SPECIALTY CROPS AND FOREIGN AGRICULTURE PROGRAMS (Ratio 10-9) Jurisdiction: Peanuts; sugar; tobacco; honey and bees; marketing orders relating to such commodities; foreign agricultural assistance and trade promotion programs, generally. CONSERVATION, CREDIT, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, AND RESEARCH (Ratio 9-8) Jurisdiction: Soil, water, and resource conservation; small watershed programs; agricultural credit; rural development; rural electrification; energy and biobased energy production; farm security and family farming matters; agricultural research, education and extension services. JURISDICTION OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RULE X ESTABLISHMENT AND JURISDICTION OF STANDING COMMITTEES The Committees and Their Jurisdiction 1. There shall be in the House the following standing committees, each of which shall have the jurisdiction and related functions assigned to it by this clause and clauses 2, 3, and 4; and all bills, resolutions, and other matters relating to subjects within the jurisdiction of any standing committee as listed in this clause shall (in accordance with and subject to clause 5) be referred to such committees, as follows: * (a) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE (1) Adulteration of seeds, insect pests, and protection of birds and animals in forest reserves. (2) Agriculture generally. (3) Agricultural and industrial chemistry. (4) Agricultural colleges and experiment stations. (5) Agricultural economics and research. (6) Agricultural education extension services. (7) Agricultural production and marketing and stabilization of prices of agricultural products, and commodities (not including distribution outside of the United States). (8) Animal industry and diseases of animals. (9) Commodity exchanges. (10) Crop insurance and soil conservation. (11) Dairy industry. (12) Entomology and plant quarantine. (13) Extension of farm credit and farm security. (14) Inspection of livestock, poultry, meat products, and seafood products. (15) Forestry in general, and forest reserves other than those created from the public domain. (16) Human nutrition and home economics. (17) Plant industry, soils, and agricultural engineering. (18) Rural electrification. (19) Rural development. (20) Water conservation related to activities of the Department of Agriculture. Chronological list of meetings of the Full Committee Subcommittee on Conservation Credit, Rural Development, and Research Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry.... Subcommittee on General Farm Comodities and Risk Management.. Number of bills and resolutions referred to this Committee during 107th Congress-267 |