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Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Idaho, relative to Senate Joint Memorial 109 memorializing the United States Congress to support safeguards to prevent movement of Foot and Mouth Disease on persons, on other animals not directly susceptible to the virus but which could be passive carriers, and on inanimate objects; and we support a moratorium on all imports of cloven-hoofed animals and products thereof, for a period of three years or until importers can prove that clovenhoofed animals and products thereof are free of Foot and Mouth Disease for the protection of the American livestock



May 1, 2001

Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Idaho, relative to Senate Joint Memorial 104 memorializing the United States Congress in the interest of protecting the integrity and posterity of our forest and wild lands, wildlife habitat, watershed, air quality, human health and safety, and private property, the U.S. Forest Service and other federal land management agencies must immediately implement a cohesive strategy to reduce the overabundance of forest fuels that place these resources at high risk of catastrophic wildfire.


May 2, 2001

Memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Arkansas, relative to House Concurrent Resolution memorializing the United States Congress to take all reasonable action necessary to provide adequate and timely funding to the federal agencies responsible for the treatment and restoration work on damaged forestlands in Arkansas.


May 14, 2001

Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Washington, relative to Senate Joint Resolution 8019 memorializing the Secretary of Agriculture to review the department's policies regarding the conservation reserve enhancement program and alter those policies to allow the inclusion in the program of lands that are currently used to produce perennial horticultural crops.

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