PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATIONS AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS OF INTEREST Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on Emergency Appropriations and Allocation of Emergency Response Funds. March 20, 2002. Statement on the Klamath River Basin Federal Working Group. Remarks on Trade Promotion Authority Legislation and Exten- Remarks on Signing the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act Presidential Proclamation. World Trade Week, 2002. Proclamation No. 7564. May 17, 2002. Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report of the Commodity Credit Corporation. June 4, 2002. Remarks at the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. June 7, 2002. Remarks on Signing the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation to Letter on the National Strategy for Homeland Security. July 16, 2002. Remarks on signing the Trade Act of 2002. August 6, 2002. Remarks on the Healthy Forests Initiative in Ruch, Oregon. Radio address regarding wildfire season. August 24, 2002. Statement on proposed legislation to implement the Healthy Presidential Proclamation. National Forest Products Week, 2002. Proclamation No. 7613. October 18, 2002. Presidential Proclamation. To Implement the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act. Proclamation No. 7616. October 31, 2002. Executive Order, Delegation of Certain Authorities and Assignment of Certain Functions under the Trade Act of 2002. Örder No. 13277. November 19, 2002. Remarks on signing the Homeland Security Act of 2002. November 25, 2002. Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Reorganization Plan for the Department of Homeland Security. November 25, 2002. Remarks at the Capital Area Food Bank, Washington, D.C. WATERSHED PROJECTS BUENA VISTA WATERSHED PROPOSAL, Buena Vista, June 2, 2000.-Referred to Subcommittee on Conservation, November 14, 2001.-Open hearing, Subcommittee on Conser- November 15, 2001.-Open business meeting, Full Committee. |