HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS H. Con. Res. 12 Jan. 6, 2001 MRS. MALONEy of New York; (ADDED APR. 25, 2001) MR. SHAYS, MR. EVANS, MR. FILNER, Mr. Doyle, MR. KLECZKA, MR. FRANK, MRS. MORELLA, Ms. KAPTUR, MR. COSTELLO, MR. STARK, Ms. MCKINNEY, MR. SIMMONS, MS. RIVERS, MR. LIPINSKI, AND MR. KUCINICh; (added May 1, 2001) MR. BLUMENAUER, MS. SANCHEZ, MR. Towns, Ms. SOLIS, AND MR. FARR OF CALIFORNIA; (ADDED JUNE 5, 2001) Ms. BALDWIN; (ADDED JUNE 7, 2001) MR. PAYNE; (ADDED JULY 12, 2001) MR. REYES Honoring The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for its 135 years of service to the people of the United States and their animals. Related bill(s): S. Con. Res. 32, S.Res. 70. (Referred solely to the Committee on Agriculture.) April 9, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Livestock and Horticulture. H. Con. Res. 175 June 27, 2001 MRS. MORELLA, MR. GALLEGLY, AND MR. SHAYS; (ADDED AUG. 2, 2001) MR. HORN, MR. DEFAZIO, MR. WAXMAN, MR. TIERNEY, MR. KUCINICH, Ms. MCKINNEY, MR. MORAN OF VIRGINIA, AND MR. TRAFICANT; (ADDED SEPT. 13, 2001) MRS. LOWEY, MR. MCGOVERN, MR. EVANS, MR. STARK, MR. LANTOS, MRS. JONES OF OHIO, MS. WOOLSEY, MR. OLVER, MR. THOMPSON OF CALIFORNIA, MR. DOYLE, MR. OWENS, MR. KLECZKA, MR. DUNCAN, MS. SCHAKOWSKY, MR. UDALL Of Colorado, and Mr. BLUMENAUER; (added Sept. 28, 2001) MR. QUINN, MR. MCDERMOTT, MS. ESHOO, AND MR. WEINER Expressing the sense of Congress that the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act of 1958 should be fully enforced so as to prevent needless suffering of animals. (Referred solely to the Committee on Agriculture.) July 2, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Livestock and Horticulture. MR. SMITH OF MICHIGAN, MRS. CLAYTON, MR. HOSTETTLER, MR. BARTLETT OF MARYLAND, MR. WATTS OF OKLAHOMA, MR. EHLERS, MR. LEWIS OF KENTUCKY, MR. FLETCHER, MR. GREENWOOD, MR. MANZULLO, MR. GUTKNECHT, MR. BEREUTER, MR. SHAYS, MS. BROWN OF FLOrida, Mr. Hoyer, Mr. PETERSON OF MINNESOTA, MR. PAUL, MR. PITTS, MR. ROHRABACHER, MRS. JO ANN DAVIS OF VIRGINIA, MR. KERNS, MR. FLAKE, MR. CANTOR, MR. ISSA, MRS. NAPOLITANO, MR. BLUMENAUER, MR. Cox, MR. Wu, MR. BARCIA, AND MR. CHABOT Expressing the sense of the Congress that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health and Human Services should work to improve cooperation and eliminate duplication in the area of food safety inspection, and for other purposes. (Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.) November 7, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry. Committee on Agriculture. November 14, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Energy and Commerce. March 18, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on National Parks, May 22, 2002.-Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation, May 22, 2002.-Committee consideration and mark-up held, May 22, 2002.-Ordered reported, as amended, by unanimous consent, Committee on Resources. June 11, 2002.-Reported to House, as amended, by Committee on Resources, H. Rept. 107-502, Part I. July 22, 2002.-Called up by House under suspension of rules. July 22, 2002.-Resolution agreed to in House, as amended, by voice vote. July 23, 2002.-Received in the Senate. July 23, 2002.-Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. |