July and August 1995, sixty-five CAO management team members each at one of three day and a half courses "Building A Quality Culture" designed ar sented by the CAO. The course covered eight principles of quality manageme the change management steps to implement the principles. From October through February 1996, 435 additional CAO employees attended a four hour of the course covering the eight principles. These courses were presented by employees Gloria Wright-Simmonds, CÃO Project Coordinator, Wendy Younk, tor, Office of Training, and Bill Sturdevant, Deputy Director, Internal Contro Continuous Improvement. All three facilitators have extensive quality manag experience. The course content of "Building A Quality Culture" included: PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1. All work can be defined as a process 2. Customers and Suppliers 3. Expectations and outcomes 4. A successful organization satisfies its customers 5. A successful organization prevents problems before they happen 6. A successful organization constantly seeks to improve 7. A successful organization will reduce avoidable costs 8. A successful organization will be a safe and healthy place to work 1. Show commitment 2. Plan and coordinate 3. Awareness 4. Education STEPS FOR CHANGE MANAGEMENT 5. Apply-measure/cost of quality/problem solve 6. Support and recognize 7. Institutionalize-teams/orientation/communication 8. Continuous improvement-goals/benchmarks/partnerships The cost for the workbooks covering all the above information as presented t 65 managers was $900. The workbooks that covered principles only as present the remaining people were printed by GPO at no cost to the House. In 1996 the remaining CAO employees who have not yet received the four version of "Building A Quality Culture" will receive it. Also, all new CAO empl will receive it as part of their orientation. Other Staff Training since January 1995. -The chart on the following pager vides that information for 1995, giving the name of the employee trained, the and/or description of the course, length of the course and the total cost incl travel. As you requested, HIR in-house training has not been included. The second chart provides the same information, to the extent known at this on the training that has already occurred and/or is anticipated for 1996. The should be considered a "snapshot" of CAO actual and planned training activ of the end of February. Training Budget for FY '97.-The total training budget for fiscal year 18 $838,515. This training requirement is based on the need to achieve continuou cation with rapid moving technology and service in support of the CyberCon Chief Administrative Officer 1995 Training Activities by Office Employee Name Course Title/Description Course Date(s) Internal Controls Kordich Federal Joint Financial Management Improvement Program Simon Simon Peter Senge Seminar "The Learning Organization" 19-Mar 12-May $ 100.00 8-Jun Kordich Executive Equality Management Summit: Business Improvement in and Age of 14-16 Jun Sweetland Federal Quality Institute Annual Conference 31-Jul-3-Aug Sturdevant Kordich Reengineering in the Federal Government 7-Sep Sturdevant Hamner Register Simon Subtotal 5-Oct-6-Oct HIR/Integration Group Aufiero Kelly Woods Chiang Brescia Kimm Albiston Kidd Brady Boyd Daley Third Annual ISO 9000 Conference: Adding Value to Your Business Introduction to Client/Server Technology Powerbuilder Programming Language/Development Three separate classes of two days each: Notes Application Development Notes Technical User 4-Aug 8-Aug 10-Sep-14 Sep 12-Sep-15-Sep 15-Sep-22-Sep |