MR. POMEROY, MR. THUNE, AND MR. UDALL OF NEW MEXICO; (ADDED MAR. 27, 2001) MS. HOOLEY OF OREGON; (ADDED MAR. 29, 2001) MR. DEFAZIO; (ADDED APR. 4, 2001) MR. MCHUGH; (ADDED APR. 24, 2001) MRS. EMERSON, MR. OBERSTAR, MR. LATOURETTE, MR. HINCHEY, MS. DELAUro, Mr. SANDERS, MRS. LOWEY, MR. BALDACCI, MR. GEORGE MILLER OF CALIFORNIA, MS. KAPTUR, AND MS. MCKINNEY; (added Apr. 26, 2001) MRS. THURMAN; (ADDED MAY 10, 2001) MR. Rehberg; (ADDED JUNE 6, 2001) MR. BERRY, MR. BLUNT, MR. BRYANT, MR. WELDON OF FLORIDA, AND MRS. CUBIN; (ADDED JUNE 7, 2001) MR. STRICKLAND, MR. SHOWS, MR. TURNER, AND MR. BARCIA; (ADDED JUNE 12, 2001) MR. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY, AND MR. HERGER; (ADDED JUNE 19, 2001) MR. Ross; (added JUNE 25, 2001) MR. BONIOR; (ADDED JULY 12, 2001) Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, AND MR. BARR OF GEORGIA; (ADDED JULY 18, 2001) MR. PICKERING Mar. 21, 2001 MR. PETERSON OF MINNESOTA, MS. BALDWIN, MR. H.R. 1155-Continued MR. LATOURETTE; (ADDED MAY 2, 2001) MR. RAMSTAD, MR. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA, MR. DOOLEY OF CALIFORNIA, MS. DELAURO, AND MR. OBERSTAR; (ADDED MAY 8, 2001) MR. TOM DAVIS OF VIRGINIA, Ms. LEE, MR. ABERCROMBIE, AND MR. COYNE; (ADDED MAY 10, 2001) MR. GIBBONS, MR. HEFLEY, MR. LARSON OF CONNECTICUT, AND MS. ESHOO; (ADDED MAY 16, 2001) MR. MENENDEZ, AND MS. PELOSI; (ADDED MAY 25, 2001) MR. GOODLATTE, MR. MEEKS OF NEW YORK, MR. SHIMKUS, MR. BROWN OF OHIO, MR. GUTIERREZ, MS. JACKSON-LEE OF TEXAS, MRS. NAPOLITANO, AND MS. DEGETTE; (ADDED JUNE 14, 2001) MR. WAXMAN, MRS. BONO, Ms. LOFGREN, MR. LOBIONDO, MR. MATSUI, MR. HOBSON, MR. PLATTS, MR. BONIOR, MR. LAHOOD, AND MR. HONDA; (ADDED JULY 11, 2001) MR. RUSH, MR. MCDERMOTT, MR. MARKEY, MS. KAPTUR, MR. DAVIS OF ILLINOIS, MS. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON OF TEXAS, MRS. MEEK OF FLORIDA, AND MR. TOOMEY; (ADDED JULY 25, 2001) MRS. DAVIS OF CALIFORNIA, MR. REHBERG, MR. SAWYER, MR. THOMPSON OF MISSISSIPPI, MR. SIMMONS, AND MR. LANGEVIN; (ADDED AUG. 2, 2001) MS. VELAZQUEZ, MR. FORD, MR. OWENS, AND MRS. CLAYTON; (ADDED SEPT. 13, 2001) MR. HILLIARD, MR. ISRAEL, MR. FERGUSON, MR. KELLER, AND MR. JOHNSON OF ILLINOIS; (added OCT. 3, 2001) MR. NUSSLE, MR. LARSEN OF WASHINGTON, AND MRS. BIGGERT; (ADDED Nov. 7, 2001) MR. HANSEN; (ADDED DEC. 6, 2001) Ms. WATERS; (ADDED DEC. 19, 2001) MS. SOLIS, AND MR. SUNUNU; (ADDED FEB. 12, 2002) Ms. MCCOLLUM; (Added Feb. 28, 2002) MR. TIBERI; (ADDED JUNE 20, 2002) MRS. JO ANN DAVIS OF VIRGINIA; (ADDED JULY 18, 2002) MR. LINDER; (ADDED JULY 26, 2002) Ms. HARMAN To amend the Animal Welfare Act to strike the limitation that permits interstate movement of live birds, for the purpose of fighting, to States in which animal fighting is lawful. Related bill(s): S. 345. Supersedes H.R. 1275, 106th Congress. (Referred solely to the Committee on Agriculture.) March 29, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Livestock and Horticulture. May 15, 2001.-Executive comment requested from USDA. MR. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY, MR. PITTS, MR. MALONEY OF CONNECTICUT, MR. GILMAN, MRS. MORELLA, MR. HINCHEY, MR. DELAHUNT, MR. TRAFICANT, MR. WOLF, MR. TOWNS, AND MR. SAXTON; (ADDED Mar. 29, 2001) MR. MCNULTY, MR. OBERSTAR, MR. BALDACCI, AND MR. MCHUGH; (ADDED APR. 4, 2001) MR. NADLER; (ADDED MAY 8, 2001) Ms. KAPTUR, MR. WALSH, AND MR. KILDEE; (ADDED MAY 24, 2001) MR. PLATTS, AND MRS. ROUKEMA; (ADDED JUNE 5, 2001) MR. PALLONE, MRS. KELLY, MR. WELDON OF PENNSYLVANIA, MR. HILLIARD, AND MR. HOLDEN; (added June 6, 2001) MR. SIMMONS, MR. JACKSON OF ILLINOIS, AND MR. LOBIONDO; (ADDED JUNE 12, 2001) MR. PASCRELL, MR. LANTOS, MR. GRUCCI, MRS. MCCARTHY OF NEW YORK, MRS. JONES OF OHIO, MR. PAYNE, AND MR. LANGEVIN; (ADDED JUNE 13, 2001) MR. OWENS; (ADDED JULY 10, 2001) MRS. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. HOOLEY OF OREGON, AND MR. FARR OF CALIFORNIA; (ADDED JULY 19, 2001) Ms. MCCOLLUM, AND MR. BORSKI; (ADDED JULY 23, 2001) MR. KING; (ADDED JULY 25, 2001) MR. BEREUTER; (ADDED SEPT. 5, 2001) MR. BARCIA, MR. MASCARA, MR. FILNER, MR. SHAYS, MR. REYNOLDS, MR. BERMAN, AND MR. FERGUSON; (ADDED SEPT. 6, 2001) Ms. WoOLSEY; (ADDED SEPT. 10, 2001) Ms. LOFGREN; (ADDED SEPT. 20, 2001) MR. WAXMAN; (ADDED OCT. 2, 2001) MR. ANDREWS, AND MR. THOMPSON OF CALIFORNIA; (ADDED OCT. 5, 2001) MR. KENNEDY OF RHODE ISLAND; (ADDED OCT. 9, 2001) MR. EHRLICH, AND MR. BONIOR; (ADDED OCT. 11, 2001) MR. BAIRD; (ADDED OCT. 16, 2001) MR. TOOMEY; (ADDED Nov. 8, 2001) MR. GEKAS, MRS. THURMAN, AND MS. ROYBAL-ALLARD To establish a program to provide for a reduction in the incidence and prevalence of Lyme disease. "Lyme Disease Initiative of 2001." (Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, Resources, and Agriculture.) April 16, 2001.-Referred to the Subcommittee on Health, Com- April 23, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Conservation, Mar. 28, 2001 H.R. 1382 MR. OTTER, MR. HANSEN, MR. YOUNG OF ALASKA, MR. To help ensure general aviation aircraft access to Federal land and to the airspace over that land. "Backcountry Landing Strip Access Act." Related bill(s): S. 681. (Referred to the Committee on Resources, and in addition to the Committees on Agriculture, and Transportation and Infrastructure.) April 4, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Aviation, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. April 17, 2001.-Executive comment requested from USDA and Interior, Committee on Resources. April 17, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation, and Public Lands; and Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, Committee on Resources. April 23, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry. Committee on Agriculture. Apr. 3, 2001 MR. UDALL OF COLORADO; (ADDED MAY 9, 2001) Ms. MCKINNEY; (ADDED JUNE 13, 2001) Ms. SANCHEZ; (ADDED JUNE 19, 2001) MR. PAYNE, AND MR. BAIRD; (ADDED JUNE 20, 2001) MR. BLUMENAUER; (ADDED JULY 10, 2001) MR. MCDERMOTT, AND MR. THOMPSON OF CALIFORNIA; (ADDED JULY 25, 2001) MR. PRICE OF NORTH CAROLINA; (ADDED SEPT. 5, 2001) MR. Waxman; (addED MAY 8, 2002) MRS. DAVIS OF CALIFORNIA; (ADDED JULY 12, 2002) MR. GEORGE MILLER OF CALIFORNIA To authorize increased fines for improper use of vehicles that results in damage to public lands or national forests, and for other purposes. "Responsible Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement and Response Act." (Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and in addition to the Committees on Resources, and the Judiciary.) April 13, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry. Committee on Agriculture. April 17, 2001.-Executive comment requested from USDA and Interior, Committee on Resources. April 17, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation, and Public Lands; and Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, Committee on Resources. April 19, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 1408 MR. GANSKE; (ADDED APR. 24, 2001) MR. LUCAS OF OKLAHOMA, MRS. CLAYTON, MR. THOMPSON OF MISSISSIPPI, MR. BERRY, MR. BALDACCI, MR. SHIMKUS, MR. SKELTON, AND MR. HILLIARD; (ADDED MAY 1, 2001) Ms. RIVERS, MR. FOLEY, MR. HINOJOSA, MR. MORAN OF KANSAS, MRS. EMERSON, MR. JOHNSON OF ILLINOIS, MR. POMEROY, MRS. THURMAN, MR. SIMMONS, MR. GIBBONS, MR. KOLBE, AND MR. PICKERING; (ADDED MAY 9, 2001) MR. CLEMENT, MR. ISAKSON, MR. CHAMBLISS, MR. CLYBURN, AND MR. ROEMER; (added May 22, 2001) MR. DEFAZIO, MR. HULSHOF, MR. BLUMENAUER, AND MR. BLUNT; (ADDED JUNE 5, 2001) MR. FROST, MR. UDALL OF COLORADO, MR. BOSWELL, Ms. BALDWIN, AND MR. HAYES; (added June 14, 2001) MR. LUCAS OF KENTUCKY, AND MR. LATHAM; (ADDED JUNE 19, 2001) Ms. MCCOLLUM, MR. NETHERCUTT, MRS. MYRICK, MR. GRAVES, Ms. HOOLEY OF OREGON, AND MR. SANDERS; (ADDED JUNE 25, 2001) MR. TURNER, MRS. JONES OF OHIO, MR. PETERSON OF PENNSYLVANIA, MR. PRICE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MR. OSBORNE, AND MR. ETHERIDGE; (ADDED JULY 10, 2001) MR. SOUDER, MR. COOKSEY, MR. GREENWOOD, AND MR. HOEFFEL; (ADDED JULY 19, 2001) MR. SCHAFFER; (ADDED JULY 25, 2001) MR. GILCHREST; (ADDED AUG. 1, 2001) MR. LEACH; (ADDED SEPT. 14, 2001) MR. OBERSTAR To authorize funding for the National 4-H Program Centennial Initiative. Related bill(s): S. 657. (Referred solely to the Committee on Agriculture.) April 9, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Rural Development, and Research. Apr. 4, 2001 MR. ROGERS OF MICHIGAN, MR. OXLEY, MRS. KELLY, MR. BACHUS, AND MR. TIBERI; (ADDED APR. 25, 2001) MR. SHOWS, AND MR. SHERMAN; (ADDED MAY 3, 2001) MR. CANTOR, AND MR. HOBSON; (Added MAY 8, 2001) MR. GILLMOR, MR. NEY, AND MRS. ROUKEMA; (Added May 16, 2001) Ms. KILPATRICK, MR. WELDON OF FLORIDA, AND MRS. BIGGERT; (ADDED MAY 23, 2001) MR. NORWOOD; (ADDED JULY 18, 2001) MR. KING, AND MR. CHAMBLIss; (added JULY 25, 2001) MRS. NORTHUP, AND MS. PRYCE OF Ohio; (added JULY 26, 2001) MR. CRAMER To safeguard the public from fraud in the financial services industry, to streamline and facilitate the antifraud informationsharing efforts of Federal and State regulators, and for other purposes. "Financial Services Antifraud Network Act of 2001.” (Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committees on the Judiciary, and Agriculture.) April 13, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Rural Development, and Research. Committee on Agriculture. April 13, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. Committee on Agricul ture. April 19, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the Judiciary. April 30, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit; and Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises, Committee on Financial Services. June 14, 2001.-Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises granted an extension by the Chairman, ending not later than June 22, 2001. June 22, 2001.-Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises discharged. June 27, 2001.-Ordered reported, as amended, by voice vote, Committee on Financial Services. July 31, 2001.-Letter from Chairman Combest to Chairman Oxley waiving consideration of the bill by the Committee on Agriculture. August 1, 2001.-Letter from Chairman Oxley to Chairman Combest acknowledging the Committee on Agriculture's jurisdictional interest. August 2, 2001.-Committee on Agriculture granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than August 2, 2001. August 2, 2001.-Committee on Agriculture discharged by unanimous consent. August 2, 2001.-Committee on the Judiciary granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than September 14, 2001. August 2, 2001.-Reported to the House, as amended, by Committee on Financial Services, H. Rept. 107-192, Part I. September 14, 2001.-Committee on the Judiciary granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than October 5, 2001. October 5, 2001.-Committee on the Judiciary granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than October 12, 2001. October 9, 2001.-Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the |