Chart C HIR FY'97 Budget Request How the money is spent. Dollars ($) in Thousands $54,791 Outside Contracting & Services Supplies & Materials Staff Training & Travel *Other: Rent & Utilities $15,434 *Does not include Communications Net Expenses. Purchase $4,094 $14,752 anbb $15,434 Personnel HIR BUDGET OBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS Spending Ceiling - Includes Appropriated Funds and Reimbur: Equipment 2,591,400 1,174,600 -1,416,800 -54.7% Software 560,900 2,919,700 2,358,800 420.5% Lease/Maintenance: 4.581.268 3.969.779 -611.489 -13.3% Equipment 2,776,618 2,026,831 -749,787 -27.0% Software 1,804,550 1,942,948 138,298 7.7% Office 2000 4,000,000 -4,000,000 -100.0% CHART E Chart F HIR FY'97 Budget Request Organizational Allocation Dollars ($) in Thousands Total Funding request, $37,091 Communications Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Estimates Net Telecommunications (Voice and Data) CHART G. * Data networking figmes for FY95 and FY96 me provided for comparison purposes only. These items were in the 111k bulget for these years without the data networking figues, the totals are FY95: $10,453,658 and FY96 $4,016,000. Navember 21, 1995 |