreciat Wicker from Mississippi also being with us. Why don't you proceed, then. Mr. FAULKNER. I will submit pages 17 and 18 for the reco [The information follows:] MEMBERS' REPRESENTATIONAL ALLOWANCES (See Pages 40-49 Subcommittee Print) For Members' representational allowances, including Members' clerk hire, official expenses. and official mail, $398,898,000. This request is $38,395,000 greater than the amount enacted for fiscal 1996. The increase is due to the full funding of every Members' estimated FY '97 MRA. In other words, this request shows the potential impact on the House budget if every Member utilized his or her entire MRA during fiscal 1997. Full funding of the MRA includes a prorated FY '97 cost of living adjustment applied to the 1996 personnel portion of the MRA plus an inflation factor for cost of goods and services applied to the 1996 official expenses portion of the MRA. The official mail portion remained unchanged since there are no postal rate changes scheduled during fiscal 1997. It is important to note here that the Committee on House Oversight has authorizing jurisdiction over the amount of funds each Member receives on a legislative year basis. The funds we are requesting would begin on a fiscal year starting October 1, 1996 and support nine months or 3/4 of the calender year 1997 authorization. For this very reason we worked with the House Oversight Committee, received the current MRA total and informed them of the MRA estimates to which we are testifying today. COMMITTEES FY 1997 REQUEST Mr. FAULKNER. We then move on to investigative committees on page 19. This is standing committees, special and select, salaries and expenses of standing committees, special and select, authorized by House resolutions, $80,524,000. This amount represents the second session of the 104th Congress funding, increased by the costof-living adjustments. This request is $1,895,000 or 2.41 percent greater than the amount provided in fiscal year 1996. Once again, Mr. Chairman, we informed the Committee on House Oversight of this amount since they will be creating the 1997 committee funding resolution. The following summary of the primary expense resolution, H. Res. 107 issued by the Committee on House Oversight, gives an illustration of the amounts available to committees in 1995 and 1996. I'll submit pages 19 and 20 for the record. [The information follows:] |