Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

OneCall currently has two employees, a Manager and Service Coordinator. The service cost $86,934 in FY96, and $154,000 has been requested for FY97. Start-up and salary costs of slightly over $10,000 were incurred in the two months of FY'95 that OneCall was operational. The following table summarizes the types of monthly incoming calls.

OneCall.CAO 58000 Helpline Categories and Types of incoming calls:

1. Self-Generated / Special Project Calls: Self-Generated calls require clarification due to the implementation of a new policy or change in an existing one. Special Project calls require information related to extraordinary events.

2. Process Expediting: Process Expediting calls are the nucleus of the OneCall.CAO 58000 Helpline. These are calls which ask: Who does what and how do they do it? And can you please help me? Generally these calls require several additional calls to arrange and follow up to ensure that persons have had their problem resolved.

3. General Inquiries: These arise for many reasons. Many employees do not have or know about various resource publications or on-line information sources. The information they are seeking is not easily found using their resources. Many persons call because they actually don't know who can answer their question, i.e. where to find help, or to locate an entity.

[blocks in formation]

Question. As you know in early December, I expressed concerns about the delay in instituting the annual Combined Federal Campaign for House employees. Provide information showing the proceeds from the Combined Federal Campaign for the past 5 years and for 1995-96. What is your explanation for the difference?


[blocks in formation]

The 1995 campaign showed increases in both the amount contributed and in the number of people contributing over the previous year. This year's contributions and participants were, however, noticeably less than earlier in the decade. This appears to be due to a number of challenges faced by the 1995 campaign in successfully attracting new donors:

There was an 18 percent reduction in the pool of potential contributors.

Over 20 percent of employees were new to government and, accordingly, to the concept of the CFC.

There was a 50 percent turnover in House staff during 1995.

A record number of Members resigned, announced retirement or started campaigns for other offices, giving fewer staff confidence in their ability to contribute over the coming year.


Question. On September 28, 1995, this committee approved a significant reprogramming of funds in support of the Office 2000 project and House telecommunications needs. Please provide a list of what equipment has been procured to date from this reprogramming, and the individual projects at HIR to which it has been assigned.

Response. The Office 2000 reprogramming approved by the Subcommittee on Legislative Appropriations provided funding for computers, printers, servers, and associated equipment has been purchased and distributed per the attached listing. All groups at HIR were provided new equipment to support ongoing operations in customer support communications, mainframe computing, and systems development and integration. Equipment for CAO offices has been delivered to each operating department for assignment to those most in need of updated equipment to complete ongoing business tasks.

The reprogramming included funds to provide one personal computer for each House office to assure accessibility to Office 2000 applications. The first shipment of that equipment will arrive in April with the final deliveries due in July. These funds were also used to purchase site licenses for all House offices to allow for Windows upgrades for the next two years at no additional cost to the office.

The following charts outline communications projects, vendors, cost, items purchased, benefits, and amounts yet to be paid.

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• It is anticipated that this project will not be completed by the end of FY97, therefore, No Year Funding will be requested.

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